Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Another new male would be nice... Kasumi Alpha though, what would she have to offer that's any different from Kasumi or Alpha themselves?
Just.make her DOA2 Kasumi with.different move properties.

It's Take Tekken Tag 2.
Are Lee and Violet that.different? How and Lilly and Sebastian? Jack and P Jack? Small differences but enough to make arguments for or the.other.

Plus ...double Kasumi in Tag.


Well-Known Member
Just.make her DOA2 Kasumi with.different move properties.

It's Take Tekken Tag 2.
Are Lee and Violet that.different? How and Lilly and Sebastian? Jack and P Jack? Small differences but enough to make arguments for or the.other.

Plus ...double Kasumi in Tag.

Good point. Haha.

Deleted member 473

You guys demanding Rachel were assholes. Momiji, Jacky and every character who didn't make the cut from dimensions should have re appeared.

Raidou, Genra, Shiden, Ein and Leon...fuck put in Kasumi Alpha too. It's just.really stupid to me that this is supposed to be the ultimate version of DOA and the roster is missing 5 cast members.

Atleast get Tengu in the shit!

Now thats just fuckin retarded.


Well-Known Member
Since the cast is done and over with, or at least I hope not, I'm afraid I'll just have to suck it up and deal. Really wish TN makes an exception for DLC characters and Tengu gets in to relieve my peeve of the total number of characters being an uneven number.

Anyway, clearly everyone is in favor of the 3.1 Stun System, so it would be best if TN took that route so the core game doesn't continue driving away top players. But there's one other thing besides the stuns that bother me.

...We need a REAL throw break system. Badly. As it stands now, I find it far too annoying to deal with offensive holds without the implementation of a more universal throw break like Tekken's or VF5FS. The ability to break every type of throw would definitely make a world of difference for the core game and for the better. Combine that with the 3.1 stuns and we have ourselves a real winner : P


Well-Known Member
Such whiny babies. Deal with it..



Well-Known Member
Meh, I generally hate throw break/tech systems in fgs. The only ones I can accept are those that require you to predict the throw attempt (3S, SG).


Well-Known Member
Power launchers make more sense the way TN puts it. I still don't like that I have to sacrifice a power blow to do it, but oh well. Power launchers should also guard break like power blows.


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synce said:
Grape you need to look at DOA5 and this series as a whole as something you casually fuck around with, don't take it too seriously. If you want real competition there's Tekken and VF
-Why must people belittle the game/series and not accept it for being a competitive fighter? People from other fighters thought they could jump in doa4 and kick ass to win some free money(with it being the most shallow Doa...probably current gen fighter), yet got their asses handed to them on a silver platter. This backward thinking really need to stop. Doa has proven to be a valid contender, with Doa5 showcasing solid competitve play. Those that dont like the game need to move on, and let those that do continue to enjoy!

-There are a few other things I would like to address. Doa5 do not need doa2/3's stun~launch height. The stun~launch height in Doa5 is lower, however, you can continue to juggle your opponent below knee level for some decent damage. Also, doa5 have ground bounce that provide even more juggle potential...with 5u adding more with VF5 style heavy bounds and not to forget danger zone juggles. This is far more juggle potential than that of Doa2/3.

-We have not been totally clear with Team Ninja. We do not want less stuns in the series. We need/want less staggers. Half the stagger states need to be replaced with hit stuns...upwards of +10(or charater specific jab guarantee). This will still allow a stun heavy game, but it will allow all their hard work with the implimentation of the universal side step to be appreciated. In fact, it will still allow players to defensive hold, but giving the players an option to use more advanced techniques(something they planned with the creation of Doa5).

-Last but not least. I do feel having a few attacks on block having + frames per charachter would be great. But lets not pretend it is the end of the world for not having them. Remember our beloved Doa2U!??!! That game have virtually the same negative on block gameplay as Doa5, yet players were able to excel, with whiff punishing, fuzzy guarding and simply better play to negate the negative frames. The same could be easily done with Doa5, infact even better with the use of guard breaks, throws and holds with frame advantage and the fact you can negate being at disadvantage by side stepping afterwards....blurring the lines between having frame advantage and being disadvantage.

-Btw, the ground effect is considered vf's heavy bound. It look like they also added Vf's head over heels knock down, spinning knock down. Oh and for the record, both flops and slams been in doa since doa2 so those are not new. You can find the vf info here:

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Rachel and Leon sound MUCH better in Japanese. Damn this could be this best fighter ever if they just made those changes we all want.

virtuapai: I pretty much agree but still think DOA5 would benefit a lot from reducing the stun threshold and adding frame advantage on block. I've been saying it since it came out, DOA5 does have issues and is inferior to VF5FS but it's still much better and much more fun than other famous games that move thousands for every tourney.


Well-Known Member
-There are a few other things I would like to address. Doa5 do not need doa2/3's stun~launch height. The stun~launch height in Doa5 is lower, however, you can continue to juggle your opponent below knee level for some decent damage. Also, doa5 have ground bounce that provide even more juggle potential...with 5u adding more with VF5 style heavy bounds and not to forget danger zone juggles. This is far more juggle potential than that of Doa2/3.

Finally someone said it! I've realized this too for a while. Despite having lower launch height, DOA5 really does have just as good juggling as 3 and 2. Combos are longer with the exception of some of the slopes and stuff in some of the stages and DOA5's height is higher than 4's at least. The downside is for characters with air grabs. Bass, Leon, and some of the others could use either more juggle potential, more launch height, or just more powerful moves.
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