DOA5+ for PS Vita


Master Ninja
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Premium Donor
On the announcement yes, that's true. There was a translation somewhere about it. But ever since they started showing video, the pics have been legit. Again, they're suspiciously good looking to the point where they're probably taken after things that normally aren't on are turned on. Kinda like when you want to show a friend how great a PC game looks but crank up all the settings to make it look nicer even though it'll only get 10fps on your rig.


Well-Known Member
Okay edited post.

My wishlist for DOA5+ on Vita:

- Ein, Leon & Tengu (maybe a new character?)

- New stages

- Console DLC costumes jam packed into this version

- Team Battle mode

These extras would be brilliant but as the Shadow fellow below said, We've got buckleys of any of this coming true, but a man can dream. If half of these editions were to be included into the Vita edition I'd be fairly content on dishing out the dosh for it.

I can't believe I've only just heard about this now :eek: .



Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I expect it to be the console version just on portable. I don't see why anyone would have there expectations any higher. Judging by what they been saying that's all it'll be which is fine with me.


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CyberEvil said:
No they're not. The most recent screens are from the Vita version, but they have been upscaled and there seems to be AA even though the console versions don't even really have it. They're better looking than it likely will be because things were probably prettied up for the shots at the expense of the framerate. There are videos out there of Hayashi playing the game and it looks damn good.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ on the Vita uses AA so it's entirely possible.

Return of the Shadow said:
I expect it to be the console version just on portable. I don't see why anyone would have there expectations any higher. Judging by what they been saying that's all it'll be which is fine with me.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Screens are from console version, even the ones on the Vita screen.
-I am not worried at all about the screen shots. I am concerned about the gameplay updates that have the potential to drastically effect gameplay!!!! It is currently extremely imperitive for Shimbori-San and the Team Ninja staff to take the concerns of the Western player base at a higher priority. I know they want to be fair and be inclusive of every one. However, with that line of thinking, they will never reach the full potential of Doa5. Virtua Fighter, a great series that I personally adore, never reached mass success in the west, while both Tekken and Soul Calibur achieved impressive accolades. Doa3 out of all the series sold the most without having mulitiple revisions( a la Doa2), and was praised by the West(Americas) for its deep and sophisticated vs. 1 on 1 play, and (Europe...most notably France) for its deep and intricate tag play system.

-I can not lie, the reason I have not been playing the game, and been some what vacant for the past couple of months is due to how the game plays overall. I am not satisfied with it at all, and in my opinion it plays like a glorified Doa4. We players stressed Doa3(3.1), so much due to you having the option to not play the stun game at all. Even with there being a visable improvement, the stun game is still far too prevelant. In all seriousness, the fundamentals of the series need to go back to Doa3.1(or even Doa2). 5-10% of the strikes on normal hit(heavy hitting strikes)should allow critical stun(light stuns), and every other hit should result in the standard hit stun that range in +3 to +/-0. This allow players to feel rewarded for suscessfully landing a strike, and being able to apply pressure that forces their opponent to think about what defensive technique to apply instead of automatically going to a defensive(critical) hold. On Counter Strike, the same should apply with the frame advantage range increasing to +4 to +8, and with a 11-20% critical stun(medium stuns) increase on strikes. With High counter strikes having a 21-30% critical stun(heavy stuns). With the majority of strikes doing +9 to +13(with the advantage increasing depending on the chracter). With this in place, players will get far more out of the system as they can now.
  • With strikes having individualized purpose depending on hit status, competitive players can apply a myraid of offesnsive pressure and set-ups.
  • With holding not being a primary defense, competitive player can opt for more advance defensive techniques.
  • The game no longer is one dimentional and can provide competitve players with a robust of options. Which will lead to a significant amount of play styles and overall depth of the game.
-With Doa4 it seems like the team abandoned the above rules of play(which made absolute sense!)
-To be quite blunt, at the end of the day, it is the western players that have put the most interest in competitive Doa play, the most money and drive that kept many of the games in the series afloat. Dead or Alive did not get a serious competitive look over till the western players decided to take it serious. This is far more than enough to take what we have to say more serious than anyother region. Truth be told, there would be no care(recognition) for competitve Doa if I personally did not see the potential in the series. No one gave a damn. I a westerner started the doa revolution. I worked my ass off(more than anyone else to establish this community) and never recieved the recognition of the masters, the perfect legends or the black mambas. With out me, many of these well known players will not be here. I am not saying this because I want to be recognised, but because I want the game to reach the potential it was destined to be. It is only fair that Shimbori-San and his Team Ninja staff take what we say at far greater value than anyone else. Otherwise I did all all of this for nothing.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Man, I really need to buy DOA3.1 to see what its all about :eek:

Yeah. Before DOA5 came out I watched a stream of a 3.1 tournament. Even by simply watching it, not even actually playing it, I could instantly tell that the game was so much better. Unfortunately, I didn't get into to DOA until DOA4 had come around, so I've never actually experienced 3.1 and by now, it's simply too late. It has no online support and I don't know anyone in real life who likes DOA to play it with. I do have a copy of 3.0, but naturally it's just sitting around collecting dust.

