Final Fantasy Thread


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Speaking of Iris...



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Lol, at first it seemed like she did hit Prompto xD
By the way, this attack has a different animation when perfermed against Magitech soldiers, and instantly kills them.

At first it looked to me as if she turned into Prompto after the attack. XD


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I seen that. S
All of the above. I can't dodge enemies with guns (imperials) that well either.

Combat feels a lot easier on the main story. Only Prompto dies. gdi prompto u lil shet

Feel you there. At times it does feel as though it's you vs the enemy adds instead.

For your team, It's not that the party AI performs bad on their own because they at least try, it's that their overall combat strength gets funneled by their long recovery animations with terrible attack ideas (like swinging a giant sword and then performing 3-4 hops to main his balance - Gladio / or performing this back roll shot and then tripping making dodging a problem - Prompto) as well as added functions that makes it more of a hinderance than benefit. (Added taunts by them which I wish I can remove etc.) - They are likely killing Prompto because his base health is so low and are always are able to hit him when he's doing attacks with such poor recovery. You can blame Square for the last bit.

A good way to start some offense is to literally hold square and then attacking while holding square down. Attacking and manually switching to blink or warp becomes too much of a hassle to deal with if you are not ultra reactive. You should focus your AP on yourself first before anyone due to the fact that the game will be over if Noctis is the one who gets KOed. Just like a game of chess where if the king falls then the entire game is over. Obtain AP and focus on improving blink dodging and warp strike properties and then beneficial stuff. I didn't start working on anyone else until Chapter 5.

The imperial soldiers (at least the grunts and magiteck troopers) are majority squishy, though becomes a problem if you are distracted by other enemies besides them. I'd warp strike them from a distance and attack for repeats. If they are too much of a problem, you could equip accessories that increases Ballistic resistance (though I never really had a big problem with them to equip any).
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Her healing move will be licking a donut and she'll have a status move of gossiping in an elevator about the foe to lower their defense, Honestly though that's pretty crazy that Areana Grande is gonna be in FF regardless of how I feel about her.

Honestly Iris should just do her own thing since the whole time she was with Noctis he was ignoring her so she'd be better off with someone else. Not to mention their ages aren't compatible at all.


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Her healing move will be licking a donut and she'll have a status move of gossiping in an elevator about the foe to lower their defense, Honestly though that's pretty crazy that Areana Grande is gonna be in FF regardless of how I feel about her

What's interesting is that she was suppose to be an NPC on Mobius and FF14 online. Not sure what happened to that, I figured she was able to get into one now. It's not the first time that certain pop stars often go into games.

Snoop Dogg for example is in a Tekken game if I remember correctly.
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Premium Donor
I'll do more tonight, I was playing DQ Heroes and thought it'd be a cakewalk to beat this level and unlock Maya my favorite girl and move up a few more levels, but of course they make the fucking level ridiculously difficult and I've restarted over 6 times.... I shouldn't have to Google how to beat a level, that's just jank.

But anyways I'm done atm with Dragon Fuck: Heroes, I'm gonna play more FF tonight and tomorrow, I get to stay home because I have an enlarged colon apparently and it feels weird to even eat.


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There's actually a guy on YT I found who plays Sephiroth frequently and I'm able to watch his videos for better insight, the game's gonna be great when it releases!


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So what's the bet on Vs. Getting a WW release?

Unless they already dubbed the game or do sub only I'm not so sure West will see it in March.