Dead Or Alive 5 E3 Build Experience


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you something. When it's time to vote, do you ever vote for something just to be in the majority? If you do, you're defeating the entire concept of democracy and compromise.

That goes vice versa as well.

Just because there is a majority, does that mean you must stray and have your own alienated opinion? Does that opinion make sense simply because it opposes a majority? (No. No it doesn't.)

That's the problem with DOA and its competitive scene. Unique, setting it apart from other fighters, but for the wrong reason(s).


Well-Known Member
Yes, but if VF's system was universal, it wouldn't be something that would dominate the game. It doesn't even dominate for those characters. That's what I'm saying. It shows how counters can be correctly implemented without breaking a game.

One thing about the universality of the 0i hold in DOA versus other mechanics, particularly VF, yes VF counter holds are different (slightly tighter windows, restricted to a few characters), DrDogg was quite right that they don't dominate in that system because there are other options.

What is universal? The VF evade (up or down as an attack comes in). While not an exact comparison, it is more equivalent to the DOA counter a couple of ways, now, because its universal to every character, easy to do, instant, avoids attacks and provide opportunity for damage etc.

Of course it's quite different in that you can't evade while in hitstun and it doesn't have canned damage, but you can do it at disadvantage and its less punishable than a DOA counterhold. (The DOA holds also force a stop or reset to neutral, rather than (usually) an opportunity to turn into a damaging combo.)

However, it is one of the main things that changes the overall metagame in VF, and every character has it. So, for VF's system, it holds a similar place as defensive holds do for DOA.

It is separate to the Offensive Move sidestep, which does not have evasive qualities (like Free Stepping, that's more for positioning).

The point of saying all this is that even if you did all the other things people suggest it wouldn't just turn it into "poor man's VF" mechanically, it still has its own unique differences, just based on a similar principle of universality for some mechanics. Its part of what makes these games feel logical, accessible and consistent - even if these two defensive mechanics work differently, they have a similar effect on their respective metagames.

- Quite a few characters can kill you in 3-4 counterholds in DOA5.

- You can still use counterholds to avoid high attacks, while countering low attacks.

- You can still use counterholds to escape situations that would normally offer guaranteed damage in other fighters.

- You can still play the DOA4 stun/forced guessing game because, while the counterhold recovery is longer, as soon as you get hit mid-stun, the recovery is canceled and you can counter again.

While I agree that the stun system is an issue, it's clear that the counterholds are still a problem.

You forgot the most important thing. VF doesn't have a universal counter system. The counter system in VF is more of a character match-up strategy than anything else.

Good points. As I elaborated, there is a universal evasion system in VF, so their apple is our orange, they serve a similar purpose though.

On the counter hold issues:
- Damage should definitely stay relatively low for counter holds. I equated them above to "neutral resets", which is a good enough result for the defender without significant damage.
- make low counters vulnerable to high hit or longer recovery, or just use the following solution:
- extend the recovery of holds if hit. Allow the person to hold again, just add to the "recovery clock" of a subsequent hold while still in that stun. So if you hit someone, they counter, you hit them again at another height, they can counter again, but that second counter will have a few frames extra recovery, making it worse for them if they spam it while being hit.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Any chance of the guide having frame data this time around? Maybe this Team Ninja would be more open to that suggestion than the old Team Ninja.


New Member
I'm sorry. There was a HILARIOUS argument on the front page of this thread. I couldn't help but laugh and now I am commenting about it.


Active Member
Just because there is a majority, does that mean you must stray and have your own alienated opinion? Does that opinion make sense simply because it opposes a majority? (No. No it doesn't.).

Well, of course not. But I know that personally, I have some ideas that are a little different than what the majority of the community wants to do. While I feel the same result would come out of it, I have my own version of it. The reason for me isn't to oppose the majority, but to do what I believe would make DOA the best it could reasonably be. What I'm saying is, even if I'm wrong about my perspective, if I don't believe the same as all of yours (which isn't the case, I can appreciate most of your viewpoints), then at least I'm trying to help in my own way instead of sitting on my hands complaining about something I'm doing nothing to fix. You know?

