Final Fantasy Thread


Premium Donor
Honestly if they added backwards compatibility to PS4 instead of janking around I'd sell my ps3. Christmas is almost here so time to hit my aunt up for a copy of this game, and she should have me set for Persona 5 and Tekken 7 too. :-D


Well-Known Member
Lightning, Caius and Oerba Yun Fang are really the only characters I like and even then Lightning is only cool in XIII shes practices non existent without paid DLC in XIII-2 and in LR they made some excuse of removing her emotions for plot reasons and she basically just becomes Cloud even more.
Lightning has always been an expy of what Nomura thinks Cloud is, as you implied. But certainly she lacks the subleties of Cloud and his character development. A character development akin to a spiral going downwards until it hits rock bottom, and then at least tries to get back up.

VIIs characters arent exactly engaging either,
I'd love to know in detail what's unengaging about Cloud's delusions and lies. Few games have done this, especially JRPGs. Or what's unengaging about Aeris' humor and wit. Or Barret's growth as somebody who thought he was always right only to admit that he, too, failed.

Cloud is this non caring OP experiment that is still basically the same even after being saved from Mako poisoning by Tifa and somehow gets worse,
Cloud is non caring? He always tried to care even when everything went to shit. He can be a puppet to Sephiroth and Jenova, how do you expect him to trust himself?
But even after that how many times did he try to get up? If anything is will despite his crippling depression is astounding. He got his abdomend pierced by the Masamune and still managed to throw Sephiroth inside the reactor's pit, and lived through it only thanks to delusions.
Yet he still cared and wanted his own life and self control back.

If anybody says "but Advent Children!", I'm talking ONLY about FFVII without any added Compilation games.

Aerith doesnt even get a chance to develop enough to care about her death,
Aeris does not develop much but she is still an impressive character, simply because she knows she has a lot on her shoulders and yet does not tell the others to not worry anyone.
Her intelligence and deep understanding of emotions give a lot to the game and her will to go on is impressive.
She is mature (much more mature than Cloud), yet humorous. She also is far less pure than people think. One would think she is incredibly usual but honestly, there is nothing usual in convincing a shop keeper that Cloud is into crossdressing in -that- way just to get an ugly purple outfit.
She certainly has her own story and her own motives, and her death is important to Cloud and to the player.
You could remove Cloud and Zack from her and yet you could still have her character goal (performing Holy to stop Meteor).

Sephiroth has a mental breakdown and becomes an obsessive mamas boy,
At this point any character, any story, anything can be described poorly as this and made sound like it's the lamest thing ever.
Sephiroth is far from my favorite VII character and very far from my favorite villain, but he is still scary and that' something a villain should evoke. The scenes about him are brilliant and the game is an escalation of how terrifying he can be, ever since he killed Shinra's president and stole Jenova's body.
What's not scary about a psychotic mama's boy? But I will say that, in the original game, he is very underdeveloped.

Vincent is an angsty teen vampire set on revenge,
Vincent shows Hojo's usual work with his story. You can play the story without him but he adds a lot of interesting side information, on Sephiroth and on Hojo, things that feel gratifying as a player who wants to know more.
He is a nice extra, reducing him to an angsty vampire is rather lame, but he certainly not on the level of the core characters by default.

Yuffie is semi likable due to her shenanigans and I really liked her post Aerith death scene,
Yuffie could be cut from the game and nothing of value to the main story would be lost. She is comic relief but even Cait Sith holds more importance than her.

Barret has some deep regrets but outside of the one boss battle and scene where he relives the traumatic moment hes just a Mr T stereotype...
Uhh... So basically you did not give any importance to Barret's character arc from the start of the game to the end game.
He starts as this brash man who has no doubts in his beliefs, and slowly starts to understand that a grown person such as himself could be wrong.
Even near the endgame he has deep conversations. If you can only see his !#?!?# dialogue, then I dunno what to say.

I could go on but I'd be here all day, needless to say my favourite VII characters were Zack, Yuffie and Tifa.
So basically a guy we know very few of, a cute looking comic relief and a bombshell who is everyone's ideal woman... Somebody who cares about you unconditionally and goes inside the lifestream itself to save you.
Nothing against Tifa but if you remove Cloud her character is nothing. She is Cloud's light, and that's why it's easy to like her.

I just don't have this nostalgic delusion of VII/VIII being godlike standard of FF games, VII is mediocre at best with way too many sequelsand gets milked to hell and back.
I have no nostalgic delusions. I first played it in 2014 because I wanted to try this highly controversial game.
It's far from perfect, but it does a lot of things right, it's very original (ecology, in my JRPGS???) and not many understand its qualities after the Complications ruined Cloud and the game's world.
Nobody thinks of the Gold Saucer or the more colorful and weird parts of the game, but everybody remembers Advent Children's gloomy shit.

