Final Fantasy Thread


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Wait, what?

I'll find some in a bit later on. It's all over the FF14 online threads at GameFaqs.




Well-Known Member
Just look how much of Cartanica there actually is to explore once you glitch outside the boundaries! O:

No way they created so many square miles of content to just view from above from the train tracks. They clearly cut this explorable region out of the game at the eleventh hour once they realized they wouldn't get it finished in 2016.[/spoiler]
To be honest, I thought this region was gonna be explorable when I first reached it, considering that the game lets you know you still have the Regalia within the train, what a waste D:


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To be honest, I thought this region was gonna be explorable when I first reached it, considering that the game lets you know you still have the Regalia within the train, what a waste D:

The newest leaks by a former Square Enix employee on 4chan say, that they indeed had to cut out nearly completely finished regions and dungeons because they realized that they could not get it done until the end of 2016. There were binding contracts that demanded the game had to be finished last year, no matter what. The current version of the game was also just in development for a little more than 3 years. The story of the 10 year development time isn't actually true. The game, story and content changed very much over the years and in many earlier years they did hardly anything productive. While most of the first two thirds was finished and is fairly polished, it is the last third that was completely gutted.
Here is what I remember from these leaks. Spoiler territory obviously:

- Luna had more cutscenes in the game detailing her character. The child abuse scenes of the Dawn trailer were for example still in, also scenes in which she got iller and iller by using her power to heal people and to form contracts with the gods. It was clearly obvious she was going to die anyway. They cut these vital scenes because they feared backlash for angering the people, who already were complaining the female characters in this game were treated like sh**. Thanks to that Luna feels so underdeveloped now... @Aerospark
Ravus, who also feels very underdeveloped, was part of these cut scenes (lol, get it? cut scenes. XD) because he had to stand by and watch his sister die for Noctis. That's why he came to hate him...but ultimately changed his mind for his sister's sake and to not let her sacrifice go to waste.

- There was an explorable area directly after Altissia about the same size as one of the regions of Lucis. You would team up again with Cor in this part of the game. So we would've gotten more closure with him too instead of him vanishing completely from the story.
The leaker didn't detail exactly which region it was, but it was very likely Terraverde, a region we only saw in concept art.


- Cartanica was indeed also explorable and it didn't just entail the Malboro mines.

- The snowy region, where the giant corpse of shiva lies, was also explorable and the leaker mentioned, that he worked on it and that it was almost finished. Everybody in the team was very frustrated when it was finally cut. Now this region is just a mere train stop to fight a couple of enemies with the head of Shiva towering in the distance.

-Tenebrae was actually never really explorable. There was only a smaller dungeon there. You would however arrive there before it was laid to waste and we would have visited Luna's house and room.

- In Gralea the team would have met the Emperor before he turned into a daemon. So more closure there too.
(Right now I don't remember anything else. There could have been more changes.)

- The World of Ruin was a lot bigger than it is now. It was not open world but linear but we would have been able to get to World of Ruin Lestallum. It was actually already finished too but then cut.
The player would have met Prompto, Gladio and Ignis all one by one and we would have also met older Iris and Cindy.

- Ardyn had actually three forms, lol. In this case I am somehow glad he didn't. Ardyn imo didn't need to turn into some hideous thing just for shock value and to pander to the old RPG trope of: "This isn't even my final form."

- The extra DLC episodes of Gladio, Ignis and Prompto where actually not cut from the story but where shoehorned in just a year earlier because of the fans constantly demanding to play the 3 bros too.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was aware of those leaks, and if they're all true... man, this game's development was a mess. However this doesn't mean that this is the only game that had to cut things, there are probably a lot of "cut content" in other games as well that we're not aware of. Still... that content would have made this game a lot better.


