The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Active Member
That's far too many white people. RACIST!!!

G'night, y'all. *crab dances back out of topic*


Look at how much McKayla Maroney is laughing at you.

To goggle at T and A?

You forgot the most important part! ( I hate it when people say I only like T & A. Tranny's have T & A, and so do really fat dudes).

Hey, how about you also join I left there, because even I (and I'm usually really tame) was polarizing there. They are so whiney and defensive over there. They're going to love you! XD

I'm well aware of their whiny, defensive nature, also how at least two of the mods don't even play the game at all. Makes absolutely no sense.


Well-Known Member
while I'm sure ill be disappointed with the answer, based on those two sketches before and.first impressions, would anyone besides me actually want to buy a revamped Nicole as dlc?


Well-Known Member
Something cool happened (in your imagination Jigglypuff).

I tweeted an umpteenth time about Helena's opera dress (oh come on Kwon, it's never going to happen)
Then a friend of mine answered "Are you crazy ?" (because you constantly ask for it, STAHP).
To what TN answered and retweeted : "Are we crazy ? Maybe. RT" (hmmmmm...)

I know it might mean nothing, but if TN itself claims to be crazy about this challenge, it means Helena's opera dress (+ locket) could still have a chance in a future. Anyway, sorry again for talking about the same single thing (yeah shut up).


Well-Known Member
while I'm sure ill be disappointed with the answer, based on those two sketches before and.first impressions, would anyone besides me actually want to buy a revamped Nicole as dlc?

If she has an unique moveset, and not what we had in DOA4, yes. Because if "revamped" means only 3-4 moves, then no. I didn't like Nicole in DOA4.

A Nicole with a totally new militar fighting style (like a female version of Bayman) would be amazing.


Well-Known Member
If she has an unique moveset, and not what we had in DOA4, yes. Because if "revamped" means only 3-4 moves, then no. I didn't like Nicole in DOA4.

A Nicole with a totally new militar fighting style (like a female version of Bayman) would be amazing.
yeah that's what I'm going for. few same moves, like the charged punch/kick, but I'm overhauling her to be wall, a Titan. pplus a.few flurry punches like Milas mgp. working name for current style is just "titanic force". think like..a Tyrant from resident evil, with a few other traits. iI'm on mobile so a pain to post the moveset I've got so far. ill make a post later with more of the moveset I'm coming up with.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Something cool happened (in your imagination Jigglypuff).

I tweeted an umpteenth time about Helena's opera dress (oh come on Kwon, it's never going to happen)
Then a friend of mine answered "Are you crazy ?" (because you constantly ask for it, STAHP).
To what TN answered and retweeted : "Are we crazy ? Maybe. RT" (hmmmmm...)

I know it might mean nothing, but if TN itself claims to be crazy about this challenge, it means Helena's opera dress (+ locket) could still have a chance in a future. Anyway, sorry again for talking about the same single thing (yeah shut up).
That would be good news, because it means TN is still interested in making costume DLC that's not just swimwear/fetish suits.

Maybe I can get that Leon trenchcoat after all.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
We still have what will likely be a brand new outfit for Leon coming in Casual Collection Vol. 3. We probably won't get that until after Marie comes out though, as I assume Marie also has a costume in said pack.

Patrick Wimmer

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
yeah that's what I'm going for. few same moves, like the charged punch/kick, but I'm overhauling her to be wall, a Titan. pplus a.few flurry punches like Milas mgp. working name for current style is just "titanic force". think like..a Tyrant from resident evil, with a few other traits. iI'm on mobile so a pain to post the moveset I've got so far. ill make a post later with more of the moveset I'm coming up with.
I actually really like your idea for a new character!

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
A good case for Irene's addition is she already has a character model they can port from NG3. Then again they could add Mizuki instead for that same reason. Would be kind of cool to hear Ali Hillis's voice in DOA.


I thought that Mizuki was Momiji at the first time I saw her in NG3 trailer xP. They both are looking so similar xP They could be sisters xD



Well-Known Member
I thought that Mizuki was Momiji at the first time I saw her in NG3 trailer xP. They both are looking so similar xP They could be sisters xD

I thought the same exact thing. Then the whole game I was wondering when they'd discover they were somehow related in some sort of way.

@Tyaren from what I've heard Maneki was run off of DOAWorld and that's why he's here now spewing his bigoted garbage. It really is just a matter of time until the same thing happens here so don't worry.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
I loved Canna&Ryu cutscenes, I've cried a lot watching them (I also realised that Ryu needs to have a son, little Hayabusa would be badass).

Yeah the good thing on NG3 was that cause you learn the good side of Ryu. He has already to much Bit*** nah you know what I mean. Sanji is like a son for Ryu. Yeah Sanji in DOA6 or sth. Hayabusa Clan :p


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I loved Canna&Ryu cutscenes, I've cried a lot watching them (I also realised that Ryu needs to have a son, little Hayabusa would be badass).

Those scenes gave me diabetes. The whole thing was so forced and cheesy I knew what the bitch was going to write before she did it and i still wanted to shut my xbox off. The only good character from NG3 was Theodore but he's dead now :/

I'm pretty sure Ryu will have a real heir but Sanji will become his apprentice. Not all relationships are the same


Well-Known Member
Something cool happened (in your imagination Jigglypuff).

I tweeted an umpteenth time about Helena's opera dress (oh come on Kwon, it's never going to happen)
Then a friend of mine answered "Are you crazy ?" (because you constantly ask for it, STAHP).
To what TN answered and retweeted : "Are we crazy ? Maybe. RT" (hmmmmm...)

I know it might mean nothing, but if TN itself claims to be crazy about this challenge, it means Helena's opera dress (+ locket) could still have a chance in a future. Anyway, sorry again for talking about the same single thing (yeah shut up).

You made a tweet for the locket? Wonder if they'll attach that to the opera dress or create it as real life merchandise (less probability). I'll be happy if they do make unplayable costumes playable now. I also do want the fur coat Tina wore in her 2/2U ending.


Well-Known Member
I actually really like your idea for a new character!
here's some basic Hold ideas. air kick, opponent clangs harmlessly of her frame, she catches them by the arms and pulls apart, dislocating the arms before dropping them. High Kick, basically smashing the opponent back and forth by the leg 3 times like the Hulk. HHigh Punch, catches their punch, lifts them up by the ARM, then punches or kicks them hard enough that they fly straight back. Mid Punch, catches the opponents ARM between a knee and elbow pincer, then uses opposite knee to POP opponent up, then face slams them to the ground. Low punch, quickly grabs opponents head by the top, and chucks them in opposite direction, leaving them in backfacing stagger. LLow kick, catches opponents foot under here. then calmly walks over them, crushing them like a steamroller. Mid Kick, catches.their leg underarm, pinning it to her side, then with other ARM, 3 kidney.shots, the third holding against them, grabbing their rib, lifting them overhead, and slamming them.down behind her. . these were off the top of my head. but trying to focus on her sheer size, being a good three inches taller than Bass. next I'll list some strikes I thought up.
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