The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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That reminds me Hitomi's like 20 and still in high school. Dumb cabbage eating ho


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I hope everyone took that 5U survey and let TN know how much you hate the new gritty look... fortunately they're pretty receptive to feedback, otherwise we wouldn't be able to replace all the awful music from vanilla in 5U :p
I didn't, where is this survey?


Active Member
The only spinoff I want is DOA vs VF.
Judging by the sheer (and unnecessary) amount of annoying VF characters we got into DoA5 I'd dare to say we've already been "blessed" with such a game :p

Sarcasm aside, I guess I wouldn't have minded a DoA vs VF spinoff in the past, I actually wanted it pretty badly.
It's just that they brought the whole "homage" thing way too far in DoA5. 4 guest characters from VF with anoying moveset, debateable adaptation and missing original DoA characters was a move that really got on my nerves.


Active Member
I think the only ones who can match up to Ninjas, would be Bayman, Christie, and possibly Leon.

Well Christie maybe, but I'm doubtful. Kinda positive Bayman and Leon would be nomatch for the Ninjas.
Rig could be a threat, because we don't know his full potential yet.
Could say Ein because... well he's a ninja underneath lol
I guess maybe Gen Fu because he's an elderly geezer and we all know how that kind of guys can kick asses? But I'm skeptic about him as well.
Oh well Rachel, for sure. She's probably not as powerful as them but she would definitely put up a very good match.

Seriously, I don't think anybody could pose a threat to Ninjas. Well aside from boss characters of course.


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Standard Donor

Well Christie maybe, but I'm doubtful. Kinda positive Bayman and Leon would be nomatch for the Ninjas.
Rig could be a threat, because we don't know his full potential yet.
Could say Ein because... well he's a ninja underneath lol
I guess maybe Gen Fu because he's an elderly geezer and we all know how that kind of guys can kick asses? But I'm skeptic about him as well.
Oh well Rachel, for sure. She's probably not as powerful as them but she would definitely put up a very good match.

Seriously, I don't think anybody could pose a threat to Ninjas. Well aside from boss characters of course.
Since when is Christie more threatening than Bayman and possibly on par with the ninjas?

Number 13

Well-Known Member
I remembered mentioned somewhere that Hitomi's karate is in par with Ayane's Ninjitsu when they fought each other awhile back (think Ayane was surprised about that?), but this is assuming that they both will have to fight each other unarmed and Ayane not using ninja magic/killing intent if you seen her in action in NG.

Jann Lee gets an honorable mention because he has a good win record whenever he fights the non-ninjas and even was bold enough to challenge Hayabusa, but he is still weaker then Rig.
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Active Member
Since when is Christie more threatening than Bayman and possibly on par with the ninjas?
I did say I was doubtful, didn't I!
I don't think she's really a match, but I do think she's potentially more dangerous than Bayman, and this is because she's more mysterious, younger and backed up by Donovan firsthand, whereas Bayman was just a hired assassin.
This makes me think that Christie could have some secret ace in the sleeve.


Well-Known Member
Other than the rifle she used to kill Maria with and pointing a knife at Irene's chin, she prefers slipping needles at the back of her opponents neck after luring them with a striptease pole dance show but then again that seems a bit impractical.


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Standard Donor
I did say I was doubtful, didn't I!
I don't think she's really a match, but I do think she's potentially more dangerous than Bayman, and this is because she's more mysterious, younger
Bayman's also about twice her size.

PS: Rig fought Hayate to a standstill at least, and looked unphased at the end as opposed to an exhausted Hayate. I'd say if any of the non-ninjas stood a chance against them, it'd be him.


Well-Known Member
Judging by the sheer (and unnecessary) amount of annoying VF characters we got into DoA5 I'd dare to say we've already been "blessed" with such a game :p

Sarcasm aside, I guess I wouldn't have minded a DoA vs VF spinoff in the past, I actually wanted it pretty badly.
It's just that they brought the whole "homage" thing way too far in DoA5. 4 guest characters from VF with anoying moveset, debateable adaptation and missing original DoA characters was a move that really got on my nerves.
I dunno about annoying. VF characters showed what the rest of the cast needed. Lots of frame advantage, etc.