Honestly many people judge it harshly and because Square shoved it down everyone's throat (much like your Lightningfu :^) ). After playing it myself I saw an ambitious game with flaws but also really good parts and a lot of Square-quality humor, atmosphere and feelings.

It's the game that convinced me to try a game for myself before really judging it, because before I listened to FFVI fanboys who hate it and Xenogears fanboys who loathe it. I saw too many people put it down JUST BECAUSE it was popular, JUST BECAUSE everyone loved Cloud, and I still see them to this day.

I much prefer other JRPGs and other games from Square, but it's far from being mediocre, imo.
Yes, it came out at the right place and at the right time, but even if, say, it was FFVI who made JRPGs popular and dandy, VII would still be highly regarded by core fans.


Well-Known Member
I plan on playing VII at some point! I'm still not sure If I'll wait until the remake or play it before or after the remake? I also plan on playing VIII as well and there's others I'd like to play as well. I'm not sure which one I'd go for first?


Well-Known Member
Zack for best FFVII character. Just go play Crisis Core and you can agree too.
Then he is the best Crisis Core character. In FFVII, he is beyond underdeveloped, they clearly wanted to do more with him but couldn't.
I am skeptical about Crisis Core though because it changed his death scene which I found amazing.

By all means play it before the remake, there is no need to wait until 2020.


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Standard Donor

Guess, who Prompto is dreaming of...? XD


Well-Known Member
It's the game that convinced me to try a game for myself before really judging it, because before I listened to FFVI fanboys who hate it and Xenogears fanboys who loathe it. I saw too many people put it down JUST BECAUSE it was popular, JUST BECAUSE everyone loved Cloud, and I still see them to this day.

I much prefer other JRPGs and other games from Square, but it's far from being mediocre, imo.
Yes, it came out at the right place and at the right time, but even if, say, it was FFVI who made JRPGs popular and dandy, VII would still be highly regarded by core fans.
I played it in 2013 I think, idk what it was but after finally beating it I couldn't help but feel underwhelmed.

I couldn't really connect with any of the characters, I didn't really like how OP Cloud was, how easy it is once you get regen and the ultimates or just how the battles worked themselves.

The absolute worst thing about VII imo is the super anti-climactic ending battle, I felt bitter for weeks after that.

I'm really hopeful for the remake, because it has the chance to cometely make me do a 180 on it and especially with it being more action oriented over ATB is something that definitely tickles my fancy.


Premium Donor
I will never understand what he sees in that....that thing. Gentiana>Cindy, I didn't say Luna since Noctis is already shipped with her. :p Gladio can knock himself out with her tho, Mr. and Mrs. Fanservice and all.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
What's wrong with Tifa?

I will never understand what he sees in that....that thing. Gentiana>Cindy, I didn't say Luna since Noctis is already shipped with her. :p Gladio can knock himself out with her tho, Mr. and Mrs. Fanservice and all.
YOU leave Gentiana-chan and Cindy-chan alone before me and Gruntie start dropping Crytara diss posts lol


Well-Known Member
OMG! XD Poor Cindy with this slander! Personally I think Cindy's a fine young woman. I agree as well though that Mr and Mrs fanservice belong to each other.


Premium Donor
She looks like she's working the corner there, doesn't she? XD
You got that right XD cheap piece of work, I don't do jezebels:cool:
What's wrong with Tifa?

YOU leave Gentiana-chan and Cindy-chan alone before me and Gruntie start dropping Crytara diss posts lol
Who are you again?? XD And Grunt knows better than to mess with me, he may be tsundere but I'm axe crazy;) Plus he can't say anything, my Naotora would CRUSH his poor LOW TIER Ein, your bad at long range Helena can also get a taste if we're being real here.:cool: #Clapback ☆Naotora>Helena>Ein☆


Well-Known Member
lol, calm down. XD
Here, for you:


What on earth! XD That's a strange glitch!


You got that right XD cheap piece of work, I don't do jezebels:cool:

Who are you again?? XD And Grunt knows better than to mess with me, he may be tsundere but I'm axe crazy;) Plus he can't say anything, my Naotora would CRUSH his poor LOW TIER Ein, your bad at long range Helena can also get a taste if we're being real here.:cool: #Clapback ☆Naotora>Helena>Ein☆

Hey! She isn't a jezebel just because she has an aversion to clothing.