Final Fantasy Thread


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Oh man! you guys have to see the shit that happened to me flying that thing. I think I had over 15 game overs trying to properly pilot that thing.

Also when you are flying to land on a road strip, make sure to land within a certain amount of time. If you are hovering above the street for too long it counts as a game over. One time I landed completely perfect on the strip and then the car started to slow down. I thought I ran out of gas but that's also impossible because the Regalia-F has infinite gas, so I was like the hell? why is the car slowing down and stopping? and then I heard Ignis yell like AAAAAAAAAAAAH and I was like woa you alright!? in a stationary environment of quietness within solid thing you know, Game Over.

What? we are on ground perfect with no damage to the car? lol. (I thought it was a glitch at first till I found out that you can't stay airborne for too long if you hit the landing button with X.)


Well-Known Member
So you blew it? XD

... yes ... *cries*

Oh man! you guys have to see the shit that happened to me flying that thing. I think I had over 15 game overs trying to properly pilot that thing.

Also when you are flying to land on a road stripe, make sure to land within a certain amount of time. If you are hovering above the street for too long it counts as a game over. One time I landed completely perfect on the strip and then the car started to slow down. I thought I ran out of gas but that's also impossible because the Regalia-F has infinite gas, so I was like the hell? why is the car slowing down and stopping? and then I heard Ignis yell like AAAAAAAAAAAAH and I was like woa you alright!? in a stationary environment of quietness within solid thing you know, Game Over.

What? we are on ground perfect with no damage to the car? lol. (I thought it was a glitch at first till I found out that you can't stay airborne for too long if you hit the landing button with X.)

Never again lol, I don't even use the flying mechanic because I'm so bad at it, The first time I did it I crashed straight on into a hill while trying to land in a giant explosion. The worst was trying to land on that tiny runway to get to a certain dungeon! It took me so long to do that.


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All you guys sharing your flying experiences and I never even attempted getting the flying Regalia. o__O Well, at the end of this playthrough I will.


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All you guys sharing your flying experiences and I never even attempted getting the flying Regalia. o__O Well, at the end of this playthrough I will.

Oh man, wait till you get it @Tyaren. At first it becomes a blast and hype levels intensifies the moment you are getting off the ground. Though wait till you get to the other side of it. It gets hilarious.


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I've crashed the Regalia countless times in order to get to Pitioss Ruins, pfff. Never tried to fly again.

This too, I think I had game over there like 4x trying to properly land there. Word to Moogle that the brake function isn't extraordinary in the sky because you are still moving fast when you are trying to land while hitting breaks. I don't even think the breaks is useful in the sky at all even though there's animation for it.
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Well-Known Member
*Drives 10ft in the regalia*


I've crashed countless times and In fact in my game right now my car is smashed up because I haven't fixed it yet. It's so bad that even Ignis once drove straight inside the side of a building and smashed up the car! When I finally made the landing at the Pitioss Ruins I was so happy.


Well-Known Member
Interview from behind the scenes of FFXV's development:

OMG, I can't anymore! XDDD My stomach hurts so much from laughing.

Omg lol I would like just for the guys laugh! XD I actually laughed to the point where there was tears! I'm gonna guess the guy who made this didn't like the game? ( shook answer I'm sure ) I didn't agree with most of what it was saying ( though it was funny anyway ) But I definitely agree with the only 2 towns thing, I was hoping for a lot more out of the cities for one I thought they'd be bigger and secondly I thought there'd be more. I can look past that though to a point just because I absolutely love the game despite it's problems.


Well-Known Member
Interview from behind the scenes of FFXV's development:

OMG, I can't anymore! XDDD My stomach hurts so much from laughing.
Since I can understand Spanish, this is really WEIRD to watch, even though I can't understand shit when that guy speaks while laughing xD
Also, there's nothing to laugh about the town thing, now if you excuse me..... *cries in a corner*


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Yeah, my stomach still hurts. I also tried to suppress laughing so late at night but that made it even worse. XD

Regarding the just two towns in the game:
What they turned Altissia into is imo indefensible They promised us this huge, lively metropolis and all we got was one street and a small but very confusing maze of back alleys, that all ended in dead ends, sometimes even invisible walls, which is even worse. Apart from a couple of forgettable hunts there was not much to see and do. For a city that I was so thrilled to explore for many years, I spent maybe 30 minutes of story related stuff there and never came back. That's really sad... And such a waste of effort and resources. It was beautiful and the designers and artists must have spent many months, if not years, to create it all. Even the stuff far in the distance, that you will never reach. :(

But I have to defend Lucis, it's only city Lestallum and the outposts. Lucis is one of the very few open world regions, that I have played so far, that actually feel like a real life region. Lucis feels like a real island. If a destination is 2km apart you will have to walk there on foot for more than 20 minutes or 5 minutes by car. Within these realistic distances it perfectly fit that there was only one bigger town and the rest was outposts of a couple of buildings and then also smaller gas stations here and there. It felt real and it felt like more than enough civilization on the island.
All of the outposts are also really interesting and unique. Hammerhead, Galdin Quay or Cape Caem are cool and pretty places. They replace other towns/villages quite well. It doesn't matter that they are just small, it's not really about size.
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Premium Donor
Since I can understand Spanish, this is really WEIRD to watch, even though I can't understand shit when that guy speaks while laughing xD
Also, there's nothing to laugh about the town thing, now if you excuse me..... *cries in a corner*
You can understand spanish?? Lucky, I'm part Hispanic and don't know squat outside from what I learned in Spanish 1, passed with a 76. XD

