Final Fantasy Thread


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Am I the only one who wants Edea in Dissidia as well?



Premonition was such an incredible theme.
That theme made the Edea boss fights so epic. I actually would prefer Edea over Ultimecia, but considering the latter is pretty much already in, being the actual villain, I don't get my hopes up for Edea. I don't even see how she would fight differently from Ultimecia, since they're both sorceresses so their power may be the same (minus time compression).
Also, wasn't Edea just an Ultimecia alt costume in 012? I can see them doing that again and if they really do, then they better give her different voice/quotes.

*constantly shakes while speaking*

Is it bad that I actually really liked Leblanc as a character? I wouldn't mind her being the antagonist rep for x-2... If it even gets one.
I definitely didn't hate her. She's a good "joke" character, so yeah, she was pretty funny and the other two (Ormi and Logos[?]) were hilarious too. Still not a great and remarkable character though. Her "boss" battles were also too easy, I always made them last longer to hear that theme xD


Premium Donor
I'm shocked anyone could forget her after that design lol, that was really crazy, I thought she fit into a sort of cartoony type character as a villain with hwer ridiculous henchmen.
If Leblanc is that sleazy pink wearing lady I saw on Google then one thing is for sure....I don't like her design. I hope she wouldn't come into DOA or Dissidia for that matter, her design and presentation imo is pitiful, good god...


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Just looked up Edea, and I have to say I love her design! I wouldn't mind her in too, she's so intricately and elegantly designed...
It's been done. She was an alternate skin for Ultimecia (who is an actual villain) in the previous Dissidia games.

I reckon that will not be a problem if Ultimecia makes it in the latest installment. After all, they gotta keep the MILF lovers happy.


Premium Donor
It's been done. She was an alternate skin for Ultimecia (who is an actual villain) in the previous Dissidia games.

I reckon that will not be a problem if Ultimecia makes it in the latest installment. After all, they gotta keep the MILF lovers happy.
Than she'll be right up @Project Bokuho tasteless alley. XD I mean, she's just too extra, like there's too much going on with her, she literally made my eyes twitch just from how overwhelming her design is...


Well-Known Member
If Leblanc is that sleazy pink wearing lady I saw on Google then one thing is for sure....I don't like her design. I hope she wouldn't come into DOA or Dissidia for that matter, her design and presentation imo is pitiful, good god...

Omg lol read her for filth! XD And yeah that's her, I'd say her design is... An acquired taste. She isn't really sleazy in the game though there is that one massage scene oh well.


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Than she'll be right up @Project Bokuho tasteless alley. XD
That was unnecessary.

I mean, she's just too extra, like there's too much going on with her, she literally made my eyes twitch just from how overwhelming her design is...
Now you're just trying too hard.

Her design certainly isn't all that "overwhelming" when compared to later designs by Nomura. For example, Lulu from Final Fantasy X looks similar in a few ways, but her dress is a marvel to look at.


Premium Donor
That was unnecessary.

Now you're just trying too hard.

Her design certainly isn't all that "overwhelming" when compared to later designs by Nomura. For example, Lulu from Final Fantasy X looks similar in a few ways, but her dress is a marvel to look at.
Yeah I like Lulu, her dress is kinda a bit too much for me as well(I'm not a fan of the multiple belts in the front) but the big sleeves and intricate hairstyle are A OK to me.
She uses the lady luck dressphere. Other lady luck designs


It's supposed to be extra
So I see....blegh. >.>
Omg lol read her for filth! XD And yeah that's her, I'd say her design is... An acquired taste. She isn't really sleazy in the game though there is that one massage scene oh well.
I think it's more the color and asymmetry, normally I don't mind asymmetrical costumes but hers pushes it a bit and my eyes just can't handle it. XD


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I'm saying adding human Jecht as the villain doesn't make sense even if he as Sin is the reason for most of the problems in FFX. Like what would the story and dialogue for conflict between Tidus and Jecht be in Dissidia that would make Tidus obviously the good one and human Jecht obviously the bad one hanging out with the other villains for some reason?

You do realize Jecht already is present in the other Dissidia games?

I'm 99.9 % sure he will be in this Dissidia too. ;)

Than she'll be right up @Project Bokuho tasteless alley. XD



Well-Known Member
You do realize Jecht already is present in the other Dissidia games?

I'm 99.9 % sure he will be in this Dissidia too. ;)
My question was why is he in as a villain

That video answered my question, a certain degree of character rewriting


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Yeah I wouldn't get my hopes up on either, but Edea was that woman man. She did get possessed since she is a sorceress, but after that we get to see her positive side. Ultimecia was great too truth be told, I found her hilarious since she suddenly changed in descriptive texts from FFVIII to Dissidia.

Ultimecia in FFVIII: "Swarming like lokustz akross", "Time Kompression", "Your vain krusade ends here". HAHAHAHAHA

-Dissidia upcoming-

Ultimecia (Dissidia): I can now speak proper English. Also I'm more calm than ever before, also check out my new look. Sexy yes? I know, no more polygon like Squall's face in that ballroom (hahahaha). Now I send you to another dimension. Bye now.

My question was why is he in as a villain

That video answered my question, a certain degree of character rewriting

Kinda like I mentioned up there before, Daddy-Son issue conversion. What you are looking for is Yuna vs Seymour.
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My question was why is he in as a villain

That video answered my question, a certain degree of character rewriting

You are welcome. :)

Also, I think the whole confusion has to with my poor choice of words, since English isn't my native language. :(
Instead of main villain, I should have said main antagonist.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wouldn't get my hopes up on either, but Edea was that woman man. She did get possessed since she is a sorceress, but after that we get to see her positive side. Ultimecia was great too truth be told, I found her hilarious since she suddenly changed in descriptive texts from FFVIII to Dissidia.

Ultimecia in FFVIII: "Swarming like lokustz akross", "Time Kompression", "Your vain krusade ends here". HAHAHAHAHA


Ultimecia: I can now speak proper English. Also I'm more calm than ever before, also check out my new look. Sexy yes? I know, no more polygon like Squall's face in that ballroom (hahahaha). Now I send you to another dimension. Bye now.

Wait is that actually her Dissidia description! XD

If it is that makes me more excited for what inside jokes they'll have in it, also it seems like pretty much all of us have at least character we'd want in that's not got great chances.

Edit: It's nice to see shots fired at other people besides a certain someone for once.


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Wait is that actually her Dissidia description! XD

If it is that makes me more excited for what inside jokes they'll have in it, also it seems like pretty much all of us have at least character we'd want in that's not got great chances.

In FF8 it was, Dissidia changed that. Her entire personality actually. She was more of a sadist in FF8.

The second description was more of a joke on my end since it's unclear on the the sudden change from those texts back on FF8.


Premium Donor
Why are you bitter a 99% naked girl is considered less offensive than bestiality
Technically it wasn't intercourse, it was just a service and I don't think that's why, either way it was cropped and there was like 30% nudity and you'd have to actually think to know what was going on, but i got a warning while PB still remains, it's whatever tho. XD Thank god I didn't use the other RJ one...

But the more good characters in DFF there are the better. I rather they stick with the more well known characters over lesser known ones however for familiarity.


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CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR CLASH ON THE BIG BRIDGE ON DISSIDIA (and FFXV if there will be a Yoko custom version to it or if it even appears from Gilgamesh).


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
My question was why is he in as a villain
In Dissidia lore Jecht is actually a hero and Tidus was originally was a villain, Jecht gave up the light of Cosmos to save Tidus from dying and was recruited to the Chaos side from that.