Lei-Fang 1.03


Active Member
66K and 3P+K have similar evasive properties as 1P, but they are harder to time and are unsafe.. I often tried to use 1P to crush highs, but for some reason I always got hit -.-

Yeah i find that crushing in this game is somewhat unreliable (or maybe its just the netcode not sure havent tested)


Active Member
66K and 3P+K have similar evasive properties as 1P, but they are harder to time and are unsafe.. I often tried to use 1P to crush highs, but for some reason I always got hit -.-

Same. Maybe that's why I didn't realize 1P was so good, because it seemed like I still got hit even when I was trying to crush. I only used 1P for the 1P4/(delay) second P mixup.

Now 3P+K... I hope they never change this. This is my baby, my bread and butter. Probably my favorite move in the whole game and most spammed besides parries. Any body who has ever played me pretty much has to change up their entire game because of 3P+K.

I still don't fully understand it, but all I know is that it stuffs throws, high launchers, and sometimes slow mid launchers.
It's unsafe as hell, but if you're trying to use it while they're blocking, then you're using it wrong. (It hits for a CH launch nearly 100% of the time for me) I use it whenever I did something unsafe and at disadvantage or even in stun. I find myself half slow-escaping/half mashing 3P+K and usually, if they do anything other than an immediate mid launcher, I can beat them out. (It works especially well against grab-happy people)

I just hope the 1P+K nerf doesn't affect her too much. That's probably my second most spammed move after 3P+K :p


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will. The difference between +8 and +5 doesn't seem to make that much of a difference, and two frames slower, meh.. Slight adjustment maybe. I doubt it makes the move much worse. Timing it against wakeup kicks might be slightly different. We'll see.

Darth Lotonic X

Active Member
Changed all back-turned stuns that do not down the player to end with the player facing front.

This hasn't been mentioned here yet. Unless it's inaccurate, it should significantly lower the guaranteed damage output from he mid-kick holds, and her wall throw.


Active Member
Changed all back-turned stuns that do not down the player to end with the player facing front.

This hasn't been mentioned here yet. Unless it's inaccurate, it should significantly lower the guaranteed damage output from he mid-kick holds, and her wall throw.

No we are aware but still dont know how the mean it for ex 64p is a stun that if you dont follow it up the opponent goes to the floor so we ll have to wait and see what works after the patch and what not


Active Member
This is why I wait with playing a game until it's all patched and good to go.
I don't think she got nerfed at all.


Active Member
Guys, I have got a lot of good stuff to report to you. I was talking with Bezerk and he suggested that I post it here. When I get to work tomorrow and on my computer, I will do it there. Lei Fang 1.0.3 is still magnificent!


Active Member
So as you all may be wondering with the new system changes, does this affect Lei Fang's mid kick and adv mid kick hold? This is what was said in the patch notes: "Changed all back-turned stuns that do not down the player to end with the player facing front." With that being said, I attempted to do Lei Fang's back turned combo from the hold:

3P > 64P > 3P > 8K or 66K > 9KK > 3PP6PP (93 damage + 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold). <=== This does not work anymore.

She actually had a better combo than this anyway, and that was affected as well:

3P > delayed 236P > 3P > 64P or 236P > 3P > 8K or 66K > 9KK > 3PP6PP (131 damage +plus 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold) <=== This does not work anymore.

The way the patch affected these combos is in the 64P. If after the 3P you do 64P, then the only thing you can follow up with is a move that is 12 frames or less. 3P is 14 frames and if you tried to follow up 64P with 3P, it now whiffs because the opponent will fall. If you try to do 3K > P+K, the 3K whiffs. 3K is 13 frames. However, if you do 6P, the 6P will hit because the 6P is 12 frames. Also K hits as that's 11 frames.

So after 3P, are we to go straight into 6PK for the launch??? The answer..........NO!!!

GREAT NEWS!!! You can still use the first combo if you take out the 64P and swap it with 236P. Yes, that is right, 236P will cause the re-stun!!!

3P > 236P > 3P > 8K or 66K > 9KK >3PP6PP (93 damage + 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold)

But I have found an even better combo than this that you can do if mid-screen. Something I had been experimenting with from the mid kick/adv mid kick hold is using 3PKK. If you're not near a wall, 3PKK will leave the opponent in an unholdable position.

