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  1. Game Over

    What happened to WWE?

    Hey Bdiamond, most telling of how much WWE's booking is BS is how they screwed Zack Ryder during his own hot stretch (which he EARNED by HIS OWN extra effort).
  2. Game Over

    What happened to WWE?

    Real talk is real. And while this article emphasizes Oct '99 as a pivot date for the company (when it went "public"), by my own observation as a fan, WWE didn't start truly going downhill until April '05 (when Cena first won...
  3. Game Over

    What happened to WWE?

    When John Cena gave not a single f**k.
  4. Game Over

    What happened to WWE?

    What you see is how things progress for the worst when a company no longer has direct competition fighting them for viewers and buyrates. Acquiring WCW (and ECW, for that matter) was both the best and worst thing to happen to WWE. They have LOADS of talent available to them, but have grown far...
  5. Game Over


    What happened to TxSF? Has Harada's troll powers now exceeded those of Ono? lol
  6. Game Over

    Killer Instinct Thread

    Spinal for "Best Troll Character of the Game" so far? lol
  7. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    Nintendo Considering Merger Or Acquisition [title slightly misleading]
  8. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    Go with the system that will give you more of the games you want. Or if you need to see more updates before deciding, wait.
  9. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    Nintendo Slumps Amid Pressure to Exit Hardware
  10. Game Over

    Peyton Manning With The Best Audible Call Ever!!

    Peyton Manning Calls Hilarious New Audible, Shouts ‘Bags Montana Fat Man’ in AFC Championship Game (GIF) Seriously, LOL!!! Best QB ever!!! And this just adds to what HAS to eventually become a new meme by the spamming of "OMAHA" against the Chargers!
  11. Game Over

    Life, The Universe, and Everything (feat. Neil deGrasse Tyson)

    Not sure how many NdT fans we have here, but this man is inspiring in EVERY clip of content I see him in! And I have to wonder if plenty more teachers around the country were as knowledgeable, passionate, and considerate as this man, if maybe we (as a nation) would not be slipping as much as we...
  12. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    Opinion – Microsoft Is Going To Have A Hard Time Supporting The 360
  13. Game Over

    FSD Awards (2013)

    LOL, the Royal Rumble sucks now! As does pretty much everything WWE does nowadays.
  14. Game Over

    If you missed out on PS3, now is the best time to get one!

    The turnaround is no surprise to me. The only surprise is just how long it took. Sony has pretty much always had the better platform for success in the market ever since PS1. They simply got too cocky and "cute" with the PS3, shooting themselves in the foot at the beginning with the...
  15. Game Over

    WTFLOL Games (Japan World Cup 3)

    Just happened upon a video of this game!! WTFLOL was my reaction! Post/comment on this and other similarly messed up, hilarious, and hilariously messed up games.
  16. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    What's the problem? Articles can provide new topics for discussion based on updates to current events/news/progress/etc. And, for example, links to articles can help keep a person from sounding like they are pulling numbers from their *** when making a post about something like sales numbers...
  17. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    That'll probably happen soon. lol "User turns on Xbox. Xbox pops a disc."
  18. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    User Gets Physical With Broken Xbox One And It Starts Working
  19. Game Over

    Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all

    Microsoft Matches PS4 Sales With 1 Million Xbox Ones In 24 Hours, But Takes 11 More Countries To Do It Meanwhile, Nintendo has sold just over 3.9M Wii U units so far this year.