Now, really, I'm having a harder time figuring out how Manny could consider what he wants out of DOA good for anyone. I think the only possible reason he could have for this, is that DOA's randomness itself at core is the ultimate comeback mechanic. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt he's speaking for the casuals, and that's my big problem on that one. From a non-casual perspective, there's no reason of greater good to keep DOA's randomness at the core.

Uumm yeah. Look here. I am only responding to exactly what you are saying in each post that you keep quoting me in. Stop talking to me like I don't know anything and need you to educate me. As of now, I don't even know what the hell we are even talking about at the core. You have yet to tell me anything I don't know already.

Oh yeah, with your last two posts for the most part, good job. It shows that you have some good ideas for what needs to be done to help out DOA competitively.

Pretty sure we're just bantering about the hold system, but not really getting anywhere to begin with. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And I try, but I feel as if Team Ninja might not listen to any of us very much. I play Devil's advocate a lot as you've probably been able to tell already, but that really makes me wonder how much Team Ninja cares about money, and if they're going to appeal more to the casuals on purpose just so they can get some easy sales. I feel like we have so many good suggestions that aren't even being tried because of Team Ninja's business plan.


Well-Known Member
The kind of stuff we're talking about here won't affect casuals either way and we know Team Ninja, that is Shimbori, is keen for it to be a competitive game because they realize that's what gives the game longevity and therefore repeated exposure and sales opportunity


Active Member
It's worth pointing out that no one was playing DOA5 at E3. Pretty much everyone was pulling from DOA4 to do well in that tournament. Even Kayane, who was probably using CB more than anyone else, didn't have a full grasp of the new systems.

Wait until late 2012 or early 2013 when people really understand DOA5, then we can talk about how effective someone can be when playing without using CB.

Can I ask what exactly it takes to play DOA5? To me, it looked like Kayane was playing 5. And a little of 4. She was using the tools for 5. CB, SS, SS canceling. Kasumi's new strings. Staying as positive and safe as you can with Kasumi's new moves and physics. Using sit down stuns to her advantage.

I know for a fact if I walked into that tourney, I would have played DOA4 Kasumi the whole way.(not knowing the new moves and physics) I wouldn't have even known about the CB at the time. I've seen a couple people say this as well. A lot of the scrubs at E3 were playing DOA4 completely. Most didn't even know about the SS. I thought Manny and Kayane were kinda playing DOA5, but I guess that's wrong.

I ask, not because I think you're wrong, but I'd like a better grasp for when I get the game in September. I was planning on playing DOA4 when I start the game. Taking DOA5's new mechanics and incorporating them as I went. But that isn't DOA5?


Well, of course not. But I know that personally, I have some ideas that are a little different than what the majority of the community wants to do. While I feel the same result would come out of it, I have my own version of it. The reason for me isn't to oppose the majority, but to do what I believe would make DOA the best it could reasonably be. What I'm saying is, even if I'm wrong about my perspective, if I don't believe the same as all of yours (which isn't the case, I can appreciate most of your viewpoints), then at least I'm trying to help in my own way instead of sitting on my hands complaining about something I'm doing nothing to fix. You know?

Now, really, I'm having a harder time figuring out how Manny could consider what he wants out of DOA good for anyone. I think the only possible reason he could have for this, is that DOA's randomness itself at core is the ultimate comeback mechanic. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt he's speaking for the casuals, and that's my big problem on that one. From a non-casual perspective, there's no reason of greater good to keep DOA's randomness at the core.

Pretty sure we're just bantering about the hold system, but not really getting anywhere to begin with. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And I try, but I feel as if Team Ninja might not listen to any of us very much. I play Devil's advocate a lot as you've probably been able to tell already, but that really makes me wonder how much Team Ninja cares about money, and if they're going to appeal more to the casuals on purpose just so they can get some easy sales. I feel like we have so many good suggestions that aren't even being tried because of Team Ninja's business plan.

Let me put it this way....

Team Ninja requires more resources than the average dev team over at KT. The amount of polish that goes into TN games simply demands it, this isn't a Warriors franchise with a few creative minds and a low budget.

So when a Team Ninja game gets made, it has to do well so they can continue to justify their existence within KT.

The two successful series they have had are NG and DOA. They expected NG3 to do far better than it did, obviously, and the fact that it didn't means that they are now uncertain of a winning formula and feeling lost in the woods. So now, they have one successful franchise with a proven formula.... sort of.

