Gonna reinstall sfv tonight, see if the lag reduction patch was the game changer we thought it would be, but I'm a Laura player so what the hell do I care about lag lol
i dunno why but Im excited for Darksiders 3, which is odd since I thought the first game was lame and derivative while second one was boring and overly long
I swear i've watched 5 anime this season starring a character who's a female lolicon. is this some new sub genre that got popular overnight or something?
ppl say it's weird that ryu is a grappler, but then u play DOA2 and see that 1 combo off his regular hold (high,mid or low) into an environment interaction does dam near 60-70% dmg, and it's unbreakable. Sounds like a grappler to me
dam, Sakurai puts 4 games worth of characters into a single game and then some, and ppl still be like "oh, (insert character) didn't make it? this aint my smash bros.", like seriously? get the fuck over yourself