Final Fantasy Thread


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A lot on there is actually just painted or copy-pasted graphics.
The Chocobo and Moogle are just painted and then copy-pasted, all of the balloons are pasted on there in Photoshop. Also all banners, flags and posters. Underneath all that stuff you see Wiz Chocobo Post. The exact same thing from Duscae. I'm very sure this all is just a placeholder.

Wait really?! I must be blind not to notice this stuff though that makes me excited for what it will actually look like. You might be onto something then with it being in the location of that purple area on that map.


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Have you considered this guide?


It's imo amazing and of very high quality. There are many, very detailed charts and maps of Lucis (and Altissa) in it. It feels like a real geographical atlas. There's also a big poster included of the complete world map.
Included are also 30+ pages of art work of the characters, creatures and the world. Especially the Altissia art is amazing. So much wasted almost physically hurts.

Regarding the festival:
I have the hope, that the weird, floating island that they showed us, is not how it will actually look like. Some of it is painted anyway. You will notice, if you look closely enough:


Instead of this floating thing, I hope they will add the pink outlined part of the city to the explorable area and there the festival takes place:


(The blue area is the area the player can now explore.)

We now know this area is almost finished (wasn't even @DestructionBomb there?) and it really looks as if it should be part of the explorable area. It's weird that it is just walled off. There is a brige leading to it in the game and the bridge ends at a wall...
I also hope, that when the festival is over, they will add that city part permanently to the rest of Atlissia's explorable area.

Yeah I was there actually using the swimming glitch. I even managed to go at the upper parts to where Leviathan sleeps (circle area) and the right area and bottom left area next to the bridge.) I swear, I feel as though we've been only experiencing like 30% of Altissia. There is enough content to fill stuff here that Square is either possibly hiding or updating as we go.


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Told you guys that January will be Dissidia related. There will be another news on February as well. My hunch is another character and stage on February, as well as information regarding the console version I bet.


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Noctis-ouji! O:

And this will be his arutimetto bikutori pozu (ultimate victory pose):


Noctis in that picture looks like he'd have

"Welcome to my twisted mind"

Written on his profile page.

Dissidia Arcade Update:

Mark your calendars, folks. We may be getting a character reveal sooner than we think.

Keep January 10 on your radar.

Hip hip hurray!

My "That's so Raven style flashforward is this - ( Now Fran can be reve... *reveal trailer for pretty much anyone else is released*... Maybe next reveal. etc etc until the games released )

If a stage is possibly going to be revealed to then I'd guess on somewhere from FFX. ( since I'm thinking it might be Yuna... It didn't change it to tuna for once... Strange. )


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Guys, a question:
Why are still so many requesting or hoping for side characters in Dissidia? Isn't it it by now totally obvious that only main characters and the main villain of a game end up as characters in Dissidia? (At least for now. Who know's about the DLC they want to sell later.)
Dissidia has already Tidus of FFX, Jecht will follow as the main villain and as far as I know there is also already a FFX stage in the game:


There won't be another.
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Well-Known Member
Guys, a question:
Why are still so many requesting or hoping for side characters in Dissidia? Isn't it it by now totally obvious that only main characters and the main villain of a game end up as characters in Dissidia? (At least for now. Who know's about the DLC they want to sell later.)
Dissidia has already Tidus of FFX, Jecht will follow as the main villain and as far as I know there is also already a FFX stage in the game:


There won't be another.

Why are you saying these cruel words! Jk yeah I know its probably not worth hoping for other characters its just a shame that its kind of predictable who's going to get in and who won't, if there's going to be 50 characters then surely there could be Yuna, Tifa etc at some point. And the stage thing would just be a shame because there's so many interesting places in every FF game.


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Why are you saying these cruel words! Jk yeah I know its probably not worth hoping for other characters its just a shame that its kind of predictable who's going to get in and who won't, if there's going to be 50 characters then surely there could be Yuna, Tifa etc at some point. And the stage thing would just be a shame because there's so many interesting places in every FF game.

If Yuna comes to Dissidia it will be to represent FFX-2.
Since they seem to include spin offs, I'm sure that Serah and Caius will be in Dissidia to represent FFXIII-2.

Did they say that they want to have 50 characters in the game?
I'm pretty sure they will complete the cast with main characters and main villains for the arcade and console versions first. After that other fan favorites will follow, which they will sell to us as DLC.


Well-Known Member
If Yuna comes to Dissidia it will be to represent FFX-2.
Since they seem to include spin offs, I'm sure that Serah and Caius will be in Dissidia to represent FFXIII-2.

Did they say that they want to have 50 characters in the game?

Serah is one of the main characters that I want in the game so I'd be happy to see her there with Yuna, hopefully as dlc other side characters can get in.

And yeah I'm pretty sure that they said they're end goal for the amount of characters was about 50, I'm guessing that the launch of the game won't have that many though.


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And yeah I'm pretty sure that they said they're end goal for the amount of characters was about 50, I'm guessing that the launch of the game won't have that many though.

Yeah, I am pretty sure they will first include 2 characters from every Final Fantasy game, the main character and the villain, then they will release the console version and after that they will add more fan favorite characters and this will cost us extra. ;)

By the way, I really wonder which villain from XIII will make it into the game? Galenth Dysley? :/ (had to look that name up actually. XD)


It's the only real villain and the only one they could more or less easily implement. They can't get Barthandelus or Orphan in there, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm not entirely sure on the numbers though for example being generous if at launch there's 40 characters in the game I guess maybe every couple of months they'll release a new one for about £5 like in DOA? I'm guessing they are going to want to support thids game for a long time, who knows if we'll get an ultimate edition type thing though?

For XIII I'm really not sure... Maybe Caius could just be the antagonist for XIII? I don't know if XIII would have one that would fit.


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For XIII I'm really not sure... Maybe Caius could just be the antagonist for XIII? I don't know if XIII would have one that would fit.

But Caius is not in XIII. ;) He's from XIII-2. If XIII-2 will be handeled as it's own Final Fantasy game, which I think it will, Caius will represent that game together with Serah.
Lol, the FFXIII series is such a mess. XD


Well-Known Member
Lol stop attacking poor XIII It's had a hard time, maybe for XIII they could have that scientist woman who got killed by barthandelus? She looked pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
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Lol stop attacking poor XIII It's had a hard time, maybe for XIII they could have that scientist woman who got killed by barthandelus? She looked pretty cool.

Lol, we really are scraping the bottom of the barrel already. We don't even know her name. I just remember her peculiar cleavage design.


Wasn't there also this guy?



Well-Known Member
Lol, we really are scraping the bottom of the barrel already. We don't even know her name. I just remember her peculiar cleavage design.


Wasn't there also this guy?


Lol okay sure she isn't that well known but out of them all she has the best design, she also got to fight in FFXIII-2 and I'm pretty sure she has a name... I couldn't tell you it though.

Is that the guy that turned into the crystal type boss? He was okay but I don't think he did much.