The problem is the formula that did the best was DOA 3, which enjoyed a good life as a exclusive fighter for the original xbox launch. The fact it was a launch title has not escaped their attention, I'm sure. The other part was that it had very easy inputs and 3 point holds compared to the original DOA 2 arcade release... another thing I'm certain has not escaped their attention is that this obviously favored the casual.

But it was also the best DOA competitively... this information is newer to them, and its difficult to digest because they never really thought people played the game that way until recently.

Now immediate logic would tell TN that the safest thing to do in this life-or-death situation is to go with the casual approach because more evidence points to that making the game at least passable on the market. The recent critical flop of NG3 is also giving them stern warning signs that the casual player alone can't be the only person the game is marketed towards.

So they are between a rock and a hard place here, and they are trying to find the right balance with every choice they make being a life-or-death decision for them.

And, of course, you have Manny filling their head with really contradictory (not to mention flatout bad) advice which isn't helping them reach any kind of consensus on what the hell they should be doing. At this point, if I was Shimbori-san, I'd be telling everyone here to fuck off and let me do my thing because its nearly impossible for anyone to discern what the right choice is in any given situation from the arguments that go on.


Active Member
Gotta give it to TN. They're trying like hell to do right by this game. I'm sure they're well aware that they're the running joke by the competitive fighting scene. It must be so hard to make a fighting game that will cater to everyone. And like Rikuto said, which feedback to take in.

They kinda have to find the people who will make this game better. Which is this site in general. Thing is, TN looks at Manny like a rep. He's the one winning tournaments. He's the most knowledgeable. At least that's what TN might see. I'm not blaming TN if they do, but they have to carefully look at the situation. And analyze who they should listen to in the end.

I have nothing against Manny. But he is 100% the wrong guy to listen to.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I think from what I gathered from the TN/VF teams interview...Shinbori knows his stuff, and he seems to have a good understanding of what makes a fighter good. We already saw positive changes in DOA5a and even better ones in DOA5b apart from some input issues and balances (one of them being that hayate was still shit and they kinda noted that). Not only this, but for the first time in team ninja's history they are acctually coming to US.. and asking for OUR feedback.

Giving out the alpha demo and requesting its feedback was probably the smartest (and riskiest) move a company could make. In a way I see it as a gamble that payed off really well.

Now at the same time they are not idiots. Nobody has a say on what they will be doing in the final build but the team itself, be it Master, Slave, Dogg bark, Catt meow, Coww moo, Elephantt fart, A white dude with a japanese wanna-be name, A black dude with a japanese wanna-be name, a chinese dude with a white dude's name, or an imaginary elf like creature that that gives handjobs in the corner of the alley for 5 bucks a shake. In the end the team will take the feedback, be it good or bad, test it out, discuss it amongst themselves and if its a good idea in THEIR eyes, it will stay and if not then it will be thrown in the bad idea box thats locked underground in the -13th floor next to Lilith and the lance of longinus. >__>

Besides, they've been working on the game for ages now and trolling us with unfinished builds and the majority of us know this already. So apart from little tweaks and bug fixing here and there, I really dont think anything we say right now will change anything. (and no I'm not talking about game changing tweaks, I'm taking about just fixing things like interfaces, menus .. things like that)

Its always been the same case over at capcom as well. They would have the game ready by december but only release it around june next year. Then then just feed us little hints of the game every month or so. Same exact strategy.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
True, but a decent DOA5 opens the door to an even better DOA6 or 7.
Well lets not go that far.
Lets look forward to them hopefully getting it right here and now and making it a great game.

Then maybe if it goes well we can have a DOA vs. VF .. battle of the 5s !!!

Then I can quit fighting games on a happy note :p

Then you guys can fuck with DOA6 or 7 all you like ..


Well-Known Member
Are we talking SCV 500 pages of textbook hardcover goodness? Cause I'll buy two and give one to my DOA buddy.

I don't make the call on hardcover, but I'd say it's unlikely. It won't be 500 pages, but that's mainly because SC5 has more characters and more system mechanics. In addition, the DOA5 guide will be much better organized than the SC5 one. I had to bookmark my character... I mean who organizes a guide by select screen order?!

