Final Fantasy Thread


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Some people are already doing awesome stuff in the demo:


I found this dinosaur-thingy in my playthrough too (was following it's roars and grunts) but I didn't dare to battle him. XD


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Seeing Noctis fly around and dping back flips is cool.

It also feels good when you do multiple links back to back from parries pr back attacks and even both!

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing S S S at the end of a battle though


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I can't remember a game trapped in development hell this long that actually turned out good, but all the signs are pointing to yes.

I haven't enjoyed an FF game in (ironically) 15 years or so. This looks to be the one, though.

There seems to have been a mass breakout from delopment hell FF15, Nioh, Last Guardian, Owlboy, etc...


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Makes you think how they'll handle minigames in general. They pretty much were what made every late 90s and early 2000s JRPG always have a minigame or two. But would a modern market (the target of VIIR) like them? Oh God now imagine online Chocobo Races and Snowboard Leaderboards...

I'm sure nobody would be angry if they made chocobo breeding easier and less RNG dependant though. Although I remember there being a method that lets you get one by defeating the Ruby Weapon first... But have fun defeating a Weapon without Knights of the Round.

By the way if anyone can tell me a good level to tackle the Arena in the Gold Saucer... Thank you in advance. I left the game right before the final part inside the planet because of the Chocobo Grinding and Omnislash... Not sure if I want to beat the Weapons on top of it, I want to see the ending first.


Those chocobos swimming are adorable :)

Actually there were 2 methods that allowed you to beat the weapons without the use of Knights. The one that is popular is using Omnislash as the replacement since it's 15x slashes. The trick to this method is much longer and grindfest than Knights, you'll have to morph certain monsters that drop attack ups to increase Cloud's base ATK and Strength to allow his Omnislash hit 9999 every single hit. Omnislash is his best Limit Break but initially each strike is weak yet it all adds up in the end. Better to hit multiple times of 7000+ damage than a single attack that only do 9999 once. (Same thing with Knights Of The Round but every single attack they make hurts so it's better.) The other method is the 7777 health trick that requires a careful use of stats.

A good level to tackle Gold Saucer's arena really is level 30+ (at least from what I heard). You just need to have an accessory that eliminates Frog and Mini since they make the battle longer than it has to be. Also Materia that boosts your health to 5000+ so all you really need to do is tap the attack button repeatedly if you have strong Strength. The other way is getting Vincent real early in the game upon first visit to Nibelheim and then giving him Fury status that allows him to get Limit Break faster than normal, when he goes back into the Arena transform and let him do the work in Limit Break 1. His Limit Break transformation (at least to my knowledge) is unaffected by status effects except for poison or something (I could be wrong as I haven't played the game in awhile). I mean, if there's anything you need to worry about there, it's probably the status effects but it isn't so bad if you are equipped with accessory that eliminates the two up there, or if you are Vincent...then really the only thing to worry about is the level reduction rule from the slots.

As for the leaderboards, I'm sure anyone would hardly care for those. Pointless stuff to include really. It's pretty odd that they'll give you a gold Chocobo for beating one of them. Might imply that the method at first for defeating them was without Knights Of The Round at all but to get it after, however also pointless since you'll get Master Summon soon after. Weird stuff overall.


Well-Known Member
Some people are already doing awesome stuff in the demo:


I found this dinosaur-thingy in my playthrough too (was following it's roars and grunts) but I didn't dare to battle him. XD
The parry & counter animation for this enemy, Bandersnatch [?].... it's a really cool one.
I found it too and managed to kill it, obviously after a few tries and thanks to magic and warping every 2 seconds xD

Anyway, I find ice elemental magic to be more useful than the other 2 elements, since it freezes foes for few seconds and in this case, if you use it while that thing is on the water, it freezes it for a long time, thus it can also act like a "stop" magic.
I really like the way we can take advantage of the environment, against this thing the best combination would be an ice+lightning spell.

As for the Ascension Grid, there's literally everything there : stats, new actions for Noctis, new skills (both active and passive) for party members, magic-related stuff, accessory slots, stuff to make you recover hp/mp/stamina faster and you can even unlock more ways to earn AP other than leveling up.


Well-Known Member
I can't remember a game trapped in development hell this long that actually turned out good, but all the signs are pointing to yes.

I haven't enjoyed an FF game in (ironically) 15 years or so. This looks to be the one, though.

Well it is speculated that actual development started 5/6 years ago, and that Versus was mostly concepts, models, videos and some demos.

It's also speculated that Versus XIII's concept started out on PS2... o_O

Really tells you something about having Nomura fully in charge IMO. He is an artist (of varying quality imo), not a game designer.


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Anyone found the Iron Giant and Bomb enemies in the middle of the street fighting each other within the FFXV JPN demo? Hilarious. Then you just come out of nowhere, get out the car, defeat them. *Goes back to car after*.
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yes defeat them thats totally what i did

They really did a great job with the Iron Giant enemies in the game. New moves never seen before, along with them having the ability to use Demi (Gravity) to pull you in.

