watching Knee lose 6 rounds in a row was rough, but reading the comments defending him and coming up with excuses for his loss is endlessly entertaining
Senran Kagura re:newal getting delayed! noooo! I guess if Criminal Girls has to get hit with the censorship hammer it was only a matter of time before Senran Kagura got it
been watching alot of the newish doa6 footage, and there seem to be alot of instances where the sidestep attack is putting the sidestepper right behind the opponent, or dam near close to it
Real talk, how the hell did Marie rose go from "red roses of death" and "Oh dear" to "looks like it's time to take out the trash". Makes her sound like a wrestler from the early 90s
you know something that trips me up big time online? when ppl stand ram rod stiff in neutral, cause i don't know if they're doing it cause they legit don't know how to get in on me or if it's some high level mind game
think i'll just main Bayo and Cloud in smash ultimate. why learn 80+ match ups with fun low tiers when i can just pick the characters with the most oppressive options who also happen to be fun