3-Point Hold v. 4-Point Hold


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I can't really give a shit about holds anymore. They can do whatever they want and people will still play the fucking game.


Active Member
What news?
They changed to 4 point holds, which changes a lot, to be honest. I'm wondering if they're going to keep Advanced Holds (considering that's what they originally had) strictly as the hold for Powerblows, or something to that effect.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Going with 4-point is definitely great news. I think the advanced ones can stay exactly the same. Now I have even more hope with the game.


Well-Known Member
They changed to 4 point holds, which changes a lot, to be honest. I'm wondering if they're going to keep Advanced Holds (considering that's what they originally had) strictly as the hold for Powerblows, or something to that effect.

Oh right. I'm a bit... out of the loop on consumer news you could say. lol




In reality, it is rewarding the defender for guessing randomly like a jackass more than 70% of the time, according to the actual math.


Also, who's to say this is because of someones "insecurity" as an attacker? I could just as easily claim someone requires the hold system as a crutch because they are insecure about their own defense prior to getting hit.

Indeed Rikuto, the mathematical approach is undeniable :) As a math fan myself, my calculations were somewhat different and the differential wasn't that drastic, but the conclusion remained the same: Odds of inflicting damage (not only "finishing combos") obviously increase with the 4pt Hold System and odds of successful Hold Spamming decrease.

However, perhaps it's because I'm actually satisfied with odds of the 3pt Hold system that I don't feel the need for Team Ninja to mess around with them.

I also retract the term "insecurities" because it is sort of inappropriate. What I meant to say was making defense harder to change the odds (and help attackers) didn't seem right to me. I always found it fair that defending yourself from an assailant should be naturally simpler and more accessible, and that it is up to attackers to dig more into strategy and options to outdo a shielding defender.

Secondly, I think that making defense harder doesn't necessarily improve the appeal of the game. I'm thinking of those tekken & SF players I always try to reel in to the DOA world. Some of them already have a hard time guessing high-mid-low Holds, so if you add in another point, you add in another barrier. In my opinion, expert players can easily deal with the odds of 3pt, especially if you add in move and combo variations (odds may not increase as much as with the 4pt Hold system, but they do increase). So by switching to a 4pt system, I believe that we are actually favoring expert players to the detriment of less experienced players.

That being said, what did you think of that Hybrid 3pt-4pt Hold system in the Demo? (3pt for basic Holds, 4pt for Expert Holds)


The problem with 3 point holds in any form is that any time you are stunned, you are always playing a 50/50 to get out of it because low holds also avoid highs.

So the guess is really just low or mid... and you have to do this somewhere between 3-5 times total before you can launch someone on the appropriate height for a decent juggle.

It's unrealistic to expect an attacker to consistently win a 50/50 coinflip that many times in a row. That's a bad enough problem by itself, but when you add the hold damage from previous games its just pouring salt onto the wound.


Yeah I see what you mean. But a 50/50 chance of landing a successful hit isn't THAT disturbing, ain't it? ... I mean, with those odds, I find that landing a successful hit is even more rewarding ! ... Or is that just me? lol Plus, it's part of what makes the game so great in the first place.


It's a 50/50 chance of landing a hit, per hit.

But It's only a 12.5% chance of landing every single hit inside of that stun and getting the launch at the end. See the problem?


I would see a problem if my goal in DOA were to land long combos. But my goal is to win, and performing long combos isn't the only way to achieve that. So I don't necessarily want to wait the end to launch my opponent. If I can do it sooner, I will. If I want to take a chance and wait until the end, then it's a gamble that I'd have to take by assuming the consequences of diminished odds.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I would see a problem if my goal in DOA were to land long combos. But my goal is to win, and performing long combos isn't the only way to achieve that. So I don't necessarily want to wait the end to launch my opponent. If I can do it sooner, I will. If I want to take a chance and wait until the end, then it's a gamble that I'd have to take by assuming the consequences of diminished odds.

In DOA4, you had to extend the critical threshold in order to get a decent launch. You couldn't do what you do in DOA3/5 and normal hit launch for decent damage.


Not every character gets big juggles though. In fact, some characters don't get jack for damage on their juggles.

Hayate juggles you at full stun threshold in 5 alpha and each hit is like a bee sting.


Well-Known Member
I'm a "Hold noob," though been trying to get better. But, I can say as a "Hold noob," I liked the DOA3 Holds better. I still get mixed up with the DOA4 Holds. I land like 1 out of 20 holds on DOA4... And, then I rage.