Before 1.0.3. 3PKK > 8K or 66K > 9KK >3PP6PP (98 damage + 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold)

After 1.0.3: 3PKK > 3P > 66K or dash 8K > 9KK > 3PP6PP (101 damage + 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold). Notice what I have in bold. After 3PKK, you can get a 3P to get a restun that will put you at the threshold and then you launch after. Before 1.0.3, if you did 3P after that, it would knock the opponent down. This is something for this one.

Here's a cooler looking combo that does 1 more point of damage

3PKK > 3P > 66K or dash 8K > 3PP4P > 3PP6PP (102 damage + 20/25/30 if you do the adv mid kick hold instead of the regular mid kick hold)

Another very important note, if you are near a wall and get the mid kick/adv mid kick hold, do not use 3PKK as either kick from this will cause wall blow back. You will have to adjust your combo to do this:

3P > 64P > 6PP > combo ender


Now let's talk about her 4T when your back is against the wall. Before the patch, Lei Fang used to be able to do this

64P > 3P > 64P > 3P > 8K > 66K > 3PP6PP. <== This no longer works due to the 64P change.

Now you must do this.

3P > 64P > 6PP > 9KKK (85 damage)
3P > 64P > 6PP > 3P2PP (86 damage)
3P > 64P > 6PP > 3PP6PP (89 damage)

Note, do not use 6PK after 64P. If so, the combo ender will become weight class dependent. Using 6PP after 64P will allow all those combo enders to work on all weight classes.


6P+K: changed hit reactions from crouching Counter hit or higher to sit-down stuns.

If somehow you land this sit down stun, you can follow up with 66K for a guaranteed launch. This leads to a 115 damage combo.

6P+K sit down stun > 66K > 3PP4P > 3PP6PP

Note this, 6P+K will not cause a sit-down stun on someone who is low holding.


236P: corrected hit reaction on crouching guard to limbo stun.

I do not see this from the patch. I tried every combination of things to do to try to get this limbo stun and just didn't get it. But it's not like she needs it anyway.


Enjoy your new Lei Fang 1.0.3. She is MAGNIFICENT!!! :)


Active Member

Edit: Could you please check if there are any changes in her h+k and 6h+k? are they untechable?

I was working on that as well but I couldn't tell. I noticed that sometimes I was able to roll to the side with no wake up attack or sometimes I was able to stay on the ground longer and then do a wake up kick. So I may not be testing it right but I will test further tonight.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I used 3P > 64P > 3P was because the other setup slammed against walls. If 236P slams against walls too, I don't think the 'new' combo (3P > 236P > 3P) will be much more useful.

In open spaces after mid kick hold, I used 4KK > 6P+K (or 3P depending on environment), then launch. Does that one still work?


Active Member
The only reason I used 3P > 64P > 3P was because the other setup slammed against walls. If 236P slams against walls too, I don't think the 'new' combo (3P > 236P > 3P) will be much more useful.

In open spaces after mid kick hold, I used 4KK > 6P+K (or 3P depending on environment), then launch. Does that one still work?

3P > 64P > 3P no longer works. There is a section in my post that says what to do if you happen to be near a wall. Yes the 236P will wall splat and so will 3PKK. So you do 3P > 64P > 6PK instead. The 6PK is fast enough to connect after the 64P.

I haven't tried 4KK > 6P+K yet. I can test that when I get home tonight.


Active Member
Ok, I have a correction to make. The section that mentioned the limbo stun into the CB, I did some more testing and that part is not guaranteed. I thought I had all my settings the same when I was testing everything but I guess I didn't. If they don't hold the stun though, you are left at max threshold.

Also NightAntilli, 4KK > 6P+K works.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have a correction to make. The section that mentioned the limbo stun into the CB, I did some more testing and that part is not guaranteed. I thought I had all my settings the same when I was testing everything but I guess I didn't. If they don't hold the stun though, you are left at max threshold.

Also NightAntilli, 4KK > 6P+K works.
Awesome :D Guess I won't have to change my game too much, except against walls.


Active Member
Made a few updates in my long post concerning 4T combos and mid kick hold/adv mid kick hold combos by the wall,