Lol at that guys laugh!! XD He sounded like dolphin trying to mate call whilst with a throat infection


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my stomach still hurts. I also tried to suppress laughing so late at night but that made it even worse. XD

Regarding the just two towns in the game:
What they turned Atlissia into is imo indefensible They promised us this huge, lively metropolis and all we got was one street and a small but very confusing maze of back alleys, that all ended in dead ends, sometimes even invisible walls, which is even worse. Apart from a couple of forgettable hunts there was not much to see and do. For a city that I was so thrilled to explore for many years, I spent maybe 30 minutes of story related stuff there and never came back. That's really sad... And such a waste of effort and resources. It was beautiful and the designers and artists must have spent many months, if not years, to create it all. Even the stuff far in the distance, that you will never reach. :(

But I have to defend Lucis, it's only city Lestallum and the outposts. Lucis is one of the very few open world regions, that I have played so far, that actually feel like a real life region. Lucis feels like a real island. If a destination is 2km apart you will have to walk there on foot for more than 20 minutes or 5 minutes by car. Within these realistic distances it perfectly fit that there was only one bigger town and the rest was outposts of a couple of buildings and even smaller gas stations. It felt real and it felt more than enough civilzation on the island. All of the outposts were also really interesting and unique. Hammerhead, Galdin Quay or Cape Caem are cool and pretty places. They replace other towns quite well. It doesn't matter that they are just small.

Yeah I'd agree, Atlissia was sadly very restricted and cut off and the invisible walls are really annoying, I haven't really gone back there much and I've done the hunts there so until the festival ( which hopefully is really cool whenever it happens :D ) I probably won't go back. I have to say though I did like some of the hunts there. ( the painting and the tonberries ) It could have been better though after what we were expecting from it after how much it was shown. Maybe one day it will be added to but I'm not sure.

And I agree again regardless of the problems with other areas I personally think Lucis is an amazing area and one of the best in any rpg, Lestallum I think is a really cute tropical town that while it's small it still feels really alive and awesome. It's like the people have gathered around it while a few have spread out to make small rest stops across the land. I like the random garages and pitstop places because there really is places like that in real life. Not to mention they have different feelings to them. I'm still hoping that the next dlc episodes will open up the world to more regions but for the Lucis area I thought it was great. I'd love them to release lore books or something for the game world because I'd like to learn about the rest of the world more. I have lots of questions I'd ask.


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I'd love them to release lore books or something for the game world because I'd like to learn about the rest of the world more. I have lots of questions I'd ask.

Have you considered this guide?


It's imo amazing and of very high quality. There are many, very detailed charts and maps of Lucis (and Altissa) in it. It feels like a real geographical atlas. There's also a big poster included of the complete world map.
Included are also 30+ pages of art work of the characters, creatures and the world. Especially the Altissia art is amazing. So much wasted almost physically hurts.

Regarding the festival:
I have the hope, that the weird, floating island that they showed us, is not how it will actually look like. Some of it is painted anyway. You will notice, if you look closely enough:


Instead of this floating thing, I hope they will add the pink outlined part of the city to the explorable area and there the festival takes place:


(The blue area is the area the player can now explore.)

We now know this area is almost finished (wasn't even @DestructionBomb there?) and it really looks as if it should be part of the explorable area. It's weird that it is just walled off. There is a brige leading to it in the game and the bridge ends at a wall...
I also hope, that when the festival is over, they will add that city part permanently to the rest of Atlissia's explorable area.
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Well-Known Member
Have you considered this guide?


It's imo amazing and of very high quality. There are many, very detailed charts and maps of Lucis (and Altissa) in it. It feels like a real geographical atlas. There's also a big poster included of the complete world map.
Included are also 30+ pages of art work of the characters, creatures and the world. Especially the Altissia art is amazing. So much wasted almost physically hurts.

Regarding the festival:
I have the hope that the weird floating island they showed us is not how it will actually look like. Some of it is painted anyway. You will notice if you look closely enough:


Instead of this floating thing I hope they will add the pink outlined part of the city to the explorable area and there the festival takes place:


We now know this area is almost finished (wasn't even @DestructionBomb there?) and it really looks as if it should be part of the explorable area. It's weird that it is just walled of. There is a brige leading to it in the game and the bridge ends at a wall...
I hope that when the festival is over they will add that city part permanently to the rest of Atlissia's explorable area.

No sadly I didn't get the guide though I'm sure I'd love it since I'm always interested in the fine details of worlds and their lore. I'd like to see what the whole world of Eos looks like, If I see the guide for cheap I should get it. We can hope that they put that potential to use with added regions later on but I'm not sure.

I can't really see where the festival might be painted away but I hope it is since I'd definitely prefer it opening up more of Altissia because every little bit of land that gets opened up will help that city feel better. I'm looking forward to the festival anyway even though they haven't said much about it. And yeah the fact that there's things over in that area of the city makes me very suspicious that It will be accessible in the future. ( just like the dead end roads in Lucis maybe! )


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I can't really see where the festival might be painted...

A lot on there is actually just painted or copy-pasted graphics.
The Chocobo and Moogle are just painted and then copy-pasted, all of the balloons are pasted on there in Photoshop. Also all banners, flags and posters. Underneath all that stuff you see Wiz Chocobo Post. The exact same thing from Duscae. I'm very sure this all is just a placeholder.