DOA5LR Dead Or Alive and Senran Kagura discussion


Well-Known Member
It's pretty involved in Shinovi Versus' story, so this post will be...pretty much entirely in spoilers. So...yeah, pretty big spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played through the Vita game.

Gessen (Yumi, Murakumo, Yozakura, Shiki and Minori):
All 5:
  • They were all orphans who lost their parents to evil shinobi. Yumi's grandfather, Kurokage, adopted them all.
  • Kurokage himself was once very close friends with Asuka's grandfather, Hanzo.
  • They believe that the world would be better off if all evil is destroyed, and attack the Hanzo Academy students due to their befriending the former students of Hebijo.
  • Sometime after he adopted them, two assassins were sent after Kurokage. They refused to kill him after seeing him taking care of his adoptive daughters and went into hiding. Those two assassins happen to be Katsuragi's parents.
  • Generally doesn't have much interaction with her sisters other than just being a leader-type, so not a whole lot to say.
  • Holds a very personal grudge against Asuka due to their grandfathers' history.
  • Not a whole lot I can say about her, really...
  • Made friends with Yomi shortly after Yomi's parents died, and they were basically like sisters. After Murakumo's own parents died, she became incredibly insecure and took to wearing a bag over her head. She was teased constantly for it, and to help her not be so alone, Yomi started wearing a bag in a similar manner.
  • After being adopted and beginning her shinobi training, she left without telling Yomi.
  • After Ikaruga was adopted to be the successor for a large corporation, a rival company decided to do the same and 'adopted' Murakumo, largely against her will. She developed a hatred for Ikaruga because of this.
  • In a rather odd inversion of the norm, she believes that "kicking is for men and girls with no shame." She takes a pretty immediate disliking to Katsuragi because of this.
  • She starts to dislike Katsuragi even more when she finds out that dear Kat isn't even willing to kill, despite being a shinobi.
  • She starts to dislike Katsuragi even more when she learns she's a perv.
  • Beyond just Katsuragi, she's largely the mother figure of the group, especially toward Minori and Ryouna (explained in the Hebijo section).
  • She gets mad at Yagyuu for figuring out there's more to her than just her happy valley girl mask.
  • Frequently mentions friends that she hangs out with like Akko and Hitomi, but they're never seen or heard from otherwise.
  • Other than that, there's not really a whole lot about her shown, which kinda sucks, because I actually think she's a pretty cool character. Let's see, ah...she thinks Yagyuu's eyepatch is cute and wants it. She likes to party. She likes to shop. There really isn't a whole lot to say, unfortunately.
  • Unsurprisingly, she and Hibari develop a weird childish tsundere relationship that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, involving a lot of arguing about which of them is more like an adult.
  • Haruka's rather shocked to learn there's somebody who makes Hibari seem mature.
  • Is the cause of one of three times in the game that Murasaki freaks out and tries to kill someone on-screen.

