Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Well-Known Member
The anime-ish colorful look for the stages from the old games could have gone well with the more realistic models (which I happen to love very much). I look at the models now and cringe as I compare them to the old ones, so the character models were the only big step up on part of the design team. As for the stages, which they CONSTANTLY bragged about being huge block buster interactive stages, they done goofed hard. Even 2 out of the 5 new stages tanked (The NG3 stages. That includes the desert stage until I see more of the stage.).

The trailer hyped me up as much as it did because everything looked amazing and made me look forward to seeing much more to come. But after being told that this is all that we're getting 3 months before the game is even released, my hype pretty much died out completely. Developers usually lie to save the big surprises for later, so I'm still keeping a little bit of my hopes up we get more than we're actually seeing. If this is really all to look forward to, I'll cross my fingers they spend the next 3 months ironing out the major flaws that need attending to. I'm still grateful we're getting an update in the first place and I'm still buying it day one to support the team for their hard work, but they gotta get their stuff together <_<

Also, something that's been bugging me on the official site for a while now:


How does one have a sense of danger without obstacles on the umpteenth flat boring surface in this game? I need an explanation here...



Well-Known Member
This stage, to me, had the most potential for being multi-tiered after watching it in Story Mode. But damn those lasers.

That's a total of 11 Stages, out of the now 20 (so far) Not getting my hopes up for more. But yeah 11 shitty ass stages. How did DOA fall to such terrible design. The stages are what make the game shine, something to look different from all the other fighters out there, this is a colossal disappointment.
Aesthetics-wise, they look great. They're just not multi-tiered and are poorly designed since it's the same rectangle with different sizes and a different background.

Worst stage is still Sweat. Design sucks, music sucks.

But, Flow was awesome (and the original plan was to link it to Sanctuary? That would have been so worth it). And so is Hot Zone, but could have been better if it was linked to another stage. Scramble had a lot of potential too, if it could be linked to fall on other buildings.

The problem with each stage was that they were boring. Really boring. Too much gritty-ness and grunge and the theme felt like sci-fi. TN's attempt to make it more 'realistic' tanked hard.

Zack Island was a excellent change of pace because it was so vibrant, colorful, and despite the minimal danger zones, it was incredibly fun to play on.


Well-Known Member
But...having a 4-ninja tag-team battle in a New York gym while no one seems to be paying attention is hilarious... :cool:

"Hey, I think that dude just threw a fireball."
"Can't talk. On the treadmill."

I just think it works to have something low key outside of the dojo stage.
Would have been great if we could go outside of the actual ring. That thought alone with the backdrop characters acting so nonchalant about a crazy fight with a super ninja and a blob of glowing toothpaste hilarious. But still, probably the second most boring stage next to Dojo.


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Standard Donor
We had to many "ring" stages.they should have just kept the bounce back mechanic to the eletrified wrestling ring,not bother with sweat and worked on the street more for Mila's introduction fight.


Well-Known Member
I mean, what exactly is wrong with the Hotzone? It's not a box. You can't say that stuff isn't going on. Helicopters, gunfire, and RPGs. Not over-the-top enough for you? Is it the "brown"? What color should it be?

You can get run over by tigers and shot out of a frickin' clown's nose at a circus. Why is that terrible? It's the complete opposite of "brown", isn't it? What are you looking for? You can get hit by a frickin' train. Not over-the-top? Still, how are Depth and the Lab not interesting visually? Yeah, they're circles. But, stages can only be so big without the extra space just going to waste because of the time frame you have to fight in. Do you mean diversity in the shape of stages?

Just throw in a DOATEC palace stage where you can knock someone down the stairs and I'd be perfectly happy. But, the Lost World and Forest stages go a long way toward satisfying me in terms of scenery.

Thinking about it a little harder, I guess all the stages are pretty level. But, how much do people want the slopes and stuff to being a factor in the gameplay?

This this and this

Okay I just want to get this out the way, The stages I put on my bad list are the ones I dislike. the ones that arnt there. I are the ones I like. Also if you notice I didn't put up the Tiger stage because I like it, having 2 more clown stage is being greedy. One doesn't even have music, lol the reason I dislike hotzone, is because the game has a dark tone to it and I just dislike the grittiness of that stage. However it isnt a stage that NEEDS to be removed.