As for potential gameplay changes in DOA5+, I wouldn't expect anything major. I imagine DOA5's mechanics are set in stone for the most part. They might tweak a few things here and there, but the game will likely be more or less the same as it is now. Our best hope for another 3.1 or better is probably another sequel and who knows when or even if that's going to happen.


Well-Known Member
As much as I love DOA3 and thinks its the best in the series, I can't just sit here playing it for 5 hours because Im so use to the new changes on DOA5 and not to mention that all the characters has better tools/new moves (4 point hold!) & the buffer system is so what superior compared to DOA3. Now when it comes to amazing presentation no doubt DOA3 destroys DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Buffer system in DoA5 is easily the worst in the series. Possibly in fighting game history. No clue what you're on about...
I just feel like I can space around (whiff punish) better, thats it. Other than that, the buffer system is pathetic.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I wonder if all the characters were safer on DOA3.1 compared to DOA5?
-Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Tom Brady(who was also one of the most influential players in the Doa revolution!) He was able to show us how unique each character in the game were, and how to optimize their safety, as well as take advantage of their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. With that said, overall the characters were a lot more safer than Doa5, and had a lot more individualized strats and techniques than that of Doa5...It had a far greater impact to the higher level of play. Doa5 barely touches the surface of 3.1.

Yeah. Before DOA5 came out I watched a stream of a 3.1 tournament. Even by simply watching it, not even actually playing it, I could instantly tell that the game was so much better. Unfortunately, I didn't get into to DOA until DOA4 had come around, so I've never actually experienced 3.1 and by now, it's simply too late. It has no online support and I don't know anyone in real life who likes DOA to play it with. I do have a copy of 3.0, but naturally it's just sitting around collecting dust.
-Doa3.0 that is inferior to 3.1 is far better than Doa5. Even Doa2 Ultimate is better than doa5. Doa5 have all the right tools available, but need to be tweaked for optimization. If done correctly, it can be far better than Doa 3.1.

As for potential gameplay changes in DOA5+, I wouldn't expect anything major. I imagine DOA5's mechanics are set in stone for the most part. They might tweak a few things here and there, but the game will likely be more or less the same as it is now. Our best hope for another 3.1 or better is probably another sequel and who knows when or even if that's going to happen.
-This do not need be the case. If Vf is the series they are inspired by, than they(Team Ninja) need to also implement AM2's update in having multiple minor revisions with major updates(i.e vers. A-D). This is how they kept the series balanced. With such a balancing system, Doa5 will be able to reach its full potential with out a problem.

As much as I love DOA3 and thinks its the best in the series, I can't just sit here playing it for 5 hours because Im so use to the new changes on DOA5 and not to mention that all the characters has better tools/new moves (4 point hold!) & the buffer system is so what superior compared to DOA3. Now when it comes to amazing presentation no doubt DOA3 destroys DOA5.
-I understand your feelings and agree.I do not want to go back to Doa3.1 either. However, I do want a solid Doa5. A Doa5 that will make competitive players like myself forget about 3.1, and not have to continuously draw on either Doa3.1 or other solid fighters as an example of how a good fighter should play. There is absolutely no wonder why high level players still have lingering problems with Doa5. If their concerns are taken seriously, the doa series will propel to great heights. To reach the success of the Tekken's and Soul Calibur's(Western dominated fighters), Than the Western form of play need to be adopted without any question!

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
It should be mentioned that DOA3.1 wasn't really found until a year after the game came out, and then it wasn't really played until closer two its two year anniversary. Even then, the higher meta game has been established due to the nearly 10 years it's been out.

DOA5 is coming on month number 3. In comparison, DOA3 didn't hit its higher meta game until at least month number 48.

3..... 48....

That's a hell of a difference there.


Well-Known Member
I strongly agree with you VirtuaPai and it sounds like DOA3.1 is the most complete competitive fighter in the series :)


Well-Known Member
It should be mentioned that DOA3.1 wasn't really found until a year after the game came out, and then it wasn't really played until closer two its two year anniversary. Even then, the higher meta game has been established due to the nearly 10 years it's been out.

DOA5 is coming on month number 3. In comparison, DOA3 didn't hit its higher meta game until at least month number 48.

3..... 48....

That's a hell of a difference there.

Not if you add all the months we spent trying to figure out why DOA4 was the piece of shit it was.