Well-Known Member
The newest leaks by a former Square Enix employee on 4chan say, that they indeed had to cut out nearly completely finished regions and dungeons because they realized that they could not get it done until the end of 2016. There were binding contracts that demanded the game had to be finished last year, no matter what. The current version of the game was also just in development for a little more than 3 years. The story of the 10 year development time isn't actually true. The game, story and content changed very much over the years and in many earlier years they did hardly anything productive. While most of first two thirds was finished and is fairly polished, it is the last third that was completely gutted.
Here is what I remember from these leaks. Spoiler territory obviously:

- Luna had more cutscenes in the game detailing her character. The child abuse scenes of the Dawn trailer were for example still in, also scenes in which she got iller and iller by using her power to heal people and to form contracts with the gods. It was clearly obvious she was going to die anyway. They cut these vital scenes because they feared backlash for angering the people, who already were complaining the female characters in this game were treated like sh**. Thanks to that Luna feels so underdeveloped now... @Aerospark
Ravus, who also feels very underdeveloped, was part of these cut scenes (lol, get it? cut scenes. XD) because he had to stand by and watch his sister die for Noctis. That's why he came to hate him...but ultimately changed his mind for his sister's sake and to not let her sacrifice go to waste.

- There was an explorable area directly after Altissia about the same size as one of the regions of Lucis. You would team up again with Cor in this part of the game. So we would've gotten more closure with him too instead of him vanishing completely from the story.
The leaker didn't detail exactly which region it was, but it was very likely Terraverde, a region we only saw in concept art.


- Cartanica was indeed also explorable and it didn't just entail the Malboro mines.

- The snowy region, where the giant corpse of shiva lies, was also explorable and the leaker mentioned, that he worked on it and that it was almost finished. Everybody in the team was very frustrated when it was finally cut. Now this region is just a mere train stop to fight a couple of enemies with the head of Shiva towering in the distance.

-Tenebrae was actually never really explorable. There was only a smaller dungeon there. You would however arrive there bevore it was laid to waste and we would have visited Luna's house and room.

- In Gralea the team would have met the Emperor before he turned into a daemon. So more closure there too.
(Right now I don't remember anything more. There could have been more changes.)

- The World of Ruin was a lot bigger than it is now. It was not open world but linear but we would have been able to get to World of Ruin Lestallum. It was actually already finished too but then cut.
The player would have met Prompto, Gladio and Ignis all one by one and we would have also met older Iris and Cindy.

- Ardyn had actually three forms, lol. In this case I am somehow glad he didn't. Ardyn imo didn't need to turn into some hideous thing just for shock value and to pander to the old RPG trope of: "This isn't even my final form."

- The extra DLC episodes of Gladio, Ignis and Prompto where actually not cut from the story but where shoehorned in just a year earlier because of the fans constantly demanding to play the 3 bros too.

Big spoilers too. ( don't look If you haven't completed the game )

Hmm That's really interesting If it's real, I'll take it with a grain of salt but If it's true then it's a shame they couldn't fit in this stuff before launch since it would have added so much to the game, I wonder much half and almost finished content they just have sitting around? They should find someway to add it in If it's through dlc or something.

I'd have loved to have seen more scenes of Luna regardless of If they were her struggling with illness or not especially If we got more of a closure on her and her brother. I personally hadn't had problems with her character in the game but I think that would have really added to her character and not taken away from her.

I'd actually not heard of Terraverde before probably because The explorable areas kept on changing, I wonder how many towns and cities it had and quests etc? It's a shame If it won't be seen the same for the other regions they cut out.


Well-Known Member
Execs: I don't care if it's not good enough just get it out for christ's sake we've sunk millions into this game
Developers: That would mean cutting a bunch of content the game needs to have and lower sales in the long run as people tear it apart.. and we're almost finished with a lot of this stuff
Execs: All that matters are preorders pump out some trailers that make it look really good and make each outlet have a different preorder item so those obsessive completionists will buy multiple copies


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Yeah, I was aware of those leaks, and if they're all true...

Hmm That's really interesting If it's real, I'll take it with a grain of salt...

The consensus among the the very critical 4chan, reddit and neogaf people is that these leaks are true. The leaker was very believable, everything makes perfect sense and he did get other stuff right before. Some of the stuff he said was proven true by a Roberto Ferrari interview a while later.