Hebijo (Miyabi, Murasaki, Imu, Ryoubi and Ryouna):
All 5:
  • After Hebijo's destruction and subsequent restoration, they attempt to track down its former elites, now known as Homura's Crimson Squad, and kill them to restore the school's honor.
  • They're pretty much angry at the world. Their storyline basically consists of them running around, killing all of the other playable characters, and then nearly killing each other. It's not canon, though, obviously.
  • Ryoubi and Ryouna's weird, incestusous, sadomasochistic relationship understandably makes the others rather uncomfortable.
  • Childhood friends with Imu.
  • Finds Asuka's incredibly idealistic outlook on the world to be very laughable.
  • In the Hebijo storyline, she kills (yes, kills) Asuka, Yumi and Homura.
  • She's largely the one who assembled the team, and made sure its members were capable enough. She's also the only one that's really focused on restoring Hebijo's honor. The others have their own reasons for coming along.
  • Imu's younger sister.
  • She was born with the ability to go Super Saiyan a unique trait that grants her immense power when under the influence of strong emotions, usually rage.
  • She has a stuffed bear named Bebe-tan (Bebeby in the localization). Do not speak ill of Bebe-tan. Do not attempt to harm Bebe-tan. If you value your life, do not so much as even look at Bebe-tan wrong.
  • Imu learned this the hard way when they were younger, when she tried to rip Bebe-tan's head off out of anger.
  • Minori learned it the hard way when she said that Bebe-tan is just a toy. Murasaki killed her as a result.
  • She also almost killed Ikaruga, but didn't realize she survived. When she goes after Yomi, Ikaruga tries to warn her, barely getting there in time before collapsing. Murasaki casually comments that her showing up was basically pointless if she wasn't gonna do anything to help.
  • She feels bad about the aforementioned incident which resulted in Imu getting injured, and helps the team restore Hebijo's honor believing Imu will finally forgive her.
  • She's a very big fan of a web novel called Rapunzel the Shinobi, and uses the name cute_hikky (hikky as in hikikomori; cute_shutin in the localization) to comment on every entry. As it so happens, Mirai is the author of the novel, under the pen name Futsure (see what she did there?). When Mirai realizes this, and asks if it really is her, Murasaki immediately jumps to the conclusion that she's a hacker who knows all her secrets and, therefore, must die. It's not the Hebijo story, though, so nobody actually dies from that fight.
  • Murasaki's older sister and childhood friend of Miyabi.
  • She's pretty blatantly in love with Miyabi, and goes along with her plan to restore Hebijo's honor largely just because of it.
  • Very jealous of Murasaki's power, and was hesitant to allow Miyabi to recruit her.
  • Really wants to fight Hikage, and claims to Katsuragi that Hikage always just ran away from her challenges. When Kat asks her about it, she says she just didn't feel like fighting at the time.
  • Apparently, there was some incident caused by Hikage when they were both students at Hebijo, that resulted in her having to wear boxers under her skirt. She still holds a grudge because of it, but Hikage doesn't even remember.
  • Throughout Hebijo's story, she ends up killing Katsuragi, Shiki and, oddly enough, Haruka rather than Hikage.
  • Ryouna's twin sister, and a sadist in contrast to her sister's Super Duper Masochism.
  • Both she and Ryouna used to be students at Gessen, but betrayed them and enrolled at Hebijo.
  • Enjoys being a bitch to everyone around her.
  • They had an older sister, Ryouki. So, I guess that'd make them the Ryou Three? ...Anyways, Ryouki was killed in a mission when a shinobi went berserk. That shinobi happened to be Miyabi, and they joined Hebijo in order to get revenge.
  • The plan was largely hers and, keeping in line with her sadistic nature, she wanted to make Miyabi suffer. Going as far as helping in restoring Hebijo's honor, with the explicit intent of betraying Miyabi and dragging her down from her proudest moment, just to kill her afterwards.
  • In Hebijo's story, she kills Murakumo for making fun of her flat chest. Like, literally. Shoots her dead. She even says afterwards, "Make fun of my chest, die like the rest." It's actually kinda fucked up, in a way.
  • She also takes out Yagyuu and Mirai, though without the ridiculous amount of pettiness, and shoots Murasaki by accident, when she jumps in the way of a bullet intended for Miyabi.
  • Very, very open masochist who has a tendency to make everyone around her uncomfortable, with one exception. Unsurprisingly, she and Haruka meet and immediately get along swimmingly.
  • She very much saw Yozakura as a mother figure when she was still a student at Gessen, and continues to call her such even after her betrayal. That said, when Yozakura asks if their betrayal had something to do with Ryouki, she immediately drops her funny business and decides that she knows too much.
  • Notably, she's somewhat reluctant to go along with Ryoubi's plan, feeling it isn't right, even if she can never forgive Miyabi. She follows through regardless, since they had already betrayed and killed their former friends at Gessen and it's too late to go back.
  • Murasaki learns of the plan and Ryouna tries to keep her from stopping it. She doesn't do too well at it, and Murasaki ends up jumping in front of a bullet intended for Miyabi. Everything just goes to shit from there. There's a lot of yelling and anger and Imu goes Super Saiyan unlocks the very power she envied Murasaki for.
  • Over the course of Hebijo's story, she takes out Hibari, Yozakura and Hikage.
OKAY, with that out of the way, just a bit of a random thing. I think it would be kinda awesome if they said one of that character's battle intro quote things while wearing their respective costume. For example, Marie going into battle and saying "I sacrifice myself to the will of this dance!" Or Nyotengu jumping in, "Sink into the dreams of sleeping souls."
But that's just me, I suppose.

In addition to this I'll also add info on the new girls in Estival Versus. Not much known about them since their new and Estval Versus hasn't released yet though.

- Once the older deceased sister of Ryobi and Ryona who took care of them when their parents got killed
- She has revived from the dead after Sayuri and the Mikagura sisters for the "Kagura Thousand Year Festival"
- She hasn't been completely been brought back to life, but she is now a spirit
- Has a very graceful personality

- The oldest of the Mikagura sisters and is one of Asuka's cousins
- A strong minded tomboy who hates effeminate or cute things

- The middle child of the Mikagura sisters and is one of Asuka's cousins
- An energetic and athletic girl who acts and speaks how she thinks

- The youngest of the Mikagura sisters and is one of Asuka's cousins
- Pretty selfish and condescending girl who talks in different ways through internet slang to baby talk in order to rile up her opponents
- Insecure about her chest size (even though its not really that small like Mirai or Ryobi's)

- The wife of Hanzo and the grandmother of Asuka, Renka, Hanabi, and Kafuru
- The head of the "Kagura Thousand Year Festival"
- Is a very strong woman who even her husband has yet to defeat
- She is able to transform into her younger self in her Shinobi Form in which she prefers to be called Jasmine when in it


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the new Estival Versus anime episode is good.
The OVA? Depends on what you want out of it. It's a fanservice beach trip episode. Lots of bouncing, lots of blushing, lots of splashing, and as far as I've heard, little to no substantial plot.