Mate there's something you need to understand. Team ninja was the ones claiming the Entertainment/blockbuster or whatever shit they was saying at the time for these stages. Now why does that matter? Because that is a very BIG fucking statement, and why is it a big statement? Because past DOA stages are already fucking amazing, so if your gonna tell your fans about all this new innovation then you know you just made us expect greatness so you better bring the big guns to the table. The seaside level in DOA 4, monkey temple, ninja hideout, DOATEC tower everything in DOA3 Diverse, Diverse, Diverse.

Basically I feel like Team ninja lied, or got lazy. From what they said. I expected them to make bigger and better stages than their past installments.

But, Flow was awesome (and the original plan was to link it to Sanctuary? That would have been so worth it).

That was the plan yeah. Sounds amazing, and hold up to the claims they were making.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why people in here bitch about the stages. Stages are fine good looking and interactive so why so much hate. Im starting to think that people in here are to damn spoiled for comfort. Compare some of the DOA stages with that of other fighting games DOA stages are much more fun TN should ignore this community it's full of winy little 10 year old kids who always want something and nothing is good enough jeez.
VF stages are basically right angles and squares lol so asking for new stages is fine but don't act like these stages are TERRIBLE or whatever.

I think someone forgot the kind of stages we had prior to doa5.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
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Brute said:
'Bout time someone said this.

Seriously, the attitude is always "Not like other 3D fighters = Random and uncompetitive"

The fans/community don't even know the system their own game is based on. They just ask for it to be just like other fighters (instead of just going and playing those) rather than appreciating that it plays totally different from those intentionally, and that doesn't mean it's "random guessing." There is still strategy, thinking, high guaranteed damage, etc. Sure, it could use some work, but all games (esp. fighting games) can.

-You know what, I had to look deep within myself to find the truth. I forgot what I was fighting for when creating this community. That fight was for Doa to be accepted for what it is, and not have it looked down upon for its differences. With Doa3.1 getting such high praise, amongst the high level and hardcore members of the community, along with Mr. Wah(aka Matt) showcasing the game to the FGC(and getting their approval of it being a legit competitive 3d fighter). I was blindsighted due to how great it was, and how much I did not want Doa5 to play like Doa4. With clearity I can see that Doa5 may not be Doa3.1, but it sure as hell is not Doa4.1, and we should not punish the game because it retains one flaw from its predecessor(stagger heavy gameplay)....especially considering that Doa5 is more solid and contain more gameplay tech than any other Doa in the series.


The anime-ish colorful look for the stages from the old games could have gone well with the more realistic models (which I happen to love very much). I look at the models now and cringe as I compare them to the old ones, so the character models were the only big step up on part of the design team. As for the stages, which they CONSTANTLY bragged about being huge block buster interactive stages, they done goofed hard. Even 2 out of the 5 new stages tanked (The NG3 stages. That includes the desert stage until I see more of the stage.).

The trailer hyped me up as much as it did because everything looked amazing and made me look forward to seeing much more to come. But after being told that this is all that we're getting 3 months before the game is even released, my hype pretty much died out completely. Developers usually lie to save the big surprises for later, so I'm still keeping a little bit of my hopes up we get more than we're actually seeing. If this is really all to look forward to, I'll cross my fingers they spend the next 3 months ironing out the major flaws that need attending to. I'm still grateful we're getting an update in the first place and I'm still buying it day one to support the team for their hard work, but they gotta get their stuff together <_<

Also, something that's been bugging me on the official site for a while now:


How does one have a sense of danger without obstacles on the umpteenth flat boring surface in this game? I need an explanation here...


Marketing being marketing.

-Exactly! At first I was all gun hoe Doa5 was just like doa4=trash. But I am now realising that we were so caught up in one aspect(maybe 2) of our beloved 3.1, and forgot all the lessons the pioneer mr. Tom brady has taught us. He taught and established amongst the community, that doa was not like other 3d fighters, and no way shape or form should it be. We were downing team ninja and shimbori-san, when he did exactly what we asked for. A competitive 3d fighter that sported character individuality. I know we got tired of rikuto telling us that there are characters that play the stun game, those that dont at all, and those that want you to fuck up and do a critical hold. But he was absolutely right without going into great detail.

