Final Fantasy Thread


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Lol, this bug is funny:

Well, not if it happens to you and you are stuck there. ;)

On another and more important note:

There will be one more celebrational Active Time Report before the game releases!


@Jadeinchains are u ready this time? ;__;
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Well-Known Member
half the time it lets me, half the time it doesn't, haf the time im getting teleported somewhere, 100% of the time im confused

i think im just going to walk.
In the Demo it doesnt let you drive during the day(you can in the full game however), only Noct can drive at night also.

When you press the touch pad or whatever the xbox one is called, the first two options teleport you, first option teleports you to your last camp/hotel etc. second option teleports you to the car.

If you mean getting teleported after choosing a location to drive to then thats just fast travel.


Well-Known Member
Lol yes I swear I'll be ready this time to see the final one!
I'm sure these glitches and bugs will be fixed in the final version as well so that's good.

( PS off topic but I just came back from a driving test and I feel like I could pass out from stress! )


Well-Known Member
They are making the fans do some of the bug testing :V

Also off topic, but has anyone here played Live-A-Live or listened to its OST? That's another overlooked, Japan only gem from Squaresoft from the 90s. Thankfully, it got a full translation!
It's one of Shimomura's most popular works in Japan, and I think it might be my favorite.

Back on topic, Shimomura was the composer for XIII Versus because initally the game pretty much was Kingdom Hearts without Disney in a more realistic and dark setting: the director was Nomura, the art style was similar, Noctis sat on the throne like Sora does on the KH OST cover, the gameplay was very similar... Now add Yoko Shimomura's music and you understand what I mean.

She carried over to FFXV due to her being the composer of Versus, like many other things in XIII versus carrting over XV.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol yes I swear I'll be ready this time to see the final one!
I'm sure these glitches and bugs will be fixed in the final version as well so that's good.

The bugs aren't that bad, really. At least not compared to other open-world games. The Witcher 3 was a total bug and glitch fest when it released. It took many patches and months to stabilise it. We were lucky we played it months later.
I didn't come across any bugs in the demo by the way and other people also haven't come across any in their playthrough.

(PS off topic but I just came back from a driving test and I feel like I could pass out from stress! )

You can do this! :D
When I visit you in Scotland you can drive me around the countryside. I want to go there:


Yes, that's from Skyfall. :)

Also some awesome new gifs:



The water puddle really freezes. O:
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Well-Known Member
I see many say they haven't met any bugs, so obviously others are just trying to make things more dramatic and doomed than they actually are.

Only the negatives are accentuated.
Personally I find it impressive that they could do so much in their additional time after the delay. Now let's see if the game really is Boy Band Simulator XV or a dignified title in the series to help it regain the respect it once had before RAITONINGU CHAN, TORIYAMA'S WAIFU threw it down the used games bin.


Well-Known Member
The bugs aren't that bad, really. At least not compared to other open-world games. The Witcher 3 was a total bug and glitch fest when it released. It took many patches and months to stabilise it. We were lucky we played it months later.
I didn't come across any bugs in the demo by the way and other people also haven't come across any in their playthrough.

You can do this! :D
When I visit you in Scotland you can drive me around the countryside. I want to go there:


Yes, that's from Skyfall. :)

Also some awesome new gifs:



The water puddle really freezes. O:

Yeah there wasn't really wasn't any glitches I had to see in Witcher 3 besides the horse being crazy at times. And yeah I'm not expecting glitches and stuff in FFXV though if there's random ones here and there I won't be bothered.

Also thanks! :) I'm hoping I get my Licence as soon as possible! That would be cool! And the countryside really is gorgeous!

And nice gifs, that enemy looks crazy like a weird Trex type thing? And the way the magic works in this game is beautiful, I like the effort they put into making it affect the world.


Well-Known Member
You blame Lightning but there were WAAAY worse characters in FF before XIII and even then Lightning isn't the worst character in XIII to begin with that honour goes to Snow hes just as insufferable through out all 3 games.

Hope atleast gets better and becomes likable, Snow showed promise in LR but completely fucks it up when you actually meet him for real....


Well-Known Member
XIII Snow: I need to get Serah back I'll do anything to get her back!! *Sexual tension with Lightning*

XIII-2 Snow: ok bye Serah I'm leaving to find Lightning u stay here

LR Snow: *extreme sexual tension with Lightning again other than that idk I didn't get very far in this*

Honestly Snow and Lightning would have been a much better pairing than Snow and Serah :/


Premium Donor
Hope was always likeable, people just bitch because they call him whiny and annoying when he's only like 14 years old, how else is he supposed to act when he's constantly in danger and has little battle experience? I'm indifferent to Snow, worst characters imo are those I don't like or have no interest in.


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Hope was always likeable, people just bitch because they call him whiny and annoying when he's only like 14 years old, how else is he supposed to act when he's constantly in danger and has little battle experience?.
That's not why people hated him.

