DOA5+ for PS Vita


Well-Known Member
well that makes the game DOA5- ... not +...

Just sayin ..

Unless they give us Ein, Leon, Tengu instead .. Raidou would be a nice little plus too
i'll probably get shouted at for saying so, but a doa without the vf characters is a plus in my eyes. akira was more than enough, we didn't need 3. after all, if you want vf characters, go and play vf.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
i'll probably get shouted at for saying so, but a doa without the vf characters is a plus in my eyes. akira was more than enough, we didn't need 3. after all, if you want vf characters, go and play vf.

I wouldn't say shouted at ..
but I disagree..

DOA was inspired by VF.
Ive been a fan of both series since their 1st versions.
Having this sort of cross over has been a dream of mine since Fighters Megamix on the Sega Saturn.

I think TN did a great job not only in remodeling the VF cast but integrating them so well into the game. if anything I wish the next game would be DOA x VF rather than DOA6 .. (I really mean it)

it would be amazing to have both teams collaborate together to make a full blown cross over game like that. there is plenty of uniqueness and originality in VF that is very different from DOA in terms of fighting styles, character personalities, character designs... it would just be great having the two mesh together ..

If they're not gonna be in the vita version that's gonna be a bit of an upset.. for me at least. and if they're not there, and we don't get other characters as a compensation, I honestly see no reason for me to get the game..

But to each their opinion. no1s forcing you to like or hate a character .. or a game.


Active Member
Standard Donor
well that makes the game DOA5- ... not +...

Just sayin ..

Unless they give us Ein, Leon, Tengu, Raidou, and Shiden...
Fixed. :)

Honestly I don't see what the fuss about it not having "+" features that appeal to everyone. DOA fans said that they wanted to play DOA on the go and Team Ninja set out to deliver, what's wrong with that? They could've easily said fuck handhelds and left nothing, but then you wouldn't be able to get any training in while travelling to that tournament?

If one is worried about not being able to use their arcade stick on the Vita, I could understand that, but it sure doesn't stop this guy:


Well-Known Member
alright lets not get too up and arms. as incompetent and clueless as team ninja are I don't think even they are stupid enough to cut the vf characters in the vita version without at least adding back the 3 cut characters(leon,ein,and tengu) as compensation.. .while adding them as dlc for the console versions at a later date. but then again that would make too much sense for them to comprehend


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say shouted at ..
but I disagree..

DOA was inspired by VF.
Ive been a fan of both series since their 1st versions.
Having this sort of cross over has been a dream of mine since Fighters Megamix on the Sega Saturn.

I think TN did a great job not only in remodeling the VF cast but integrating them so well into the game. if anything I wish the next game would be DOA x VF rather than DOA6 .. (I really mean it)

it would be amazing to have both teams collaborate together to make a full blown cross over game like that. there is plenty of uniqueness and originality in VF that is very different from DOA in terms of fighting styles, character personalities, character designs... it would just be great having the two mesh together ..

If they're not gonna be in the vita version that's gonna be a bit of an upset.. for me at least. and if they're not there, and we don't get other characters as a compensation, I honestly see no reason for me to get the game..

But to each their opinion. no1s forcing you to like or hate a character .. or a game.

You and I are exactly on the same page. In all honesty, I'm perfectly fine with the VF cast guest starring in a DoA game and they're a PERFECT fit (Akira, Kage, and Aoi moreso than others). I don't see what all the butthurt is about <_< VFxDoA (or Fighters Megamix 2 /w Ryo Hazuki and Lan Di) has to happen one of these days.


Well-Known Member
Not having all the characters on a pre final build select screen doesn't rule anything out. Remember how the select screen changed through different builds of DOA5 before the final.


Active Member
I dono whats with some of the fuss i'm hearing about the VF characters. Is it because the people complaining just tend to flat out lose to them :eek:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
After seeing Momiji in NG3:RE I wouldn't mind having her in a DOA game!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say shouted at ..
but I disagree..

DOA was inspired by VF.
Ive been a fan of both series since their 1st versions.
Having this sort of cross over has been a dream of mine since Fighters Megamix on the Sega Saturn.

I think TN did a great job not only in remodeling the VF cast but integrating them so well into the game. if anything I wish the next game would be DOA x VF rather than DOA6 .. (I really mean it)

it would be amazing to have both teams collaborate together to make a full blown cross over game like that. there is plenty of uniqueness and originality in VF that is very different from DOA in terms of fighting styles, character personalities, character designs... it would just be great having the two mesh together ..

If they're not gonna be in the vita version that's gonna be a bit of an upset.. for me at least. and if they're not there, and we don't get other characters as a compensation, I honestly see no reason for me to get the game..

But to each their opinion. no1s forcing you to like or hate a character .. or a game.

Yea, I mean Virtua Fighter was the stepping stone for 3D fighters. Dead or Alive payed them an extremely awesome tribute by mixing three of Virtua Fighters most popular characters into their roster. I think it's neat. Why would you want to take that away from what Team Ninja wanted to do in the first place? I, for one, was always going to get Dead or Alive 5. Been a fan since Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore. Haven't missed a single release since. But when they announced Sarah as a playable character, my absolute favorite fighting game character, I went out and pre-ordered it that day. Couldn't imagine Dead or Alive 5 without the 3 features now, because like Emperor said they flow so well with the game. I love what Team Ninja did to show respect for Sega's Virtua Fighter.


Well-Known Member
I think most people are just pissed at the VF characters because they don't know them and thus, lose to them. It would be much easier if they just weren't there.


Well-Known Member
I think most people are just pissed at the VF characters because they don't know them and thus, lose to them. It would be much easier if they just weren't there.

I know them and I love them (well at least Pai who is actually my main in VF), but there is that frustation, knowing that they will probably disappear in DOA5+/DOA6, so I can't really enjoy them as if they were really part of the cast (but I use them and all, but..).
On the other hand, I know that Mila is popular and that she is not to disappear in the future, so even if I prefer Pai in term of gameplay/personality/everything, she has a biggest place in my team.

Plus I have so many characters to main already (the girls, Eliot, Bayman, Rig). That's why Pai isn't on my priority list (even if I'm really found of her and I was so relieved to see that she was in the cast in September).

That's why I don't like guests. That's cool because they appeal to more people, but for me, it's always heartbreaking at some point.


Active Member
I think most people are just pissed at the VF characters because they don't know them and thus, lose to them. It would be much easier if they just weren't there.

I think its more because most people are ticked that actual DOA characters were removed to make room/time for guest characters.