Ok ok. I said it was my last reply, but, I can't let this crap about Bass/Kokoro vs Christie slide. Sorry I lied. Wall of text incoming...
Don't ignore JAK for speed, because that's biased. Bass and Kokoro are similar against Christie.
Let me explain this a bit more, because it seems people are not getting the argument... I get the whole Bass being slow thing. Really, I do. But you people don't get the other side of the equation. There's a reason I've been talking about JAK this whole time, but you people are too focused on speed.
It's not a fair comparison to look at only Christie's speed, and say that Kokoro can interrupt, and thus she has an easier time than Bass. You are then ignoring Christie's main tool against Kokoro and Kokoro's main weakness. It's only a fair comparison when you look at the worst properties for the given character, against the best tools of the character you're comparing it to (Christie in this case). And this, for each character on its own. Not the worst for one and then put another character in its place pretending it can have
only the same weaknesses, but less of them. Another character means another potential weakness, which means you have to adjust your perspective accordingly. Not to mention ignoring Bass' OHs, which is a clear advantage over Kokoro, even over Kokoro's Sabaki. In any case...
First, look at the strengths of the opposing character. Christie's two main strengths are her speed and JAK. They are both tools that she can use at any given time. Bass' weakness is his speed. Kokoro's weakness is her linearity. Now...
- It's logical that Christie is going to use speed against Bass, because he's slow and that gives her more advantage. Bass also has more than enough circulars to deal with JAK, so that strength is not really a (big) advantage against Bass anymore, thus her speed is the main edge she has against Bass. The question then is, how can Bass reliably counter her speed?
- It's logical that Christie is going to use JAK against Kokoro. Kokoro, although slower than Christie, is still quite speedy. She's speedy enough for interrupts, so Christie's speed is not really a (big) advantage anymore, but, Kokoro is very linear, and thus it makes a lot more sense for her JAK tool to be used more, since it's the main edge she has against Kokoro. The question then is, how can Kokoro reliably counter JAK?
Looking at these two questions, neither of them really have an answer to the respective tool the opponent can use. Can you now understand why arguments like Kokoro being safe, having sabakis, being quicker, having mid string grabs, all become irrelevant? None of them help deal with JAK, which exploits Kokoro's main weakness. Her main weakness can not be covered. You people are asking Bass' question about speed for Kokoro, because Kokoro's strengths would obviously help Bass, but that's not the proper way to look at it, because her own strengths don't help negate her own main weakness. I could also argue that Bass is much better than Kokoro by ignoring his speed and only looking at JAK. But you all know that that's not really representative of the real situation, because his circulars and OHs don't help against Christie's speed. Why would it be ok the other way around? Enough comparing apples and oranges. Look at the match-ups in a proper way, and stop having these pre-judgments about how Bass vs Christie MUST BE worse than Kokoro vs Christie.
On another note... There are characters, where you can ask the same questions I asked above about Bass/Kokoro weaknesses, and you'll find ways to reliably deal with any of the above weaknesses. Take, say Hitomi.. She has a punch parry to deal with Christie's speed, she's speedy enough to interrupt, she has enough tracking mid and lows to counter JAK.. So, all in all, it makes sense that Hitomi at least is not at a disadvantage against Christie, because her two main tools can be dealt with reliably. Obviously, if there are more tools they should be looked at. Then you can look at it the other way to determine if Christie is at a disadvantage or not to determine if they really are 5-5.
Now to reply to circular discussions once more... Most of what's written here has already been discussed.... I'll repeat things I just said above, since apparently saying it three times is not enough, so, might as well do it five or six more times. So, feel free to skip this part if you wish...
You feel that the Christie x Kokoro match is just as bad as Christie x Bass?
I feel that it's a better matchup for Kokoro than Bass. I'd personally lean towards 6-4 Christie due to the ability Kokoro has with her sabakis...............
I'm gonna quote, because this has already been addressed... :
What is it with people repeating the same thing over and over and expecting their argument to get better?
3) This is pretty much the same as 1T. Expecting to land [her sabaki] in any reliable manner is unrealistic. The risk is much too high to consider it a plus against anyone as fast and mixup heavy as Christie.
You'll get hit ten times before you actually land one. By pure chance it's 25%, by reading, you have to predict one of the fastest character in the game that has one of the best mixup games... And then.. Bass + OHs.. Read below.
I'd personally lean towards 6-4 Christie due to the ability Kokoro has with her sabakis and quicker attacks. She can actually defend with attacks unlike Bass.
That doesn't mean shit when all her attacks do nothing against JAK. JAK is what differentiates Christie from any other character out there. It's her unique tool, and one that can be abused like crazy on Kokoro, unlike against any other character in the game (except maybe Akira). How are you people so good at ignoring this tool? Bass may not be able to defend with attacks, but neither can Kokoro, and even if she could, Bass has low and mid circulars to deal with JAK while Kokoro has literally zero reliable tools to deal with JAK. And Bass has a
tracking 15 frame mid. By being able to punish JAK, Christie's mixup game has already been reduced quite a bit. AND he has OHs, which Kokoro lacks completely, including a 10 frame low one. You're not honestly gonna tell me that her Sabaki is a better tool than the crazy high damage OHs Bass has...
So either Christie x Kokoro would be 6-4 or Christie x Bass is 8-2 and Christie x Kokoro is 7-3. I don't think anything is really deserving of an 8-2 matchup at this time in the game's life.
False dichotomy. Maybe you should start considering that Bass is not worse than Kokoro against Christie. Note that this is
only for Christie. Kasumi or Pai is a whole other story. Speed alone is not a good enough argument to say Kokoro has an easier time than Bass against Christie, like explained above.
So, I'm going to change it back to this:
Zack x Helena 5-5
Ryu x Hayate 6-4
Rig x Gen Fu 4-6
Christie x Kokoro 7-3
Brad x Bayman 6-4
Can any Kokoro player please back me up on this? Even a Christie player would do (Hi Awesmic xD), or anyone who thinks what I'm saying makes any sense. I'm tired of playing one man soldier.
And if you disagree, feel free to tell my why in a logical manner. Try not to re-use the same old arguments previously posted... If you're out of ideas, explain to me how the speed disadvantage is worse than the JAK disadvantage, because I honestly don't see how that can be the case.