Final Fantasy Thread


Premium Donor
Its a joke about Starbucks/Italian with Grande, Venti etc. Even though I've heard its an incorrect version of it.

And lol @DestructionBomb if anything if you used Blizzaga she'd turn into Ariana Frappé.
Ohhh, like that dead joke about how her father is apparently a large coffee cup at Starbucks?? XD Oh I see, although I admit I'm very hard to get a laugh out of since my family sucks at jokes and they joke about stuff that kinda offends me since it's usually about celebrities and things I like(Seriously....who's mother jokes about how Kim and her sisters are cursed and they're going to hell in a handbasket??:mad:).

Can dat HD Ariana sprite hurry up and come?? That's legit my new avatar for that week XD


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!Big Fat Ending Spoilers!
Damn...this is so dark and f***** up...








Well-Known Member
!Big Fat Ending Spoilers!
Damn...this is so dark and f***** up...







Big fat spoilers for end game too!
Wow I didn't know it was as dark as their eyes bleeding! I'm happy that it was just a phantom type illusion because its so sad what happened to them! :( I wish that hadn't happened to Luna.


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It's not the first time games or RPG goes dark. I also find it discomforting and unnecessary, but it's what makes it unique in it's own way.

People do need to realize that an RPG of pleasantries full of sunshine and light does not always equal a good RPG. Though FFXV is debatable.


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Now we speaking language lol. Not too entirely dark though, there has to be some motion of positive to it, but one that doesn't overwhelm the game of it. Nomura's concept (in opinion) was fine the way it was.


Premium Donor
It's not the first time games or RPG goes dark. I also find it discomforting and unnecessary, but it's what makes it unique in it's own way.

People do need to realize that an RPG of pleasantries full of sunshine and light does not always equal a good RPG. Though FFXV is debatable.
Yeah, I prefer darker stories anyway but I still like in general when they go dark. Dark>Light.


Well-Known Member
Now we speaking language lol. Not too entirely dark though, there has to be some motion of positive to it. Nomura's concept (in opinion) was fine the way it was.

Yeah its fine to have dark parts but it wouldn't fit FF at least to be just entirely like that or it would get old, FFXV does a good job of balancing the dark with fun and bright moments to which make it all much better.


Well-Known Member
!Big Fat Ending Spoilers!
Damn...this is so dark and f***** up...






Doesn't belong in a FF game, tbh

I like dark stuff and this wouldn't make me bat an eye in like Silent Hill but it feels so out of place seeing something like that in a FF. Idk what Tabata was thinking but darker doesn't always equal good. Or maybe he was like "they'd do something like this in the witcher which means we should do it!"

On the topic of TW3 when I finally started XV I was surprised how much the HUD reminded me of it

What I've been seeing a lot of with XV is people who are at the beginning/middle really like it and then once they finish the game it really sours them toward it and I can see why


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Yeah, I prefer darker stories anyway but I still like in general when they go dark. Dark>Light.
Yeah its fine to have dark parts but it wouldn't fit FF at least to be just entirely like that or it would get old, FFXV does a good job of balancing the dark with fun and bright moments to which make it all much better.

It could go either way. It's usually the effort they put into it. From playing tons of games like that I actually find them a lot harder to enable the plot in resulting a good ending compared to a light-hearted RPG. Most light-hearted RPGs tend to go with a good ending and can usually become quite obvious about it. Whereas games that are usually dark tends to be random on whether or not you'll receive a good ending...or bad. In some cases? it usually goes bad or left at a cliffhanger with what happens next and then taking years to understand it. Sometimes they can take so long from the dark of things that people simply wouldn't care anymore, more or less old news. A good example of a mixture between the two is games like Persona 3 and Persona 4. Not my favorite of RPGs but I enjoyed the heck of them and I find 3's ending to be slightly darker, but it didn't overwhelm the game from the positive side to it (like school, developing friends, relationship status, trips, etc.) however the core was dark toned and was good at it.

Light RPGs usually don't end up bad, but they can turn to be the most obvious and generic types that can put people to sleep because you seen it before tons of times (like the power of love and friendship and all that bit, least the obvious ones). Dark RPGs usually tend to be new, but requires more effort to turn out good as people want it to be.
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To be fair, lots of aspects within FFXV are not FF at all within standard. the game's last bit on the dark tone wasn't the reason why people were turned off (that's merely one's taste but not an initial reason), FF Type-0 had a very similar concept attached to it. It's how poorly executed and rushed that entire scenario went. Chapter 14 there on, felt as if someone placed skates under me going down the hill. I would love to slow down but I couldn't simply because it was given to me by hand like I needed help crossing the street.

Reminds me of XIII from Chapter 7 there on. Good ol oblivious absurdness. As for the tone of the scene in FFXV? it's odd and unnecessary, but mostly whatever.


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What I've been seeing a lot of with XV is people who are at the beginning/middle really like it and then once they finish the game it really sours them toward it and I can see why

Yeah, I really enjoy the first two thirds of the game. That part of the game is really polished. You can clearly see they spent a lot of time and effort on the open world part. Alone the Duscae region they rebuilt two times. But once you leave Lucis behind and the last third of the game begins, you feel how incomplete and rushed everything is. It feels like a completely different game from before.
The invisible walls of Altissia, Luna getting the boot, the stupid train ride, chapter 13... Did you guys notice that Tenebrae wasn't even finished? Wait until it is day and you see that some of the bridges reach into nothing. Some of the surrounding mountains are low polygon and not properly textured.
I'm in my second playthrough right now...and I don't want to progress any further. :/ I know the game is taking a nose dive soon. Well, I gotta fight through it to get to the post game content, which is enjoyable again.

Just look how much of Cartanica there actually is to explore once you glitch outside the boundaries! O:

No way they created so many square miles of content to just view from above from the train tracks. They clearly cut this explorable region out of the game at the eleventh hour once they realized they wouldn't get it finished in 2016.


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@Awesmic @XZero264 You see? this is why FF needs to go back to it's roots. ^ That video is a perfect example on why the Overworld version will provide better results than turning each implements into realism. Entirely open space and cutted out locations labeled in the map that are unreachable except by exploited means is a sad excuse of a final product.

Thanks for the video up there though. Going to glitch that when I get back home.