Active Member
Bayman's also about twice her size.

PS: Rig fought Hayate to a standstill at least, and looked unphased at the end as opposed to an exhausted Hayate. I'd say if any of the non-ninjas stood a chance against them, it'd be him.
No questioning that.
Rig (and Rachel, maybe to a lesser extent) are the only two characters that could potentially hold a match against ninjas.
Rachel because she's super human and, like Ninjas, she too has "powers" which aren't available in the game.
Rig because of the cutscene you talk about and because he's the mysterious "son" of Donovan, likely he's the guinea pig for god knows how many strange experiments.

I doubt Christie could do anything against Ninjas but, again, I consider her potentially more dangerous than Bayman and probably several other characters in the series.


Well-Known Member
:eek:. Fighting the ninjeas eh? I like this conversation! Yea I think Christie would put up a better fight than Bayman. Well Rachel is technically a ninja isn't she? I think she can own Kasumi and Ayane and maybe Momiji though. She's an alien or whatever and she has that giant axe and the little ninja cute beamy things (XD). But back to Bayman and Christie, I think Christie would put up a better fight because she's fast. Haven't yall noticed that? Christie isn't a ninja but she's like "I got hands too!". Plus Christie has no fear, for some odd reason, because remember she was willing to fight Ayane AND Ryu in DOA4? Crazy Bitch. But yea, she would put up a better fight than Bayman.

But Rig, eh, I honestly don't know. But lets be serious here, Lisa can bust all them ninjas!!! They don't want none! :p


Well-Known Member

When she looks at that Legendary Scarab item in DOAX2/DOAP, she actually says "Ah!!! A bug! Get it away from me!" and immediately discards the item from her inventory.

I didn't know that.
There should be a trivia thread with fun facts for each character.
Do we learn anything interesting about Helena in DOAX2 ?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that.
There should be a trivia thread with fun facts for each character.
Do we learn anything interesting about Helena in DOAX2 ?

If I could recall when I had DOAP (since it is technically a watered-down DOAX2) back then, she is said to be not fond of pineapples, she doesn't know how to eat a crab and can't believe that people eat sushi (which she considers beautiful creatures of the sea), she doesn't know how to play the rock guitar (just like Tina not knowing how to play a harp) and she finds romance novels repulsive lol.
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Active Member
Well Rachel is technically a ninja isn't she?
No! She's not even "Human".
Technically she's a vigoorian, altough that's not very different from any other humans lol, just different lineage.
She received the "blessing of blood" or whatever it was called, giving her superhuman strenght, reflexes etc.
She also can use some incredible tools and a powerful scythe-like thing.
She's a "demon hunter" or whatever she was called?
In theory judging from Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and then 2 she's able to use some magic spells as well but I'm not sure if we should consider those things canon, since there's not the hand of Itagaki behind.

She definitely cannot overpower Hayabusa, but then again Hayabusa is on a league of his own even among Ninjas.
Dunno what she could do against Kasumi/Ayane/Hayate, but I have a feeling while she would definitely be an interesting match, the latter 3 would definitely win in the end.

I'm having issues in measuring the power of Momiji, in theory she's really really strong. Shouldn't be that far behind (or ahead) of those 3 ninjas.

But back to Bayman and Christie, I think Christie would put up a better fight because she's fast. Haven't yall noticed that? Christie isn't a ninja but she's like "I got hands too!". Plus Christie has no fear, for some odd reason, because remember she was willing to fight Ayane AND Ryu in DOA4? Crazy Bitch. But yea, she would put up a better fight than Bayman.
Good points.
Plus let's nto forget that she's deeply involved with Donovan, who knows, she might have some secrets.
I still do believe she has no chances against ninjas, but again, she's definitely gotta be more powerful than the majority of other DoA characters.

Of course we haven't mentioned Boss characters of DoA, goes without saying that they would all pose a serious threat to all the ninjas. Two of them bosses actually *ARE* Ninjas lol.
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