The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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It looks like they took away all the detail in the textures and just improved the hair a little.


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It looks like they took away all the detail in the textures and just improved the hair a little.

Overall visibly more polygons though. TTT2 looks also much more comic stylized. But I guess, it's not every one's cup of tea...


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Her head is extremely small in Tekken Revolution though. Seems, as if there's always something, they didn't get quite right. XD


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[fighter games comparison thought:
I used to be really into Tekken before getting into Dead Or Alive 5. It was by far an large my favorite fighter, but not that I had a lot of experience or knowledge to substantiate it; I just liked the flow of the game and I believe I knew how to play it fairly well for a casual, weekend, player.

Without having touched Tekken in a while, I recently bought a copy of TTT2 for dirty cheap, and today I decided to pop it open. I was floored by how incredibly bad I thought it turned out. Even graphically, the game is a mega step down from T6 in terms of character models. Most of the faces look REALLY weird.
But aesthetics aside, I was amazed at how incredibly slow the game feels. I know the attacks themselves are pretty fast, but it just didn't seem to translate into responsive fighting controls to me. I wonder if I would acclimate back to it with I stick with it (and also if the whole process would be worth it at all, being as I consider DOA better in pretty much every regard, apparently). During the whole first hour, it felt like I was stuck seeing the game render in slow motion.

For whatever reason, the game feels VERY boring as well. It's full of loads... The "Team Battle" thing they have going is a complete joke, with the fight "re-starting" for every character that goes down.. Specially annoying since they don't recover much health, so once I had a match end with a character of mine being killed, loading screen, introductions, bla bla bla, only for me to one hit the CPU starting character because it was hanging by a thread. More loading. More introductions. More time wasted. On a 8x8 match, I think I saw loading screens about 15 times. Absurd.
Interface and navigation also seem to have gotten really obtuse all of a sudden. I still haven't really touched the customization, looking forward to that aspect, if I can power through the actual game and get to grips with it.

At any rate.. Such a weird experience. Am I the only one? Was TTT2 really a step down from T6 or am I just seeing things because I haven't played the series in a massive while. Last time I check (which, granted, was a while ago, when the game first released) this had some stellar reviews going... I don't get it.

Popping 5U in after a few hours of TTT2 and it felt like DOA was moving in the speed of light for the first round... So weird.
/fighter games comparison thought
Zafina was the only thing that made sense to me in Tekken. That and the potential for Asuka's character development as well as her relationship with Lili.


Well-Known Member
Nina's nose looked crooked in T6.

Tekken Rev's Nina is actually pretty if she ever looked like a drag queen. Dat purple mascara and lipstick. Her hair also looks much refined than TTT2.


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Yeah, the irises are also slightly shaking and the eyelids are slightly twitching. Super realistic! Team Ninja have really outdone themselves in that regard.

Ivan Osorio

Active Member
Please use your eyes...

"Don't get too worked up."

As I stated repeatedly in the original post, I hadn't touched Tekken in a real while, I'm guessing december 2009. Excuse my memory, all I see from looking at TTT2 is a game that doesn't look as good as I had hoped. I did put the game disc in to check and was not particularly impressed by T6.

Compared to DOA, the models in the TTT2 are a hideous. Compared to T6, I see DIFFERENCES, not exactly improvements. The faces in T6 look like they had more depth to me. Ling Xiaoyu, for example, looks incredibly off in TTT2, to me. So does Lili. The faces look incredibly stale in general, actually. Maybe it is just me.

Personally, while TTT2 may be objectively improved in terms of graphical quality over T6, I still see pretty awkward looking models on the pictures you posted. I agree on your remark on the more stylized look they seem to be using for TTT2. Maybe that is part of what I'm "rejecting".

Meh. Opinions.


Well-Known Member
I would use anything to have perfectly clear poreless skin like a video game character tbh like the side effect could literally be ebola and I'd still use it to look good for a bit before I died


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For me it's the symmetry, lol

How have all these mother-fuckers got completely symmetrical faces sans hair fashion? That shit is beyond ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Nina's purple suit gets more and more ridiculous every game though. I wish they stayed loyal with the T3 design than turning it into a blue/purple camouflage suit (she looked fat in that costume in T4).

While the graphics was still blocky with the polygons, I still think T3 Nina was also at her sexiest and had the best theme for me despite how I prefer Anna's playstyle over Nina (even if most of the things she got were from Nina's moveset during that time).

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Nina's purple suit gets more and more ridiculous every game though. I wish they stayed loyal with the T3 design than turning it into a blue/purple camouflage suit (she looked fat in that costume in T4).

While the graphics was still blocky with the polygons, I still think T3 Nina was also at her sexiest and had the best theme for me despite how I prefer Anna's playstyle over Nina (even if most of the things she got were from Nina's moveset during that time).

I agree 100%. I know people reference T3 Nina as the "MJ look-alike" but she was at that time the hottest video game girl imo.
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