-Truth be told, no one is forced to play the stun game at all. Players act like there is no counter hit baiting and strats that can be used. or whiff punishment, or using knockdowns/knockbacks. In fact Doa3.1 was known for seting up your opponent to get wall raped....this is still very much possible! In all honesty, players are being quite lazy, unrefined, and reckless! If you know you have attacks that cause an undesireable stagger state, than dont use those attacks unless you have properly set it up against your opponent. This is not Doa4 guys. You can use limbo stuns, sit down stuns, drunken stagger(turn around stagger), and crumples to set up your opponent.

-It seem like many want to attack without actually thinking about the consequences of their actions. Also, Not to forget we have set up throws, set up holds, sabaki's, parries, and even guard breaks that allow viable strats n setups. There is absolutely no excuse to be getting stuck!!!

If I have a singular downfall, it's that I see more than most people right off the bat but don't care enough to actually explain any of it. I'm not particularly convincing when it comes to explaining through words either. I just have to beat people senseless until they reach the same understanding. Sadly this is not something I can do to everybody.

Good to see you finally figured it out. I doubt many others will.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I feel Virtuapai is very right in the aspect that DOA5 is a severe improvement over DOA4. Actually, I think Helena's gameplay, while I used to hate it with a passion, has grown over me. She's now the Pseudo-Forced Tech master and people fear her and only her for this. My friends panic about Tina's insane throw damage to the point where they try not to hold her at all. Bass' pick up game is very unique and many other character have stuff that seem to be exclusive to them or a max of 2-3 other guys. This is why I think the only gameplay changes we REALLY need can be done via frame data.
-This is exactly what I am talking about! Those who refuse to look at the bigger picture just see "Doa4 Style" Stagger system. Lets look at our communities competitive history for a second. Before Mr. Tom Brady, Our community was utter trash, and had no concept of how to play Doa3(Or Any Doa period!) properly, nor did we have any concept of what our high level play should consist of. Him speaking to me, and training me personaly, have showed me that we as a community may not have the answers we think we may have(Damn this man never got the credit he deserved for shaping our competitive/high level scene. I am giving you your overdue props sir!!!). The whole point of that retrospective, was to show that we as a community have yet to fully understand and Master What is Doa5(Well Doa5U since Vanilla will be dead in a few months).

-Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the whole point of being a High level player is to use the most effective and efficient moves in your arsenal? Which result in a significantly reduced move list? If this is to be true, Why are we complaing about the stagger system? I ask this because, being a high level player(HLP), or aspiring HLP, We would/should eliminate those moves that cause undesirable effects. If we continue to use those moves, who's fault is it really? Ours or the Game? It is our fault 100%. The stagger system may be something we all may not like, but we are not forced to use it all. Since many here want to compare Doa to other fighters(or wish it was more like them), lets compare it to say TK. High level Tekken players do not use a run down of their entire move list in battle. They Don't use many linking strings, or many attacks at all. They employ control when competing. This is something Doa Players need to learn. HLP in Doa5 can easily consist of whiff punishment, counter blow launch~Juggle, Counter Blow knockdown~Juggle/okizemi, knockback~spacing/baiting, use of desired stun for specific setups(Limbo, sit down, drunken/turn around stagger). Set-up throws/holds, sabaki's parries..etc. There is plenty to do in the game. There is absolutly no excuses when it is a known fact that the majority of attacks land on counter blow in Doa5. With this knowledge players should be playing a lot smarter!

-I promise this will be my last wall of text for awhile ;-)


Well-Known Member
'Bout time someone said this.

Seriously, the attitude is always "Not like other 3D fighters = Random and uncompetitive"

The fans/community don't even know the system their own game is based on. They just ask for it to be just like other fighters (instead of just going and playing those) rather than appreciating that it plays totally different from those intentionally, and that doesn't mean it's "random guessing." There is still strategy, thinking, high guaranteed damage, etc. Sure, it could use some work, but all games (esp. fighting games) can.
Sad thing about it, some competitive players is leaving this series behind or already dropped it for good. :(
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