Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Thanks for the link. If no one will rip and separate the DOA5U footage from the rest of that stream archive this weekend then I can do it Monday when I get my regular computer up and running which has my video editing tools on it. I did notice that Hayate got his fake flip kick from DOA3 back in the footage. I also didn't care for Peter avoiding the question about how feedback from the competitive community has affected the game.


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TRI Mike said:
Rachel and Leon sound MUCH better in Japanese. Damn this could be this best fighter ever if they just made those changes we all want.

virtuapai: I pretty much agree but still think DOA5 would benefit a lot from reducing the stun threshold and adding frame advantage on block. I've been saying it since it came out, DOA5 does have issues and is inferior to VF5FS but it's still much better and much more fun than other famous games that move thousands for every tourney.
-I totally agree with you. I want those features too, however, doa5 is not shit without them. Look at what Doa5 is. It is not like other fighters with the fact that command throws are pretty fast, and are inscapable. This is something that should be used to suppliment attacks. People should fear fucking throws in they did with both 2 and 3.1. However, players are so focused on attacks alone, they forget their are tools in the game to help you excell.

-Also, there are offensive holds, parry's and sabaki's...even defensive holds themselves....the game was never created to be just attack oriented. Even the charachters them selves were never meant to be that way. Nostalgia aside, Doa2/3 excelled not because of attacks, but due to character diversity. Ayane was the back turn throw~launcher character, jann lee was the frame trap character, christy was the 9 frame jabber~ :1::P::K: character,lei fang was the parry, mid kick, and back to wall character, with bass being the pick up beast. None of this was based around attacks yet 3.1 was considered the best in the series.

-With all this want for Doa5 to be more like 3.1 mantra....many of you guys forgot the majority of elements that actually made 3.1 great...Doa5 does continues its legacy! Its time we give the game the same treatment we did with Doa2/3, and stop looking for it to play like other fighters and look for the tools that make these characters excel within doa5!!!!

D Glock

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Such whiny babies. Deal with it..



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-I totally agree with you. I want those features too, however, doa5 is not shit without them. Look at what Doa5 is. It is not like other fighters with the fact that command throws are pretty fast, and are inscapable. This is something that should be used to suppliment attacks. People should fear fucking throws in they did with both 2 and 3.1. However, players are so focused on attacks alone, they forget their are tools in the game to help you excell.
I never understood that. My playstyle has always best suited HiC throw baiting, crushing and clever OH use.

So... Leonleonleonleonleon


Active Member
WOOO DOA5U!! It should just be called Dead or Alive 5 +++

This character stuff is upsetting forreal. I'm all for new characters and new content but Team Ninja is slipping.

I completely agree with having Tengu in cause he has really been requested nonstop since DOA5's vanilla release, even if it was by a smaller group of fans. TN had PLENTY of time and DLC money to copy and paste a Tengu model from DOA4 and revamp his movelist and appearance.

Honestly, if TN can use resources and make completely brand new launch effects and ground bounce animations, include the Aircraft Carrier and Sky City Tokyo stages, bring in the Forest and Lost World stages from DOA3, drag Ein & Leon from DOA4, THEN, develop animations for Momiji, and LASTLY bring in Rachel why not go all the way and bring in Tengu?!! I dont even want to mention Jacky Im fucking tired of the VF characters

If Tengu isnt included TN is really on their asses. I've seen numerous tweets all asking them to include this mf in the roster. If they can copy and paste Rachel and her moves into DOA5U's engine from NG they can do the same for Tengu.

The main force in the request for Rachel's inclusion in DOA had to be driven by sex appeal, because past her looks there isnt really anything intriguing about her in NG from what I've seen. And on top of that Momiji's animations while brand new, look REALLY stiff. WTF TN It seriously looks like she's fighting with arm braces on. I aint never seen no martial art where they just slap their arms at you all stiff like that lmao

In my opinion there shouldnt be any excuse for Tengu not to be in DOA5U.

Nuff said, ;)


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Jealous? I'm not sure you know what the word means becuase it doesn't apply here. The only way I could concievably be jealous is if I really liked Spartan's moveset (which i didn't) and wanted it for a different character that I played (which I don't) because I couldn't play Rachel (which I can, as I'm going to be getting the full version).

My "hate" comes from reasons I've already explained millions of times. She is visually boring, her fighting style is a boring copy-paste, her graphics aren't on-par with many of the other characters, her personality (for what's it's worth) is a useless victim who always needs rescuing and to top it off, there was no reason in Ninja Gaiden for us to ever play her silly segments, but Hayashi went "Fuck you, I'll destroy pacing and add in awkward segments where you play as some dumb bitch who can hardly function in a game like Ninja Gaiden and then force you to play that shit in higher difficulties while re-doing your inventory for her and making her share Tairon treasure chests that you probably want with Ryu. Oh and I'll give her some stupid hair options that you have to kill like 200 shadow fiends for and you're gonna want to do that for the essence because again, you're broke-ass poor because we reset your inventory." So tell me, at what point was I supposed to like this abysmal creature?
Tsun tsun, dere dere...