Anyway, I'm still developing the layout, but right now the character sections are 10 pages each... and they may need to be longer.

Any chance of the guide having frame data this time around? Maybe this Team Ninja would be more open to that suggestion than the old Team Ninja.

Color-coded frame data actually.

Can I ask what exactly it takes to play DOA5? To me, it looked like Kayane was playing 5. And a little of 4. She was using the tools for 5. CB, SS, SS canceling. Kasumi's new strings. Staying as positive and safe as you can with Kasumi's new moves and physics. Using sit down stuns to her advantage.

Everyone will start at DOA4 when they get the game in Sept. Kayane hadn't played DOA4 in a long time and was essentially coming from SC5. I had to show her a lot of things on the first night so that she understood the system better, because you absolutely cannot play any DOA with a SC mentality. After the first night, she trained at E3 with some others and got an even better understanding.

However, it's impossible for anyone to fully grasp the new game systems and how to use them in such a limited time frame. There were times when Kayane could've punished with an attack but either didn't punish at all or only punished with a throw. She wasn't punishing the PB sidestep cancels, which is actually pretty easy for Kasumi to do. She didn't have any 0-counter setups for a CB, which at least Bayman and Kokoro had in the E3 build.

As I said, she was playing DOA5 more than anyone else, but she still lacked a full understanding of the system. Not that there's anything wrong with that, even I lacked a full understanding and I played it more than any of the other players.

Its always been the same case over at capcom as well. They would have the game ready by december but only release it around june next year. Then then just feed us little hints of the game every month or so. Same exact strategy.

Please tell me you don't actually believe that. If you somehow think that DOA5 is done and ready to go and Tecmo is just sitting on it, you're crazy. In most cases, the game isn't really "done" when it gets released...


Active Member
Ah, alright. Thanks for the details. Also, when you say Kasumi can punish SS cancel well, do you mean because her pokes are fast and track well?


Well-Known Member
Ah, alright. Thanks for the details. Also, when you say Kasumi can punish SS cancel well, do you mean because her pokes are fast and track well?

She has a fast forward dash, as does Hayate. They cover ground very quickly. The recovery on the PB SS-cancel is enough to punish and/or interrupt the attack depending on what attack you're using and how good your reflexes are. I kind of snickered at how often the better players were PB SS-canceling at E3.

You just don't know... ^_^


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Please tell me you don't actually believe that. If you somehow think that DOA5 is done and ready to go and Tecmo is just sitting on it, you're crazy. In most cases, the game isn't really "done" when it gets released...

When we got the alpha demo, it was way out of date. Everyone was aware of this.
I can tell you now that when you guys saw the E3 demo, that too, was way out of date ..even the Bass and Sarah build was out of date.
I'm not sure what version they are gonna be testing in Japan soon but I can tell you now that they would probably have a much later version in their offices.
Their test runs are mainly to check the overall flow of system. and the tweaked suggestions they do are more or less minor in relation to the overall game development. Think of it as something similar to a DLC patch ...

Basically, Character models, move sets and things like that are all pretty much done. what they choose to fix from these tests is either an overall mechanic or a character specific tweak.

I remember when Capcom had internal testings for SSF4...waaay before Hakan was announced. He was supposed to basically burn up when a fireball comes at him if he was oiled, then they thought that was unfair and took that specific thing out.. they began the character reveals around December-January but all the characters were pretty much done before hand. it was all about tweaking till June.

What sucks is that usually the last characters to be revealed tend to be under-tested by the community, which is probably the only drawback of this kind incremental announcing. So if there were any disastrous balance issues it would most likely be assosiated with those particular characters. But hopefully the team testing itself will be good enough.


Cow.... you realize that we played multiple builds while we were at E3...

The tag one inparticular was not exactly what I would call "stable".


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Cow.... you realize that we played multiple builds while we were at E3...

The tag one inparticular was not exactly what I would call "stable".

Absolutely, which is why it wasn't shown to the public.
Another build does not mean stable...
Like they would have all the models done and not all the move sets wouldn't be programmed in.
The playable E3 build was basicly more polished out to be more presentable but not necessarily the latest build..

All I'm saying that from now till production its only tweaks and bug fixes ... The game is done.