

Premium Donor
I still can't get over how good the game looks... and this is just the pre release version♡






I can't wait for it to come out, it's gonna be so fun to play and mod for xD It really makes Tekken 7 look like a PS3 game with how rough and crude the reused models used to look

Also I love Lili in Tekken 8, I love how they made most of her underused or near useless moves have a use now and she seems alot more fluid and like she'll be a threat. Not sure yet how I feel about heat, It's not unwelcome but I feel it shouldn't be forced when using the heat engagers, I'd prefer if it was optional by maybe holding the command input down or holding forward so you don't automatically go into heat when you want to play regular
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Active Member
That burning hammer move is what made it an obvious joke and Harada capitalized on it for pity's sake. My overall feels on this would be that Harada is being a diva again and I guess he still doesn't make enough money to be able to take criticism like a man.

Harada is proof that you can be a successful person in the game industry and still be a worthless buffoon with no good ideas, but toxic nature to the people that actually support his overhyped games.
Part of me wants to bring up how bad Itagaki was during his tenure at Tecmo (Becoming a convicted sexual predator, being greedy over exclusivity rights for Xbox instead of splitting it with Nintendo, and only speaking if it's for other's interests in the PR world.), but Harada isn't any better, like you said. So, because I can't take either's side, I think the two have let their egos get the better of them and now they need psychotherapy, at least.


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News Team
Part of me wants to bring up how bad Itagaki was during his tenure at Tecmo (Becoming a convicted sexual predator, being greedy over exclusivity rights for Xbox instead of splitting it with Nintendo, and only speaking if it's for other's interests in the PR world.), but Harada isn't any better, like you said. So, because I can't take either's side, I think the two have let their egos get the better of them and now they need psychotherapy, at least.

1. Tomonobu Itagaki is not a convicted sexual predator.

2. Splitting what with Nintendo? It was pretty clear as to why he chose XBOX over PS though. Sony chose Tekken.

I don't think Itagaki has the ego people think. He pretty much minds his own business but also knows how to be a boss when it's required to.


Active Member
Splitting what with Nintendo? It was pretty clear as to why he chose XBOX over PS though. Sony chose Tekken.
His profits. See there? You just admitted you don't care about the GameCube and if Itagaki wasn't such a selfish person, he would've at least tried to get a port to the GameCube to not leave anyone hanging.


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His profits. See there? You just admitted you don't care about the GameCube and if Itagaki wasn't such a selfish person, he would've at least tried to get a port to the GameCube to not leave anyone hanging.

As far as I know Nintendo didn't want anything to do DOA due to its M-Rating. There were less than 20 M-Rated games on the GameCube.

And just as a word of advice: don't falsely accuse people of being a sexual predator when you haven't done any research. Do you realize how stupid that makes you look and how it could reflect on someone's life?


Premium Donor
Part of me wants to bring up how bad Itagaki was during his tenure at Tecmo (Becoming a convicted sexual predator, being greedy over exclusivity rights for Xbox instead of splitting it with Nintendo, and only speaking if it's for other's interests in the PR world.), but Harada isn't any better, like you said. So, because I can't take either's side, I think the two have let their egos get the better of them and now they need psychotherapy, at least.
Itagaki was never a sexual predator, if you're referring to that one time he was accused of sexual harassment, he was proven innocent in 2007. You have to be careful making claims like that that aren't true
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Well-Known Member

The proper way for Mr. Moobies to get what he want is to spend a huge amount of cash from $92 worth Season Pass/Microtransaction, $99.99 for 1 Character/Costume, $200 at Crowdfunding Projects, $404.89 for a Collectors Edition from Asia ($299.99 for Collectors Edition & $104.90 for Shipping), & $10,000 to request inclusion of Character/Stage.

His comment should be a good way to only make Eddy as a background character while the main star Lucky Chloe gets her playable role in Tekken as part of character roster or better DLC because it cost money.

I wonder if Company founders, board members, and lawyers like any business practices that charges a huge amount of cash that a Player is willing to spend (like what I mention Mr. Moobies should do)?

I don't 100% agree with Harada on "It is up to Development Team to decide whether the opinion is majority or minority", because 1. Development Teams have a capabilities being replaced which could result having new people ruining the originals (like Skullgirls), 2. has capabilities of backstabbing loyal fans who had been enjoying franchise (like DOA6 & especially MK), and 3. They have capabilities of having their work interfered by the higher ups that the Development Team works in (like Capcom, Sega, & EA for example) or if your Square Enix Ethics Department (as I like to call it Censor Depeartment).

The proper way on who the majority is to have a VIP system for fans, and have them pay huge money for the content that they want to play.
  • Haha
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I don't care for Oiran Drive or his posts but imo DOA6 has better facial expressions for the girls definitely, Tekken 8 improved but the facial expressions for the women are still somewhat limited but I think that's obvious

Azu in T8 is a well designed female but her facial expressions and model are quite plain and not defined, she could pass as a Tekken Mobile character easily, even Katarina imo had a better expressive face


Well-Known Member
I dont see what the argument here is. Like we could talk about how tekken has finally come to add more expressive characters ingame instead of trying to compare it to doa. I’m taking this as them just… misconstruing what Max is saying. Otherwise i really dont care what they got going on until they put Anna in the game.


The Dragon Shrine Maiden
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DOA4/DOAO avatars making a comeback lmao

I still want to see R63 Heihachi.


Active Member
We could talk about how tekken has finally come to add more expressive characters in-game instead of trying to compare it to DOA.
Don't tell Crowbcat. He's bitch about it all day thorugh his usually crappy videos.

One one hand, I'm glad they announced a release date. But, on the other hand, I don't see why the game needs three editions, and they better not pull what they did with the last game.


Premium Donor
Don't tell Crowbcat. He's bitch about it all day thorugh his usually crappy videos.

One one hand, I'm glad they announced a release date. But, on the other hand, I don't see why the game needs three editions, and they better not pull what they did with the last game.
Three editions imo is OK, they're basically gonna offer different things for if you preorder or get a certain edition like DOA6 did with their deluxe preorder and such, it's something all games usually do so they can have those who get the standard game or the other(s) that may have bonuses for a higher price like a collectors edition

Besides that I like the new customization from what I've seen but I'll have to wait to see the amount of items and if the unique clothes will be able to have a custom system like Soul Calibur where gloves, shoes and other things will have the ability to be used separately, I think nows a good time to have that since Tekken 7 had a bad customization system that was super limited and on top of that we got literally no real new costumes after the game dropped besides the Santa bikinis and the suits and cheap shirts that were very awful