Active Member
You guys are going to be real salty when Rachel is bouncing your characters around like the NBA.

HAH not with Helena's new sitdown stun into BKO it's going to be CB city in a few months boy oh boy oh boy

Rachel is just another blonde hoe in DOA I'm fine with Tina she a OG but not Rachel. Helena will always be my main blonde hoe in DOA. Nuff said


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"Largest number of stages" =).


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HAH not with Helena's new sitdown stun into BKO it's going to be CB city in a few months boy oh boy oh boy

Rachel is just another blonde hoe in DOA I'm fine with Tina she a OG but not Rachel. Helena will always be my main blonde hoe in DOA. Nuff said

$5 says its not guaranteed.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
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Brute said:
I never understood that. My playstyle has always best suited HiC throw baiting, crushing and clever OH use.

So... Leonleonleonleonleon

-Exactly! At first I was all gun hoe Doa5 was just like doa4=trash. But I am now realising that we were so caught up in one aspect(maybe 2) of our beloved 3.1, and forgot all the lessons the pioneer mr. Tom brady has taught us. He taught and established amongst the community, that doa was not like other 3d fighters, and no way shape or form should it be. We were downing team ninja and shimbori-san, when he did exactly what we asked for. A competitive 3d fighter that sported character individuality. I know we got tired of rikuto telling us that there are characters that play the stun game, those that dont at all, and those that want you to fuck up and do a critical hold. But he was absolutely right without going into great detail.

-Truth be told, no one is forced to play the stun game at all. Players act like there is no counter hit baiting and strats that can be used. or whiff punishment, or using knockdowns/knockbacks. In fact Doa3.1 was known for seting up your opponent to get wall raped....this is still very much possible! In all honesty, players are being quite lazy, unrefined, and reckless! If you know you have attacks that cause an undesireable stagger state, than dont use those attacks unless you have properly set it up against your opponent. This is not Doa4 guys. You can use limbo stuns, sit down stuns, drunken stagger(turn around stagger), and crumples to set up your opponent.

-It seem like many want to attack without actually thinking about the consequences of their actions. Also, Not to forget we have set up throws, set up holds, sabaki's, parries, and even guard breaks that allow viable strats n setups. There is absolutely no excuse to be getting stuck!!!


Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about the Heavy Bound state. DOA5 looked and felt really fluid, and with the inclusion of this, it just

Good juggle potential, but aesthetics count too.


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-Exactly! At first I was all gun hoe Doa5 was just like doa4=trash. But I am now realising that we were so caught up in one aspect(maybe 2) of our beloved 3.1, and forgot all the lessons the pioneer mr. Tom brady has taught us. He taught and established amongst the community, that doa was not like other 3d fighters, and no way shape or form should it be. We were downing team ninja and shimbori-san, when he did exactly what we asked for. A competitive 3d fighter that sported character individuality. I know we got tired of rikuto telling us that there are characters that play the stun game, those that dont at all, and those that want you to fuck up and do a critical hold. But he was absolutely right without going into great detail.

-Truth be told, no one is forced to play the stun game at all. Players act like there is no counter hit baiting and strats that can be used. or whiff punishment, or using knockdowns/knockbacks. In fact Doa3.1 was known for seting up your opponent to get wall raped....this is still very much possible! In all honesty, players are being quite lazy, unrefined, and reckless! If you know you have attacks that cause an undesireable stagger state, than dont use those attacks unless you have properly set it up against your opponent. This is not Doa4 guys. You can use limbo stuns, sit down stuns, drunken stagger(turn around stagger), and crumples to set up your opponent.

-It seem like many want to attack without actually thinking about the consequences of their actions. Also, Not to forget we have set up throws, set up holds, sabaki's, parries, and even guard breaks that allow viable strats n setups. There is absolutely no excuse to be getting stuck!!!
'Bout time someone said this.

Seriously, the attitude is always "Not like other 3D fighters = Random and uncompetitive"

The fans/community don't even know the system their own game is based on. They just ask for it to be just like other fighters (instead of just going and playing those) rather than appreciating that it plays totally different from those intentionally, and that doesn't mean it's "random guessing." There is still strategy, thinking, high guaranteed damage, etc. Sure, it could use some work, but all games (esp. fighting games) can.
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