The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Kasumi in NG, Momiji/Rachel in DOA. DOA6 new character will be Irene I guess and Hayate will be the new playable character in NG4.

I wouldn't mind that, so long as he's like Kasumi in RE and is simply playable. No plot involvement.

Irene actually works better in DOA anyways, given that it's suicidal for a normal human to even try and fight a fiend hand-to-hand, which NG has established pretty well. When she was captured by the Black Spider Clan, well...

Without fiends around, she actually broke herself out, grabbed the biggest gun she could find because ninja>human, and spends a lot of time wrecking shit with Ryu. IMO, that's more than enough of a reason to include her. She's CIA, so she knows how to fight. Just put her into 5U as a guest, work out the kinks, and put her into the MIST storyline in 6.

But yeah, her DOAD costume as C1, 'Sonia' as C2.


Well-Known Member
So... uh, I have a question....

Why is Irene a supposed "Most likely" to be added into DOA5U? to me, I'd say with her it's more a case of wishful thinking. Apart from the fact we've never seen her fight- half the time she's just flying around in a helicopter giving people missions through a communications device.

If we're talking "most likely" to be added. The only 4 possibilities are Tengu, a VF character, Yaiba, or a new character altogether.

Nikki, Irene, Miss Monday and Miyako... I'm curious as to how these guys are "most likely" when they have shown no signs of actually being able to fight...

How did people come to the conclusion that they have a high chance of being added after Phase-4? I'm legitimately curious.

First of all Irene appear to be really requested by the vocal community online, a thing already happened with Momiji and Rachel. More, considering that:
  • Irene is a woman (and we know like Team Ninja surely tend to favourite female characters XD)
  • She was able to gain a big popularity between the fans after the redesign of DoA Dimensions and I suppose also thanks to the revelation that Sonia is just the rebooted version of Irene Lew (many old fans of NG for NES started to like the character after it).
  • Her popularity, even if was able to know a boost, is of course lower than the one of Rachel and Momiji (for obvious reasons considering like they are main characters playable in the series). By the way with her "competitors" already added in the series, the entry of Irene wouldn't find any problems of this kind.
  • The new Team Ninja seem to be inclined to mix the universe of their two series, like seen by the presence of Rachel and Momiji in DoA, the one of Kasumi in NG (and recently TN showned a concept art for NG3 giving the idea that also Hayate originally was thought to be included in the game), and of the same Irene in the DoA universe with the events of Dimensions. Adding Irene like a playable character in DoA would be in line with it.
  • The new Team Ninja seem to be fond of Irene, seeing like they decided to create on purpose a new model for her in 2 games (DoA:D and NG3:RE), careless of the fact that she would have been unplayable in both of them. In addition her physical presence in NG3:RE is really limited to few minutes, like if TN would have decided to treat it like a sort of tribute to the character. A similar consideration of the character, while is easily understandable with a so famous and important one like Ayane (in NG3), surely appear really strange for someone on the paper less important like Irene.
I think that there are really very high chances for her entry like playable character in DoA, if not now in DoA5U surely in DoA6. Anyway with this I'm not saying that she is the most likely to be included (from certain sides I consider Tengu or Aoi with more chances for it).


About the possibility or less to fight, please don't start again arguments without a real basis for the possibility or less to include a character (like the fact that being a character dead, then he can't return in the game). First of all the developers have the possibility to do everything and the opposite of everything, the only limit to this is just their fantasy.

In second place I don't find reasons because Irene shouldn't be able to fight, after all being an operative CIA agent is really likely that she had a training for the fight hand-to-hand. If we have to base our opinions only on the appearences there are characters that could appear to us more strange, like a scientist knowing the Luchadora or the ninja being able to be stopped by not ninja characters (considering their over human feats in the NG series).
More, Team Ninja has basically already a background ready for the woman, in terms of both her knowledge of a fighting style (through the C.I.A. a training in Krav Maga would be perfect) and even for her entry in the DoA plot on the opposite of Rachel and Momiji (Irene already showned in Dimensions like also her organization is interested to the matters of the Donovan's DOATEC/MIST).

Finally, what happen in the plots of the games that haven't pretense to get 24/24 a realistic approach shouldn't be treated too much seriously: if appear strange that a CIA agent like Irene could have been immobilized by Christie, should appear even more strange to think that the assassin was really able to gain time with Ryu without immediately being defeated by the super ninja (or that Ayane didn't find nothing better that ask for the help of Ryu rather than to fight in first person against Christie XD).

Hey, how about you also join I left there, because even I (and I'm usually really tame) was polarizing there. They are so whiney and defensive over there. They're going to love you! XD

Please, avoid similar posts. The two communities already had troubles in the past, more some users of FSD are also users of DOAW.

Zack is probably the least played. Although I see him coming up more lately, but still.....

I had great fights yesterday with the Zack of @Juan The Man ;)
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Well-Known Member
If we're getting a short haired chick I want Eileen from VF

I think she would be my second choice for a VF character next to Aoi. Eileen's fighting style isn't really in DOA is it? I thought M.R was going to be DOAs Eileen.... boy was I wrong hahaha. Not even remotely similar apart from the 2 attacks shown in the announcement trailer for DOA5UA.

She's got an interesting style, I'd be curious to see how they go about it in DOA. Still, I think Aoi would fit in perfectly with all her counters & 3 part throws. Eileen and Aoi would be amazing! then I'd have all my VF characters in the game! =D


Quick question, but is there any concrete proof that we are getting more characters AFTER phase 4?

Or is everyone's request for "I want x in the roster" just wild speculation?

Im American, I already assume the rest of the world hates my guts. you'll be lucky to get me out of Texas let alone the country.

Proud to be an 'Murican?

I wouldn't mind that, so long as he's like Kasumi in RE and is simply playable. No plot involvement.

I wouldn't mind this as much, but they should put their priority on Ryu. What's the point of adding x amount of playable characters if the main character plays like shit (Razor's Edge). Adding other playable characters is a nice bonus or fanservice, but what's the point if the character you will most likely play the most plays like garbage with shit input lags.
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Well-Known Member
Quick question, but is there any concrete proof that we are getting more characters AFTER phase 4?

Or is everyone's request for "I want x in the roster" just wild speculation?

Hmmm, I don't think they've announced anything. Speculation is always fun though~ ;D

Guess we'll know like... 3-4 months from now lol


Hmmm, I don't think they've announced anything. Speculation is always fun though~ ;D

Guess we'll know like... 3-4 months from now lol

Sooooo these long ass post of pages of character demands are all speculation? That's a lot of discussion for something that may never happen.


this page. i honestly cant tell if this a translation or speculation based on the article

When they said "characters" I assumed they were talking about Marie and Phase 4.


Well-Known Member
SSB isn't canon to the story of Mario. NG is canon to DOA. There's a difference n_n;;

( eh... is canon the right word? =S but basically SSB doesn't really have anything to do with the story of Super Mario.... )

Edit: .... Just so everyone knows, I don't really mind if she is added hahaha, I just think considering the Tengu uproar, and the fact they're trying to get the VF audience into DOA that they're more likely. I have nothing against Irene, and I wouldn't entirely care if she was added.. >_>;;
Peach was still the heroine in Super Princess Peach for the DS and she was playable in Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Bros. 2.
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