Execs: I don't care if it's not good enough just get it out for christ's sake we've sunk millions into this game
Developers: That would mean cutting a bunch of content the game needs to have and lower sales in the long run as people tear it apart.. and we're almost finished with a lot of this stuff
Execs: All that matters are preorders pump out some trailers that make it look really good and make each outlet have a different preorder item so those obsessive completionists will buy multiple copies

Exactly! The leaker also told us that the developer team really was anxious for the game's release. They thought the game would get torn apart much more worse. They were actually surprised that it was met a lot more positive.
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Well-Known Member
Well that sucks then that they had to leave out important sections for that sake, Chances are sadly then looking at this that it's the execs fault and the development team would have liked to have included the rest. Oh well though It's done and we can just hope that they have worked to include a lot of this stuff with the dlc even If that isn't as great as it being from the start.


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Oh well though It's done and we can just hope that they have worked to include a lot of this stuff with the dlc even If that isn't as great as it being from the start.

Yes, that is my hope too. We might get more closure for Ravus and Luna since they already promised to work on more cutscenes (maybe they even reinsert cutscenes that they cut earlier).
Much of the snowy area can probably be reused in Prompto's DLC. Also, the fate of his father (Verstael) and the Emperor could be better explained. Since his DLC is last, they also have some more time for that.
Ignis' DLC will hopefully add more to Altissia.
Maybe they do finally mention Gladio's father's death in his DLC? ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is my hope too. We might get more closure for Ravus and Luna since they already promised to work on more cutscenes (maybe they even reinsert cutscenes that they cut earlier).
Much of the snowy area can probably be reused in Prompto's DLC. Also, the fate of his father (Verstael) and the Emperor could be better explained. Since his DLC is last, they also have some more time for that.
Ignis' DLC will hopefully add more to Altissia.
Maybe they do finally mention Gladio's father's death in his DLC? ;)

Yeah I'm thinking like they could even possibly do it like -

Ignis's dlc episode is released and includes much more of Altissa, Then during the main game as Noctis those new areas are added there too.
etc etc for the new areas added in Gladio and Prompto's to hopefully. At least we'll see these areas as the other characters though and hopefully have key plot points covered... I wish they'd just tell us when we can expect them?


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I can hardly await what Noctis will be able to do in Dissidia. :D


Will any items found in the episodes DLCs carry over to the base game data too?

How should we know? We know hardly anything about the DLC episodes.
Let's hope they are actually implemented into the story and not just separate levels you select from the title menu.
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Well-Known Member
Happy New Years! Sorry I'm not on more, I just don't manage to forum like the rest. I read though.
I also finished the "story" of FFXV , and have to say, as a non FF fan, it's not as advertised. There are lots of great stuff and in the beginning I was quite drawn in, but, so much driving and fetching.
Being an rpg via Witcher 3, this one had some tall boots to fill and it gets close, I'm still doing hunts and quests in Lucis, which is an incredible area. I do love the camaraderie and road trip part, but I can see it's not a complete work.

My favorite is Gladios though, just gotta say, then prompto. And man, would I marry Cindy @KasumiLover69 ;-)


Premium Donor
Happy New Years! Sorry I'm not on more, I just don't manage to forum like the rest. I read though.
I also finished the "story" of FFXV , and have to say, as a non FF fan, it's not as advertised. There are lots of great stuff and in the beginning I was quite drawn in, but, so much driving and fetching.
Being an rpg via Witcher 3, this one had some tall boots to fill and it gets close, I'm still doing hunts and quests in Lucis, which is an incredible area. I do love the camaraderie and road trip part, but I can see it's not a complete work.

My favorite is Gladios though, just gotta say, then prompto. And man, would I marry Cindy @KasumiLover69 ;-)
Hey as long as it isn't Iris I'm fine XD. I'm gonna play more tonight since it's finally the weekend, I already completed Dragon Quest and practiced in DOA5LR(I hadn't played or reviewed my mains in like a week >.>) so FFXV is my big focus, and then a bit of KOFXIV. XD