The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Right, you don't own the Duscae demo! I also wouldn't have it if I hadn't given someone else 30€ so that he would buy FFType 0 for 70€ which he wanted to play badly. I don't regret paying the 30€ just for a demo. :)
Still I can hardly await the real deal. Just Duscae gets a bit boring... I can understand Chapstick who's really sick of it. XD The image quality and frame rate is also still a little rough. But I'm sure Square Enix will fix that until release of the full game. They're Square Enix and this is a main line Final Fantasy after all. The lighting, which I wanted to showcase in these pics, is already now phenomenal. *__* Like the animations, I haven't seen any other game getting this better done. Witcher 3 has also amazing lighting...but it's a little over the top and comic like. So imho ist doesn't really compete.

Oh, but there will be one more demo free for everyone! O: I almost forgot that. It is definitely confirmed and is rumored to hit in March, when the great media and info blow out happens. Then you will be able to play at least a litte bit of it before release. They hinted the demo being this one here:

Probably with improved and extended gameplay too then.

Well its good to see there will be a free demo of the game so I can get a feel of the gameplay and stuff. I don't think they'll make the current demo available though because that would be awful for people who spent money on it. If you got your moneys worth from it though I can understand why you wouldn't regret it or anything like that.

What does the Duscae demo cover? Is it an area or the name of a monster?


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What does the Duscae demo cover? Is it an area or the name of a monster?

Duscae is the name of the region that you are able to explore in the demo. It is a large valley, with highways, a gas station, a Chocobo ranch, lakes, meadows, a little bit of forest and a deep cave that acts as a dungeon.


Basically you have to defeat a very large monster, the Behemoth, hiding somewhere in the valley but it's so strong that you have to do some side questing and leveling before you can even properly face it.


The whole demo is about 4-6 hours of gameplay long.

TN's making Dissidia for them, curious if SE gave them access to their tools or TN had to use their own

I've heard TN is pretty much doing it on their own, so....
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Wow well some games are about that length so I'd say £30 is an okay price for it. I hope there's lots to do with the Chocobo in this game like training etc.
The monster design looks great in this game to. I like how it looks like it has a Mohawk. The other creatures like the brachiosaurus type creatures look amazing too.

In open world games I'm usually drawn to the cities but I feel like I'll actually explore the wilderness in this game.


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Wow well some games are about that length so I'd say £30 is an okay price for it. I hope there's lots to do with the Chocobo in this game like training etc.
The monster design looks great in this game to. I like how it looks like it has a Mohawk. The other creatures like the brachiosaurus type creatures look amazing too.

I agree, the monster design is really outstanding. So fantastical yet still so realistic looking. I did some close up shots that were only able because the monster glitched, lol:



Some others:



And then the Brachiothingamajigs (always forget their real names):


Really a sight to behold...


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Didn't you say something about a desert region being in the game? If you did then I'm just imaging how much more environments, towns, people and creatures theres still left to see. I was thinking about how they could add in DLC areas to the game like fallout and such but considering how long its took them to release the game I'll just be happy with the base game.


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Oh, I imagine there are still plenty regions with plenty wild life left. :) Here's a little glimpse of what's to come regarding regions in Eos (the world's name):


Still missing here are the swamp area and the tropical beach area, that was recently revealed.

Here are by the way some more cool monster designs that are also in the game, only at night though:




The designs are mostly based on older Yoshitaka Amano designs.


Well-Known Member
That snake with a human face looks creepy.

On the topic of regions I'm looking forward to seeing Solhiem. ( hoping for some fantasy Mecca type place )

And Jesus The kingdom of Lucis is ridiculously huge if that's a true to life size on that map. Its probably just so you can see it easier though. Its also nice to finally know what the planets called since as usual I'm out of the loop and didn't know.


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The whole Bishonen thing is really boring to me so thank god they decided to change him. I thought he looked different but I never knew that they'd redesigned him. To be honest I didn't even know his name was Prompto until a few days ago when Tyaren posted how they do animation.


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Considering that's the whole theme I don't see why they would, honestly he just looks uglier now.

I guess that was the point: to make him look "uglier" and not so pretty and charming. (Though I really wouldn't call im ugly.) I think he has much more character know. Not just how he behaves but also how he looks: boyish, lanky, freckles and all.
I can't stand him on that old collage. Smirking, sticking out his tongue and basically just modelling.

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While I will say he looks more personable, unless all of them get that change he just stands out as the worse looking one(face wise)for seemingly no reason.


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While I will say he looks more personable, unless all of them get that change he just stands out as the worse looking one(face wise)for seemingly no reason.

Really? I don't think he stands out at all for being uglier than the others. o__O They actually all have their flaws. Gladio looks pretty gruff (and imho doesn't fit the J-pop boy band theme either), Ignis does have a pretty prominent hawk nose, the poor guy. Only Noctis has no real visual flaws. He indeed looks like the typical brooding Japanese bishonen. Sasuke 2.0 basically.



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Gladious looks about as gruff as a holywood actor. his one imperfection being THE eye scar which is more fashionable than anything

im not sure what you mean by Ignis, at no point does his nose hook down if anything its a bit pointier.


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im not sure what you mean by Ignis, at no point does his nose hook down if anything its a bit pointier.

It depends on the perspective and light you view is face in. XD Here you can see it quite well:



Imho Ignis is the least attractive of the group.
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