The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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I would actually rather have Mizuki than Irene. Both have personalities that could bore a man to death, but I like Mizuki's appearance better.

Canna would be stupid.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
Anything hinted on how Yaiba would fight in hand-to-hand combat situations yet? He seems to be a likely future male character addition (Like it or not, hard to deny that) since Team Ninja loves ninjas (Shocking) and he is the main character of that NG Spinoff game that would get more copies of his game sold indirectly if he was added. DoA5U already has Hayabusa/Momiji costumes promoting that game already.

He also has character connections to Hayabusa going for him where he is essentially a "Vegeta" to him. Reminded me of Star-killer being added to SCIV to promote that Force Unleashed game and to have a character connection to Vader. All I know is that he is a ninja that doesn't like utilizing Ninpo, has cyborg enhancements, and is very chaotic which may reflect on his fighting style.

Reminds me of Kenpachi from Bleach because he doesn't like using Kidou and is another chaotic individual.

Miss Monday gives me C.Viper vibes if she was a fighter.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't rank Irene that high in terms of the next new character (whether it be 5U or 6). I'm not saying she won't be eventually be added though. If I had to rank the top 3 who I thought was being added I'd say Yaiba, Tengu, and Rio.
-Tengu b/c well...we won't go there again I think the points have all been made. project revival.png lol
-Yaiba b/c they are going to try and promote the sh*t out of NGZ (and they've already started w/ the preorder outfits for 5U). And now that Ryu AND Momiji are confirmed to be in the game I can unfortunately easily see some crossover into DOA.
-Rio is an odd choice at first but she is in fact a very popular fictional character in Japan who, in addition to guest-starring in DOAP, starred in her own games as well as a TV series. Bringing in a non-fighting crowd to the game has it's cons but it's more players nonetheless. :p
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Well-Known Member
What's wrong with Eileen? Oh wait, some DOA players don't appreciate a game (VF) that got DOA to exist in the first place.

In my case nothing is wrong with VF, just the opposite ;) But my love for DoA make me wish only new additions part of its universe and no more guests (sorry XD)

I'm well aware of their whiny, defensive nature

Wow, I quoted Tyaren's answer to you passing over your relationship wih DoAW (and your ban, nowadays an hard feat to accomplish with the current management of the site) and you had also the nerve to talk bad after the posts that you wrote there?

also how at least two of the mods don't even play the game at all. Makes absolutely no sense.

Yep, exactly like to say that to cut the complete male roster from the game - less Gen Fu and Ryu because they were able to make unlock you the legend swimsuits in 5U - would be able to improve the series (and in all these years TN has never thought to a such great idea? What kind of game-developers are?!)

Quick question, but is there any concrete proof that we are getting more characters AFTER phase 4?

Or is everyone's request for "I want x in the roster" just wild speculation?

Of course is just speculation, but it's supported by these vague hints:

-Before the announcement of Phase-4, Shimbori talked in an interview of the future addition of more characterS to the Arcade.

-If you check the DoA5U and DoA5UA sites, now you can see like the icons of Marie Rose and Phase-4 are placed in the exact place (so using the same spaces) where we could see the additions of 5U during the pre-release (I can't explain better, you have to see the pictures of the roster in both the sites).

So theoretically it's possible that we could end to get 3 more characters after Phase-4.

@David Gregg : Personally I think that Tengu, Raidou (if Phase-4 hasn't his moveset), Yaiba, Irene, Aoi, Eileen, a new original male character, are the only possible choices for future additions in DoA5U (just my 2 cents, of course I could be wrong ;) ).
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In my case nothing is wrong with VF, just the opposite. But my love for DoA make me wish only new additions part of its universe and no more guests (sorry XD)

Yeah. I'm all for guests and whatnot, but 4 was a little extreme. Don't get me wrong, I love both DOA and VF to death, but, I would trade maybe 3 of them for just one more new DOA character. If not new, I just want some boss from the previous game...preferably Raidou or Tengu since they're both awesome assholes.

I understand that DOA is like the sibling to VF, but Akira would've been good enough as the main face that represent the guest character.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I'm all for guests and whatnot, but 4 was a little extreme. Don't get me wrong, I love both DOA and VF to death, but, I would trade maybe 3 of them for just one more new DOA character. If not new, I just want some boss from the previous game...preferably Raidou or Tengu since they're both awesome assholes.

I understand that DOA is like the sibling to VF, but Akira would've been good enough as the main face that represent the guest character.

Well, like I said more times I think that TN didn't want simply guest characters for DoA5/5U (like was Spartan in DoA4 or the guests in SC), but to start a real collaboration with AM2 and Sega. The outcomes obtained (lile the recognition of the value of the series/playing of the game among the VF players and the return in the Arcade through the partecipation of Sega) are the evidences for it.

So I think that this was the best thing that they could decide to do for the return of the series, but without doubt this move was able to delude the long fans loving before of all the characters owned by TN absent in DoA5.

I consider the possibility that TN could include another guest in 5U, and actually I wouldn't care for it if at least Tengu will be able to get a spot (even because I like the VF roster): by the way I can't admit that this would be my ideal choice for other characters in the game.
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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
As I've said many times if they wanted to add Yaiba they would have did it by now.

But the game didn't even come out yet?! lol. The same argument could've been made for Phase 4 who is definitely a little late in the game and would have made a logical secret character back in vanilla 5.

Trust me I don't want him either but the possibility still exists.
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Well-Known Member
But actually I would like to get Yaiba playable in Doa... *Runs for avoiding blunt objects thrown against him*

By the way, if this can reassure some of you XD, remember that if TN wish to make of Yaiba a playable character of their own games, they could have the possibility to add him also in the regular NG series -and on the opposite of Irene, would appear more logical to see his addition there rather than in DoA -
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