News Team NINJA Costume Contest

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I see what you're saying and it does sort of make sense. However it would also be unfair in my opinion. In each of the three parts TN made us choose only 3 characters out of a total of 9-11 for the designs that we would like. Sure I had a favorite outfit for Momiji, but I didn't like it enough to have picked it for one of my 3 b/c it wasn't as meaningful to me. So by creating a poll where we choose a favorite for each character, me picking an outfit for Momiji is unfair for the voters who actually used one of their 3 votes b/c they genuinely wanted to see it.


Well-Known Member
One's entry can't please everybody and ultimately, TN has the hand of fate on which entries will they choose. Lets take my case for example.

The Christie entry I did for QueenJakheiho was a favorite by TN's Chief Designer however it only has 13 votes. Compare that to the Christie entry in the Top 10 with 405 votes. Would that make the Chief Designer's favoritism bias if they chose QueenJakheiho's Christie entry over the highest voted Christie entry?

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
One's entry can't please everybody and ultimately, TN has the hand of fate on which entries will they choose. Lets take my case for example.

The Christie entry I did for QueenJakheiho was a favorite by TN's Chief Designer however it only has 13 votes. Compare that to the Christie entry in the Top 10 with 405 votes. Would that make the Chief Designer's favoritism bias if they chose QueenJakheiho's Christie entry over the highest voted Christie entry?

But don't confuse what TN wants vs. what the voters want. In the case of your Christie entry it was a clear favorite for TN's Chief Director and it could have had no votes or 900 it wouldn't matter as he really likes the design and is most likely advocating the entry for its inclusion (still have my fingers crossed it gets in ;)). From the perspective of the voters, the point I'm trying to make is that just b/c the FSD community doesn't like an entry for a character that had the highest votes doesn't mean we have the right to make a poll and try and change what the fair results actually were from the real contest.
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New Member
One's entry can't please everybody and ultimately, TN has the hand of fate on which entries will they choose. Lets take my case for example.

The Christie entry I did for QueenJakheiho was a favorite by TN's Chief Designer however it only has 13 votes. Compare that to the Christie entry in the Top 10 with 405 votes. Would that make the Chief Designer's favoritism bias if they chose QueenJakheiho's Christie entry over the highest voted Christie entry?
Pretty much; it's a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario. Hearts are going to break, regardless if it's the best choice, sadly.


Well-Known Member
So, finally I have been disqualified. Really sad and frustrating when you know that it wasn't my fault at all and probably I would have been in the top ten if my real votes could be known somehow.. But, it's fine. I know this will happen and i understand TN decision putting me aside from the final count. Congratulations to all winners.
After all, my design got an special mention from TN Comunity Manager and was so great for me. He said he would love to see my Rachel's outfit in a Ninja Gaiden someday. Well, is not like having this costume in DoA5u as dlc and first they should announce a new Ninja Gaiden (with rachel).. But anyway, the comment was really nice and made me happy to read.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan.

@Argentus: Weren't you going to set up a community poll for each character's costume entries? I think it would be very helpful right about now if TN plans to give each character a costume from the contest.
apologies passed out. I want to, but since I can't press enter without my posts going berserk, I'm unable to. Need someone else to do it. WWall of text post really doesn't work for this.


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Standard Donor
Even if it's not included in an immediate pack they have to make more male DLC eventually and now they know Bayman players like the armored concept. i just hope they keep the skirt when they get to it. I should have put why I added it,should have done a lot of things actually.


Well-Known Member
After all, my design got an special mention from TN Comunity Manager and was so great for me. He said he would love to see my Rachel's outfit in a Ninja Gaiden someday. Well, is not like having this costume in DoA5u as dlc and first they should announce a new Ninja Gaiden (with rachel).. But anyway, the comment was really nice and made me happy to read.

Congratulations for the special mention, you deserved it (and by the way, I believe that the designs chosen by TN ended to win a prize as much as the top 10 voted designs outfit)

And I've already wrote under the comments of the your design winner post: "Why to expect for a Ninja Gaiden sequel? I think that this outfit could be perfect on Rachel also in DOA5U" ;)
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Is there anyway to find out why they refused to let me enter the competition? I tried talking to them on twitter multiple times during the entry and voting period but all they ever do is favourite my tweets and then don't reply. It's a bit frustrating when they happily reply to people trolling them or submitting crude sketches that probably took 30 seconds to make but they won't even reply when I try and submit a 3d render that took a bit of effort.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Shiranui, post: 180734, member: 5756"
After all, my design got an special mention from TN Comunity Manager and was so great for me. He said he would love to see my Rachel's outfit in a Ninja Gaiden someday. Well, is not like having this costume in DoA5u as dlc and first they should announce a new Ninja Gaiden (with rachel).. But anyway, the comment was really nice and made me happy to read.

Congratulations for the special mention, you deserved it (and by the way, I believe that the designs chosen by TN ended to win a prize as much as the top 10 voted designs outfit)

And I've already wrote under the comments of the your design winner post: "Why to expect for a Ninja Gaiden sequel? I think that this outfit could be perfect on Rachel also in DOA5U" ;)[/QUOTE]

If theres enough demand for the costume for DLC, I'm pretty sure they will make it for doa5u aswell


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Standard Donor
I'm not sure I understand the point of creating another poll. The TN contest had a larger scale of voters which was a community poll. Unfortunately, the results from a smaller community like FSD will be skewed as we favor our own member's designs. :/

Also, as I understood it, Argentus didn't want another vote, which designs are our favorites overall, but he wanted a vote of what designs fit the characters best, leaving quality of the drawing and design completely aside (if I remember correctly). That's the reason, why I didn't promise my participation. At first I was like: "Hell, yeah! Let's do a FSD vote! :D" But when I realized, the quality of the design shouldn't matter for some reason, I was like: "Huh? Wait, that's a weird kind of vote..."


Well-Known Member
TN is currently showing the top costumes on their twitter.
They seemed to like Helena's 3 entries (garden, swan and casual).

Example : this is Lisa's #1 (wouldn't be surprised to see it in the game in the future)



Well-Known Member
TN are tweeting the top costumes for each character as I type this. They have some number 2 and 3 slots as well for the more popular characters. Glad I get to see my Tina outfit get a mention. That makes it all worth while IMHO!

Regarding @Shiranui , its a SHAME what happened and its horrible it had to happen to such a good design. I'm REALLY glad to see you got an honourable mention however, very much deserved.

We should try get a DOA artist community going, maybe a dedicated site or even something as simple as a blog dedicated to DOA fan art and its artists, help spot light them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Coincidence how the Kasumi entry is both a Top 10 entry and Hayashi's favorite.
Then again, I shouldn't be surprised simply because it is Kasumi.

I think, Team Ninja really would have loved, if Kasumi won first place. It was a beautiful design, it was very popular and it was for the poster child of the series. Unfortunately it didn't win, but some guy in a skirt...;) So I think, the least they could do, was put a spotlight on the Kasumi design again, by also awarding it a special price and special mention.
So in the end, I guess, it is kind of the true winner of the show, as it got two prizes.