The Official NorCal Thread


Active Member
It sucks regardless. Luckily I have yet to catch it but I had classmates who took finals while they were sick this week.


Active Member
Holy crap, things have been so dead in this thread, I was hoping the "watch this thread" function would alert me when things started up again but I guess not.

If anyone's planning anything local at all (i.e. can be reached by Bay Area public transportation), please let me know. I will be there, no questions asked. I have friends that I just got interested in DOA and they're very excited by the notion of playing in the local scene and they're asking often if any local events are going to happen. Please keep me in mind!

About NCR, if DOA5's involved in any way, I'm 100% there. If anyone needs help organizing, I'll gladly lend a hand. I hate that I keep missing these things with you guys!

Does anyone want to plan a future gathering at Game Center? We could probably get two cabs if there are enough of us. I know I can vouch for myself and 1-2 other players being able to make it no problem. We should try to start some local gatherings, at least something bi-weekly. Making it to tournaments is good but I don't think it has as much of an impact as playing in a local scene regularly and discussing DOA's mechanics with other uninitiated fighters. Just to spur something on, how about Gathering at Game Center on Sat or Sun, the 9th/10th of Feb? Anyone?


Active Member
Does anyone want to plan a future gathering at Game Center? We could probably get two cabs if there are enough of us. I know I can vouch for myself and 1-2 other players being able to make it no problem. We should try to start some local gatherings, at least something bi-weekly. Making it to tournaments is good but I don't think it has as much of an impact as playing in a local scene regularly and discussing DOA's mechanics with other uninitiated fighters. Just to spur something on, how about Gathering at Game Center on Sat or Sun, the 9th/10th of Feb? Anyone?

I know I said I'd try and make the last time you organized and then it didn't quite come together... but if I'm anywhere in town at the time of this, I'll be there. (I *might* not be though, life being unstable as it is)


Active Member
I know I said I'd try and make the last time you organized and then it didn't quite come together... but if I'm anywhere in town at the time of this, I'll be there. (I *might* not be though, life being unstable as it is)
Cool CJ, I'll count you in loosely then.


Active Member
If you're doing a gathering, I'll try and make it. I haven't had time or energy to go online lately.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Alright. For those of you interested we are having a gathering for doa in Lafayette. Its not far from Lafayette bart station. If you need directions just contact CrimsonCJ. It will be Saturday Feb 2nd. I will be there around 11-noon. So if people want to show up around that time its fine. If you have to show up later that is fine too.


Well-Known Member
I should be able to make the gathering at the Game Center in San Mateo on the 9rh. Is anyone willing to bring a PS3 so we those who haven't tried out the patch can try it out?


Gathering at Game Center on Sat or Sun, the 9th/10th of Feb? Anyone?
Yo guys, I'm still sucking at the game, but I'll come through and try to learn a thing or two. Gotta support the game.

I should be able to make the gathering at the Game Center in San Mateo on the 9rh. Is anyone willing to bring a PS3 so we those who haven't tried out the patch can try it out?

Game Center has japanese sit down cabinets that are connected to PS3s. They have usb connections to the system if anyone likes to play on pad.

BTW, good showing at SCR Nykko! Looks like you guys had fun!


Active Member
Yeah, what happened to you? It's been too long!
Been coding heavily.
Alright. For those of you interested we are having a gathering for doa in Lafayette. Its not far from Lafayette bart station. If you need directions just contact CrimsonCJ. It will be Saturday Feb 2nd. I will be there around 11-noon. So if people want to show up around that time its fine. If you have to show up later that is fine too.
The 2nd is too soon, I'll be busy all weekend.
I should be able to make the gathering at the Game Center in San Mateo on the 9rh. Is anyone willing to bring a PS3 so we those who haven't tried out the patch can try it out?
I can shoot for the 9th too.


Active Member
Ok guys, I'm taking the 9th off to make it to Game Center. It sounds like there'll be... about 5 of us. Seems like 1 cab might be appropriate seeing as how some appearances might be up in the air.


Active Member
Ok guys, I'm taking the 9th off to make it to Game Center. It sounds like there'll be... about 5 of us. Seems like 1 cab might be appropriate seeing as how some appearances might be up in the air.
Cab to and from where in particular? (I'll be having to work mass transit to get down, obvs)


Active Member
I can hook it up with rides if it's going to cost ya Aegis/Crimson, though I'm probably not gonna drive up to Lafayette, maybe the Bart Station. :D


Active Member
Cab to and from where in particular? (I'll be having to work mass transit to get down, obvs)
Lol, I meant cabinet.
I can hook it up with rides if it's going to cost ya Aegis/Crimson, though I'm probably not gonna drive up to Lafayette, maybe the Bart Station. :D
I'm cool with Caltrain. There's a station near my apartment and Game Center's literally located at the SM station. Costs me about $5 each way. Very affordable, but thanks!