Final Fantasy Thread


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There's just one huge glaring problem. Unlike the PSP games, summons in Dissidia play a more direct role in the core gameplay and take an active role in the battlefield, as opposed to being restricted to being animated portraits manipulating bravery points. Not only that, but Yuna will look extremely weird and out of place summoning another set of Eidolons...

The only way around making her playable without being a contradiction to her character is making her a Gunner. Not only would this be a more logical approach, it would fall right in line with the whole magic vs. machine conflict with the new gods Spiritus and Materia.
Yeah, that's what I thought too at first, but after all it shouldn't be that weird since her summons look different (Eidolon-Shiva ≠ Aeon Shiva) and would have a different function, they're even called differently (Aeons & Eidolons). Also, the summons shown so far are a lot bigger the Yuna's, it shouldn't be confusing or hard to identify them.
I don't see them adding her FFX-2 counterpart, since FFX Yuna IS Yuna, she's mostly known like that.

Hypothetically, if this would be the issue, they could just removes Ifrit, Shiva and Bahamut from her moveset as all the other summons are unique to her. (I just don't want Gunner Yuna or I'll be using only Squall and maybe Bartz/Noctis xD)
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Premium Donor
What about Cloud of Darkness? she has these two monster tentacles that munch.

Onion Knight. You can give him a pink dress and beat the crap out of Garland.
If she's in humanoid form and not green, then MAYBE, but I'm not a fan of the whole no shoes thing. And lol, I already plan on using Onion knight. XD Plus he'd probably look strange in a dress
....Noctis isn't a girl though? <_> Plus I already plan on using him too

@Hayabusiness Isn't that just Cloud in the crossdressing scenario?


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You're mc'cused. :-D But seriously I don't like her design, nothing personal. XD I set high standards for the females I play, if they don't meet that standard than its out the door they go. They have to fit my criteria, she was all over the place
Fran has been through so much having to leave The Wood and turn her back on her sisters to live with the humans and he says she looks messy and pitiful



Premium Donor
Fran has been through so much having to leave The Wood and turn her back on her sisters to live with the humans and he says she looks messy and pitiful

Just look at her tho:

Her suit is too erratic, my eyes can't process all the openings and unnecessary gaps and exposure. Her ponytail doesn't go well with her "ears", the stomach veil is unnecessary, her sidelocks were unneeded and her face looks primal. Imo, they made an already subpar design way to complex and revealing, shorten the hair into something more natural, remove the stomach veil, remove the mask, and close some of the openings and it'd be decent. The heels also look forced, they could afford to cut 2-3 inches off to make them look natural, that or remove them. I like heels but they look forced and like they were tacked on last minute.


Well-Known Member
The heels are super high because she is a Viera and Viera have longer feet that are always on their toes (its their natural shape).

Too tired to write more than this tho.


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Fran is alright. Still, I just want to say, play who you enjoy whether it's a male or female. I even played Ultimecia back then and she's a great character (imo). Not sure why such topics is such a thing.

Unless you play Xenoverse 2 where male and female classes actually matter. Females have better supers in that game so I made a female class, but off topic of course.


Master Ninja
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Next person to post an unrelated GIF as a response in this thread (or any that I happen to notice, for that matter) gets a warning. For those unaware, once warnings begin to accumulate, things start to go poorly for you. This eventually ends in a ban. Some of you are serial offenders with this and it's going to stop.


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*wants Kasumi in an Artemis*
I wouldn't mind but I just don't like her design. XD

But back on topic, I'll just play around with the cast when it does come out, they also plan on about 50 characters so I'm bound to find at least one girl, unless it'll be one of the rosters where it's 5/6 males and only 6-8 girls are featured, but hey there's still plenty of time for release. Gameplay isn't much a factor since I use who I generally like whether or not they are good gameplay wise or not.


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I wouldn't mind but I just don't like her design. XD

But back on topic, I'll just play around with the cast when it does come out, they also plan on about 50 characters so I'm bound to find at least one girl, unless it'll be one of the rosters where it's 5/6 males and only 6-8 girls are featured, but hey there's still plenty of time for release. Gameplay isn't much a factor since I use who I generally like whether or not they are good gameplay wise or not.

You'll find someone you like. Everyone does. I liked Jecht, WoL, Laguna, and Gabranth. Sometimes change can be a good thing. Might actually sit down and play Sephiroth or Ace but I need to see more characters and we actually need the actual full game to find out since it's completely new compared to the previous ones and new rules.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving this Fran defense squad! XD Don't attack the bunny goddess!

Just look at her tho:
View attachment 22119
Her suit is too erratic, my eyes can't process all the openings and unnecessary gaps and exposure. Her ponytail doesn't go well with her "ears", the stomach veil is unnecessary, her sidelocks were unneeded and her face looks primal. Imo, they made an already subpar design way to complex and revealing, shorten the hair into something more natural, remove the stomach veil, remove the mask, and close some of the openings and it'd be decent. The heels also look forced, they could afford to cut 2-3 inches off to make them look natural, that or remove them. I like heels but they look forced and like they were tacked on last minute.

She is actually a bunny girl so those are her real ears, I'm surprised at you wanting the hair to be shortened since you usually seem to prefer longer hair? And no! XD lol I love the stomach veil. I'll say though she's got rabbit feet so that's why she's wearing those heels. ( I actually think that's a really cool idea for feet that are suited for heels. )

Lol obviously It's fine you don't like her design though! XD Anyway the important message is that Fran is perfect.

I wouldn't mind but I just don't like her design. XD

But back on topic, I'll just play around with the cast when it does come out, they also plan on about 50 characters so I'm bound to find at least one girl, unless it'll be one of the rosters where it's 5/6 males and only 6-8 girls are featured, but hey there's still plenty of time for release. Gameplay isn't much a factor since I use who I generally like whether or not they are good gameplay wise or not.

Yeah there has to be at least one female character you like, In fact I'd say the Final Fantasy series is pretty good for having a lot of female characters. I'll post pictures of some in spoilers since there might be some of like? Sadly I doubt Luna or Gentiana will be playable in the game.



I was gonna post an image of Quistis but I couldn't find any good images of her.


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It is unclear if those characters will make an appearance though. You don't want him to pick a character and then find out later via full roster of them not appearing. That's like crushing someone's dreams unintentionally but tell them afterwards that it's OK! Lol.

Jokes aside, Onion Knight will always be there for you, or Terra.


Well-Known Member
It is unclear if those characters will make an appearance though. You don't want him to pick a character and then find out later via full roster of them not appearing. That's like crushing someone's dreams unintentionally but tell them afterwards that it's OK! Lol.

Jokes aside, Onion Knight will always be there for you, or Terra.

Lol yeah probably don't expect them sadly Kasumi since they aren't really the most popular or main characters. A lot of the characters I like probably won't get in, I wonder if Fang will get in?

I'd love for there to be lots of dlc for this game so I'm hoping that because it's Team Ninja there will be. I won't be surprised if most of the characters I want don't get in either in the release or as dlc. People like Yuna I expect though.


Premium Donor
Still feeling some kind of way that Tyaren and DB basically called Noctis and Onion Knight girls. XD And I like that game's layout, reminds me of Dragon Quest Chapters of the chosen.