He's a low-key pimp who had the hots for Lightning, and people were jelly that he was the one she probably opened up to the most... *mumble mumble*


Well-Known Member
Hope was always likeable, people just bitch because they call him whiny and annoying when he's only like 14 years old, how else is he supposed to act when he's constantly in danger and has little battle experience? I'm indifferent to Snow, worst characters imo are those I don't like or have no interest in.
Thats not why Hope was terrible what made Hope insufferable was how he just kept going on about his Mom being killed by Snow(which isn't even the case) jumping to conclusions and how he just acts like an angsty teen through out 70% of the game towards Snow.

It isn't until he actually hears Snows side of what actually happens that he's like "oh... sorry" and becomes an Adult that Hope becomes cool.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the characters from XIII most of the time and out of all the characters I guess I'd say Hope and Snow get the most hate.

Hope, I feel thew same way about him Kasumi does, he's a kid that just had his mum die and then had to go on an adventure so I'm not surprised he's upset. Though I will say that went on for a long time.

And Snow, Yeah he can be annoying at times and him never shutting up about Serah is annoying. ( and then him leaving her in XIII-2 )
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Isn't Snow suppose to be FFXIII's Seifer in Troy Baker VA but more towards a hero?

Either way, FFXIII's cast isn't particularly grand on the scale. Some of those characters put people to sleep. Why is it that when I come to these threads, people are far more interested in characters more closely tied to drama rather than a character evolving in the series or ones that take a Final Fantasy role serious?


Well-Known Member
You blame Lightning but there were WAAAY worse characters in FF before XIII and even then Lightning isn't the worst character in XIII to begin with that honour goes to Snow hes just as insufferable through out all 3 games.

Hope atleast gets better and becomes likable, Snow showed promise in LR but completely fucks it up when you actually meet him for real....

Oh, no, that's not the problem. Lightning is more like a symbol.
Consider that through all of last gen the only mainline games we got were starring her and some people were really, really tired of her, her world and Toriyama's love for her. Consider his really embarrassing Lightning Returns presentation with the roses. Consider the corridor.

It's okay to like XIII, but denying it isn't what made people skeptical (along with XII and I love XII) is a bit... Ehh.

Did you know they are considering making new games starring her?


Well-Known Member
When I first played XIII-2 I wanted Serah to leave Snow and just end up with Noel cause I hate the Snow and Serah pair, it's not even a pair imo, they don't act like a couple at all and indeed, it doesn't look right .
I also hate Snow as a character and wanted Hope to really kill him. As for Hope, yeah he was annoying at first but he was fine after chapter 7.
Also, I never though I would say it, but even Lightning was a pretty good character after all, I really liked her character in some cutscenes (both in XIII and LR) and in general her character development (XIII).
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Premium Donor
Thats not why Hope was terrible what made Hope insufferable was how he just kept going on about his Mom being killed by Snow(which isn't even the case) jumping to conclusions and how he just acts like an angsty teen through out 70% of the game towards Snow.

It isn't until he actually hears Snows side of what actually happens that he's like "oh... sorry" and becomes an Adult that Hope becomes cool.
Uh no, that's justified imo. If you killed my mother I wouldn't let you hear the end of it either. Teens take things way harder than adults do, that's part of his character. Even if he wasn't exactly spot on saying Snow killed his mother you still have to understand that, losing your mother is one of the most painful things a teen can go through, especially if the man you believe killed her is traveling in the same you are, he probably would've killed Snow if he could actually stand a chance. I actually preferred LR Hope imo, I read on the wikia that his mind somehow changed into something darker and that he was a shell of his old self, I found that very intriguing since mentally and physically broken characters are amongst my favorite types but I'm not sure if that's the case...I read his wikia a few months ago.

But anyway I think his tension against Snow was justified, that's Snow's fault for not explaining sooner and he brought that tension upon himself by not being a man and explaining sooner. XD

And no way Awesmic. XD Hope can do better than Lightning, I ship him with Vanille, I don't really like Lightning.
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Well-Known Member
Lightning, Caius and Oerba Yun Fang are really the only characters I like and even then Lightning is only cool in XIII shes practices non existent without paid DLC in XIII-2 and in LR they made some excuse of removing her emotions for plot reasons and she basically just becomes Cloud even more.

VIIs characters arent exactly engaging either, Cloud is this non caring OP experiment that is still basically the same even after being saved from Mako poisoning by Tifa and somehow gets worse, Aerith doesnt even get a chance to develop enough to care about her death, Sephiroth has a mental breakdown and becomes an obsessive mamas boy, Vincent is an angsty teen vampire set on revenge, Yuffie is semi likable due to her shenanigans and I really liked her post Aerith death scene, Barret has some deep regrets but outside of the one boss battle and scene where he relives the traumatic moment hes just a Mr T stereotype...

I could go on but I'd be here all day, needless to say my favourite VII characters were Zack, Yuffie and Tifa.

X so far is the only FF that I liked most of the characters
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No more games of Lightning. I'm good. If there is lack of female representative for a main character, then make someone like Terra or whatever something new.

Whether it's a male or female main role, if the game is good then it's good.