@Russian-chiropractic19 Well did you actually do it?

Well it is speculated that actual development started 5/6 years ago, and that Versus was mostly concepts, models, videos and some demos.

It's also speculated that Versus XIII's concept started out on PS2... :confused:

Really tells you something about having Nomura fully in charge IMO. He is an artist (of varying quality imo), not a game designer.

Off topic to that, music were a lot more potent and strong if Nobuo Uematsu is involved as well. Yoko Shimomura felt more refined for the KH series. Within FFXV seems more eh to it, but Nobuo would of been the god send to it if he was into the music for this.
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Well-Known Member
I prefer Yoko Shimomura over Nobuo Uematsu, but I agree that her work in this game is less fit for it than what Uematsu could have cooked, since he is so good at boisterous orchestras.

Still, one should not understimate Shimomura's range of genres. Just take a listen to Live-A-Live's OST... It's amazing how many types of tunes she can pull off.

Also, off off off topic, but "Beware the Forest Mushrooms" is one of the best videogame musics ever, to me.


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I prefer Yoko Shimomura over Nobuo Uematsu, but I agree that her work in this game is less fit for it than what Uematsu could have cooked, since he is so good at boisterous orchestras.

Still, one should not understimate Shimomura's range of genres. Just take a listen to Live-A-Live's OST... It's amazing how many types of tunes she can pull off.

Also, off off off topic, but "Beware the Forest Mushrooms" is one of the best videogame musics ever, to me.

It's not because it's less fitting from Yoko, but because Nobuo has been spot on creating tunes that fits the atmosphere and the environment. Yoko Shimomura creates tunes that vastly varies on such cases but when it comes to's usually music by one's taste. At the moment it is hard to tell if it's a true fit to a genre because Nobuo didn't compose his own style to FFXV yet, but he has a high chance to be spot on regarding music. When it comes to Yoko Shimomura, my favorite work is within Kingdom Hearts because there is essence with magical in creating light hearted situations to become real rather than bland within KH. Nobuo does the same thing with FF and seems more potent within the genre. Yoko is not a bad choice for any regard, but one would like to see how Nobuo would come up with if he was the composer.

One should not underestimate, but one should not overestimate either. We all learned this for a long time.
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Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I remember that. Turbo CPS-2? SNES?
Yoko Shimomura was responsible for the arcade compositions of SF2, SF2 Champion Edition, and SF2 Turbo Hyper Fighting.

Unfortunately, she was not involved for the original compositions for Super SF2 onward, such as the themes for T.Hawk, Cammy, Fei Long, Dee Jay, and Akuma.

EDIT: Not my intention for us to go off-topic. But you were talking about FFXV's current composer, I couldn't resist talking about Yoko Shimomura's other feats which give me faith that she will do no wrong with this mainline installment of the FF series. And there's the original Breath of Fire in her resume, to boot.

From what I've listened to so far, she's paying homage to the central compositions that define Final Fantasy very well. Uematsu himself even approved of this.
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Well-Known Member
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They really did a great job with the Iron Giant enemies in the game. New moves never seen before, along with them having the ability to use Demi (Gravity) to pull you in.

@Russian-chiropractic19 Well did you actually do it?

oh god no. ive been getting destroyed by everything since ive started this game. i just can't wrap by mind around this being an action game yet controlling like it does.


fucking moonspeak telling me to press R3! i just teleported back to the fucking diner after i killed the dam thing -_-


Well-Known Member
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oh god no. ive been getting destroyed by everything since ive started this game. i just can't wrap by mind around this being an action game yet controlling like it does.


fucking moonspeak telling me to press R3! i just teleported back to the fucking diner after i killed the dam thing -_-

I must admit, at first I was trying to find a way to get Noctis to drive one time but couldn't due to hard JPN text. I had dialogue exchange with Ignis when I had Noctis driving (literally no more than 4 seconds after hitting the wheel), got the dialogue and he took over instead. I thought to myself "Youch, fine. I didn't even crash the car yet. Come on trust me I swear. No driver's license Noctis isn't so bad, give me a chance here."

Huh, that's interesting. I mean he wasn't too hard (at least for me somewhat, but he did KO someone on the team). We can find out more when the real game drops. The only thing you have to watch out for is that gravity pulling attack, can't say for anything else...we just need the real game.


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I must admit, at first I was trying to find a way to get Noctis to drive one time but couldn't due to hard JPN text. I had dialogue exchange with Ignis when I had Noctis driving (literally no more than 4 seconds after hitting the wheel), got the dialogue and he took over instead. I thought to myself "Youch, fine. I didn't even crash the car yet. Come on trust me I swear. No driver's license Noctis isn't so bad, give me a chance here."

half the time it lets me, half the time it doesn't, haf the time im getting teleported somewhere, 100% of the time im confused

i think im just going to walk.