Well-Known Member
The OVA? Depends on what you want out of it. It's a fanservice beach trip episode. Lots of bouncing, lots of blushing, lots of splashing, and as far as I've heard, little to no substantial plot.

Yeah the OVA is mainly a comedy anime mixed with some fanservice from what I saw from the trailer.

Baal bal

Well-Known Member
Yeah the OVA is mainly a comedy anime mixed with some fanservice from what I saw from the trailer.
The first OVA to have actual nudity, also.
I think I'll give a try to EV. I'm going to buy a PS4 for blood-born anyway, I'll just get DOA5LR a third time and EV to try it out.
I don't know how much money I spend on DOA... and at this point I'm afraid to count haha XD.


Well-Known Member
The first OVA to have actual nudity, also.
I think I'll give a try to EV. I'm going to buy a PS4 for blood-born anyway, I'll just get DOA5LR a third time and EV to try it out.
I don't know how much money I spend on DOA... and at this point I'm afraid to count haha XD.

Oh yeah I heard it did.

I am debating whether I'll get EV too. I really want to play the game and watch the OVA but idk if I should just wait for it to come to the west when it comes. I should make my decision fast since it comes out on the 26th.


Well-Known Member
Yumi seems very important, at least for that episode, I see her face all the time. It's very likely her cosplay will get in (most likely Kokoro or Momiji). She looks like the second poster girl after Asuka..


Well-Known Member
Yumi seems very important, at least for that episode, I see her face all the time. It's very likely her cosplay will get in (most likely Kokoro or Momiji). She looks like the second poster girl after Asuka..

Yeah Yumi is important, she is the face of the Versus series.

And yeah I can see Kokoro or Momiji getting her.

Me want Kasumi

Active Member
Btw, do any of you guys have a favorite SK character? Mine is Yagyu with Shiki being really close behind.

Mine is Yomi. I love her design and her graceful personality, plus she is really cute and is fun to play as between her large sword, her wrist canons, and her bombs.


Active Member
Oh yeah I heard it did.

I am debating whether I'll get EV too. I really want to play the game and watch the OVA but idk if I should just wait for it to come to the west when it comes. I should make my decision fast since it comes out on the 26th.
I'm having that same issue. I want to play the Senran Kagura EV game, but I don't know if I should wait for it to release here. Ima wait a couple weeks and see if any news of a release date here, if nothing ima jus order the Japanese version. I just want to play this game already!


Well-Known Member
I'm having that same issue. I want to play the Senran Kagura EV game, but I don't know if I should wait for it to release here. Ima wait a couple weeks and see if any news of a release date here, if nothing ima jus order the Japanese version. I just want to play this game already!

I'll be honest, I don't think a few weeks will make much of a difference. If you want it that bad, you might as well just get it.

Here's my logic:
Considering SK2 was just announced by Xseed for a release this summer, even if they were to announce EV before then it wouldn't be out until several months later, meaning a fall release at the earliest. And that's just *if* they were to announce EV before SK2's release. If they wait until summer or later to announce EV it could be winter or well into 2016 before it finally makes it's way to store shelves. The impression I'm getting is that you're probably not patient enough to wait that long.

Now, this is just speculation on my part, but Xseed tends to announce games in chunks. Since they just announced several titles a few weeks ago, more announcements are not likely to happen any time soon, and certainly not within the next few weeks.


Active Member
I'll be honest, I don't think a few weeks will make much of a difference. If you want it that bad, you might as well just get it.

Here's my logic:
Considering SK2 was just announced by Xseed for a release this summer, even if they were to announce EV before then it wouldn't be out until several months later, meaning a fall release at the earliest. And that's just *if* they were to announce EV before SK2's release. If they wait until summer or later to announce EV it could be winter or well into 2016 before it finally makes it's way to store shelves.
Not sure if you're into retail, but you just made a sale my friend lol. I love games like dynasty Warriors, so the extra fan service would just add to the fun. The game is out in 4 days, I'm gonna go ahead and order me a copy. And we got Dead or Alive SK costume pack to keep me busy until then. If the game does have online Play, I hope to see a few of .y'all on there

Me want Kasumi

Active Member
If people thought that Senran Kagura was really fanservicy, then their sister game Valkyrie Drive is about to take it to a higher level

This is the PV for the game

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Btw, do any of you guys have a favorite SK character? Mine is Yagyu with Shiki being really close behind.

Murakumo. It's fun swinging around that big @ss cleaver and I like when she calls on her wolves to attack her opponents. XD I also think she's the most interesting. She likes to draw manga and then there's those split personalities where one moment she's confident and a bad @ss and then once her mask gets taken off she becomes very shy and embarrassed. XD

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