The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
I don't mind Christie Monteiro that much. I prefer how her character was in T4 even though hers/Eddy's/Tiger's playstyle isn't really my type.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Regardless of if you like her TTT2 or TR appearance more (I prefer TR) you have to admit she's come along way from T4. She has what I affectionately call "tarantula hair".



Well-Known Member
Regardless of if you like her TTT2 or TR appearance more (I prefer TR) you have to admit she's come along way from T4. She has what I affectionately call "tarantula hair".

But I miss her with default loose hair. :c

And how gloomy she was when she got interviewed in her ending.

Interviewer: "What was the key to your victory?"
Christie M.: -looks at the crowd and found Eddy then runs towards him + awesome bgm-
Christie M.: EDDEH! EDDEH! EDDEH! -hugs- Eddeh... -tears of joy-

(I'm literally laughing when typing this part since I can't imagine her saying Eddy's name this way unless she has an "Imma Firin Mah Lazer" face. XD)
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Well-Known Member
I loved Christie's long hair being default in Tekken 4. It's not even an option any more which sucks. She was the first one to have it, now Lili is the only girl with long hair down. I really wish Christie could look like this again:
It's my favorite costume of hers.

Ivan Osorio

Active Member
^ that's an uncomfortable smile right there.... Also, those shots of Nina's head into DOA bodies were so incredibly wrong.
My perspective of Tekken shifted entirely these past few days.... Sad times.


Well-Known Member
Due to the lack of a potential main in T4, I had to learn Julia by force though. (That was the only game I played her exclusively since Anna wasn't there because T4 had an SCV roster cut incident)

At least I can appreciate T4 for having a simple, non-monster final boss wearing nothing but bandages, wooden sandals and a fundoshi lol.


Well-Known Member
Yet when the auditions are over, they either choose the only little girl who sounded like a hooker or a little boy dressed in a tutu.


Well-Known Member
I guess the 5U Casual Thread was just feeling weak these days...

Do we got no Singles Awareness Day DLCs coming up? It's literally the 14th to where I am.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Tekken, and the only character I ever used (though i'm liking the look of the revolution vampire girl), how do you think Bryan Fury would translate into DOA, like as a guest character?


I got a feeling he'll get tanned since none of the guys in DOA are pale. Same goes for Dragunov.


Well-Known Member
I got a feeling he'll get tanned since none of the guys in DOA are pale. Same goes for Dragunov.

Well to be fair, he's shirtless. How pale would he really be walking around like that?

Also...Casual is slow, let's make this a thing for now.

How would your mains from other fighters translate into DOA?

My other mains are

Tekken - Bryan Fury

Arcana Heart - Zenia Valov

Melty Blood - Nero Chaos


Street Fighter - Alex

Marvel 3 - Taskmaster

MK - Nitara

And that's enough for no, because these portraits are huge


Well-Known Member
Well to be fair, he's shirtless. How pale would he really be walking around like that?

Also...Casual is slow, let's make this a thing for now.

How would your mains from other fighters translate into DOA?

My other mains are

Tekken - Bryan Fury

Arcana Heart - Zenia Valov

Melty Blood - Nero Chaos


Street Fighter - Alex

Marvel 3 - Taskmaster

MK - Nitara

And that's enough for no, because these portraits are huge

Bryan's character models usually have a pale skin tone but judging that picture you posted, that skin tone could work. At most he could in the same complexion as Leon (probably lighter). Alex would probably have the same skin tone as Eliot or Jacky.
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