Marie Rose update will surely bring general changes


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No, it doesn't favor the aggressor that you have to back off most of the time because of WUKs. If you're actually doing WUKs while the aggressor is not near you at all, then you have no idea what you're doing, lol.

People need to play more fighting games so they can realize what ground game and oki is like. This game's current ground game is ass and everyone who actually plays this game competitively knows that.

I don't have anything else to say to you because you're just nitpicking, lol.


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I don't have anything else to say to you because you're just nitpicking, lol.
I'm detail-oriented, because yes, the little things do matter.

I never said the ground game was good. I did address the situation if the floored opponent rolls up or kicks up at range. I may be "nitpicking," but you're glossing over notable variables and making statements that just aren't true as a result.

"It favors the player that was knocked down more than it does the aggressor."
That is just false. My only nit-picking is explaining why that statement is false.
At minimum, bare minimum, it puts things at neutral.


Well-Known Member
Nereus brought this up in the past, but I think trying to beat out wakeup kicks with certain attacks is something that should be tested, or is the timing too tight?

I mean, regarding the wakeup game, is it really any worse than it was back in the 2u/3 days?


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Nereus brought this up in the past, but I think trying to beat out wakeup kicks with certain attacks is something that should be tested, or is the timing too tight?

You can do this, for sure. But it's risky and has strict timing on most occasions. Risky because you're not always going to have the best timing on this, players can do a WUK immediately, or tech up then do a WUK, so it would be a gamble.

There's that, AND having to time your meaty to beat a WUK. It surely can be done, but those two factors work against you more than it would for you.


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@Rawbietussin Love your Avatar.

On a different note I don't know if we as a community has developed a good enough understanding for the game as of now, where we also have little communication outside our individual core groups and show little acceptance for other's views & ideas. The differences in practices and conclusions between us and Japan underlines this, where also "common sense" is highly contested even on these forums. In general I also believe TN listen to the Japanese gamers to a greater degree in these matters, based on the nerfs to certain characters that some audience of this forums viewed as horrific and without potential. That said I don't think any ideas are silly, and I see little reason for not forwarding your concerns to TN and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Wait, what? I play every fighter btw lol apart from SF, MK & Marvel, so I'm well aware of how most games oki work. None of them allow the person standing to continue on the offensive once the person is lying on the ground, the only game that has had that to my knowledge is DOA5 because of the FTs.

Tekken doesn't have FTs, but the person has to get up by rolling, teching or wake up kicking... like most fighters, that or eat a low that will inevitably be the death of you if just sit there. Roll back, possibly fall into a combo reset if guessed right.

I don't have much experience with VF, but it's the same deal. Any of these games, getting hit by a wake up kick should put the player hit by it at a disadvantage.

No game ( 3D fighter wise ) should allow the player to endlessly attack. There has to be breaks, and that break is always when you launch, and finish a combo, or the player gets tripped. There's a reason the game is like it is, and I don't entirely agree with the way they handled the ground game, but it certainly beats the alternative ( Rachel stomp pre-nerf, Helena BOK 6P in vanilla. )


Well-Known Member
Honestly, how many times do you land a non-tracking mid on NH? From stun (or on CH) 3P provides the stun you need, is faster and safer with the possibility of the second string-hit. Aside from that, 3holdP is just another mid punch in his vast array of mid-punches that people are trying to hold all the time except that it's not nearly as impressive as all the others. Add to that those of us who do get the fudged input get punished for it, and in the end it just isn't all the useful for the headache it causes.

The point of the move is it gives him a mid attack option from crouch state so if you do something like 1p, 2p, or crouch dash he can follow up the high crush instantly with it without having stand up first like his other mid p options require so any input error is the users own fault not the attack itself.

Leon - Nerf this fucker hard.



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I'd love if they buffed Bayman's rolls. As of now it just isn't worth the risk to try. my suggestion would be for his punch and grab to launch. Instead of him just grabbing the guys leg and tripping him instead he grabs it and throws the fucker in the air for a juggle. the P+k could cause the ground throw set up instead.


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How about one where he leaps grabs their head and bashes it on his knee as he lands? OH of course lol

Still rather him get an air grab though


Well-Known Member
I'd prefer it if he'll choke the opponent with one hand on their neck then slam them to the ground which lets your opponent bounce back up for a guaranteed 236K afterwards.


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You should watch your own video sometime (even though some of your combos can be teched). He's a cheap bastard, and that slap is what I would enjoy doing to the people that think they are good at DOA because they can throw me through the same environment twice consecutively.

And they say Alpha players have no skill. It doesn't take much skill to press A to throw me in the next environment just because you got me in the air with a heavy.

"Leon and Rachel switched bodies"


Well-Known Member
Leon cheap? Now i know this community is going to the toilet if we're calling grapplers cheap.

Okay some Zack changes....

4H+K bounds a bound
8P becomes a sitdown stun
3PP loses bound ability
66T becomes 236T
Adjust lanuch on duck P+K when lanuch in stun. Why? Because sometimes when you land this move you can't follow up with anything.
Make ball faster. Either i17 to i15. It's too slow for a range move and should be plus frames on block since it's a guradbreak.
6pk becomes an unholdable and stuns.


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Launching someone with Leon requires that they messed-up. His mid launcher is a mid punch, something that people are always trying to hold against Leon given that he's 99% mid punches. Additionally, He has an 11 frame jab and nothing frightening from his 13 mid (if you want the scary stuff, gotta go with 6P). And for all that sluggish speed and predictable hit levels, does he get nearly the damage Alpha does from a standard CB? No. Is it even 1/8th as easy to open people up with Leon as it is with Alpha with her endless string mix-ups on different levels? No. Does he get a 9 frame jab? No. Does he have 3 different CBs that all strike on different hit levels? No. Well at least he has Alpha's throw power, right? NOPE. For some fucking reason Alpha gets the better throw power for guessing wrong on one of her 3 different CBs.

Don't give me that "Leon is cheaper than Alpha" bullshit. Get real.

Leon cheap? Now i know this community is going to the toilet if we're calling grapplers cheap.
People call Ryu cheap all the time. This is nothing new.
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TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Don't nerf anyone. Just bring a tsunami of buffs and go back to vanilla status with a lot of shit (like Tina's)

Also 240 life.

Also nerf wake-up kicks.

And improve ground game.


Well-Known Member
@TRI Mike: You know that ain't happening right? This community needs to realize TN buffs and nerfs to their pleasure and we're kind of helpless to do anything about it.
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I don't know they kinda read my mind and gave Bayman a back roll despite the fact I never wrote it down for some reason. they somehow managed to attach it to an input I seem incapable of doing too but it's the thought that counts. therefore I think we should think as hard as we can about what we want and beleive that it will happen and it will happen.