Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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It's gonna be a useless mechanic for high level but it really does look cool I can't lie.


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Oh so your bigotry is actually with the community itself. That's a relief. Whew. Wouldn't want anymore gay representation there.

They've definitively appealed to the gays with their 0 LGBT characters. Much less with the male cast being half the number in polygons to their female counterparts. With a fraction of costumes, much less appealing ones too.

They couldn't possibly do anything else to add more representation to appeal to that demographic.

You couldn't possibly be that naive.

Why does any of this matter? Why does every game have to have this conversation? Who cares if the characters are gay or straight? Its a game with people beating the crap out of each other.


Well-Known Member
Just one, and it's shit.

Oh boy you're not wrong. I kinda wish they went with a good looking shade of green, but alas. Still, I love how now his mask can come off. That means they'll put actual care in modelling his face and his face animations! ... right?

(Also pls TN bring back Ryu's long hair that's something that legit sets him apart from many action game heroes)


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Has anyone noticed that the moves in this game looks slower than DOA5? If you speed up the video by x0.25 it looks like the regular speed of previous DOA games. That will take a bit of time to adjust to ngl


Well-Known Member
Why does any of this matter? Why does every game have to have this conversation? Who cares if the characters are gay or straight? Its a game with people beating the crap out of each other.

Because it's 2018. Same reason Team Ninja is approaching the female characters with respect. The industry is evolving and maturing. Games are doing more to appeal to a broader audience.

Apparently Team Ninja has done all it could prior. No place to grow with specific segments of the market.


Premium Donor
Thanks for reminding me how crappy Tekken 7 looks compared to DOA. J/k's :p I still play and enjoy Tekken 7, but the visuals are a bit disappointing and lacklustre for a game released last year June.

Well for Tekken 7 "early 2017" was June, so DOA6 could release in April, May, etc. (Though I'm banking on a March 2019 release).
I'm the opposite tbh, I feel Tekken looks somewhat better and more solid lighting and detail wise than DOA5LR imo, but mainly cuz its basically a ps3 game with slapped on skin shaders running on a ps4, DOA6 is coming close to surpassing T7 but I need to see a bit more improvement first. But that's just me being honest xD I feel that Dissidia Final Fantasy is the best game visually imo that I own, DOA6 really should have used a bit of that style but I trust and applaud what they doing now :-D

And where's the new colors? Grunt has PMed me about them but hasn't actually shown me yet and I wish to see them -_-


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Thanks for this, though I wish that the original poster held off on his commentary. It was very distracting while trying to take in the video's content.

Duane has the raw footage with no Twitch box but he got hit with a copyright strike for it because IGN is crazy like that.

I'm the opposite tbh, I feel Tekken looks somewhat better and more solid lighting and detail wise than DOA5LR

I know it's an opinion, but man, I still don't see how Tekken looks better than DOA in visuals. My eyes hurt by the poor lighting effects in that stage with the broken bridge. It just looks washed out or something.


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It's okay Ryu BBY, I still love you even when you look like a weird sad russian videogame streamer.

I must say he looked good when his face got punched lol. Mayyybe he will look nicer even when not-punched.

The problem wasn't the modelling, as you mentioned above, DOA5 models already were very high polygon, something that Tekken 7 or Soul Calibur 6 still can only dream of. They simply decided to give Ryu that kind of face... :/
Considering that they don't seem to actually change the characters' looks, just polish what they had in DOA5 a little more, I assume Ryu too will look the exact same, like a "weird, sad Russian video game streamer."



Active Member
Your opinion on the hair physics ?
the actual movement itself seems pretty good, it's less feather like and really has some weight to it.
kasumi's ponytail is less detailed though, in that she had three separate pieces of hair in DOA5 that would move independently, whereas here it's all together as one piece like her model in ninja gaiden.
the facial expressions from helena and kasumi were really nice too. I hope they do some texture work and change up the hair and faces because recycling isn't cute.

gameplay wise.. the combo after kasumi's 236T seemed to just be the easy smash meter combo so no new teleport stuff other than that yet. the only new move I saw from her was a single version of her 6PKK spin kick


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Duane has the raw footage with no Twitch box but he got hit with a copyright strike for it because IGN is crazy like that.

I know it's an opinion, but man, I still don't see how Tekken looks better than DOA in visuals. My eyes hurt by the poor lighting effects in that stage with the broken bridge. It just looks washed out or something.

Alright, fair enough, thanks.

For me, the resolution is what hurts me with regards to Tekken 7. DOA5LR looks very clean in 1080p, whereas Tekken 7 has this blurry sub-1080p look to it which becomes very apparent every time I play. When I jump between the two games, Tekken 7 looks like a downgrade in some areas.


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Alright, fair enough, thanks.

For me, the resolution is what hurts me with regards to Tekken 7. DOA5LR looks very clean in 1080p, whereas Tekken 7 has this blurry sub-1080p look to it which becomes very apparent every time I play. When I jump between the two games, Tekken 7 looks like a downgrade in some areas.

Only on console does T7 look kind of weird in regards to resolution. PC T7 looks really sick on maxed settings. It does beat DOA5LR in that respect but it's clearly understood that PC is the superior platform graphically.

For consoles, DOA6 will probably knock T7 out of the park, but on PC it may be an even game imo.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm i guess no Switch port or does TN hate that console?
Would be cool to fight on the go but that's just my 2 cents.

As for the PC version I hope they don't give it the same treatment as 5LR.


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Hmmm i guess no Switch port or does TN hate that console?
Would be cool to fight on the go but that's just my 2 cents.

As for the PC version I hope they don't give it the same treatment as 5LR.

From what Shimbori was mentioning, he said technical hurdles which mean that it could be possible but probably some changes for the game output. TN might consider it down the line though.

Yeah, hopefully the PC version is not like DOA5LR. Put in the lobbies and that'll be my platform to play (as well as PS4).

Speaking of PS4, PS4 pro might even have some enhanced features that'll probably be present only on the pro.


Well-Known Member
The problem wasn't the modelling, as you mentioned above, DOA5 models already were very high polygon, something that Tekken 7 or Soul Calibur 6 still can only dream of. They simply decided to give Ryu that kind of face... :/
Considering that they don't seem to actually change the characters' looks, just polish what they had in DOA5 a little more, I assume Ryu too will look the exact same, like a "weird, sad Russian video game streamer."


Actually, I looked at Ryu's face a lot in spectator mode, and his face does have less care put into it both model, animation AND texture wise. All because well, his main LBF model does not show it, so why bother giving a shit, amirite?
I think the model has a very good and interesting base, but the textures really need to be worked on.
I presume TN covered his face 90% of the time because they had less animations done for his face... that should tell you enough about the care they put in their Poster Boy (with the capital letters, yes). A part of me also bets that they are ashamed of their own face textures for him, as they've shown in the LR outfit, where his eyebrows finally grew back to a decent thickness instead of the ones seen in all the outfits prior to it.

I really like how they improved his eyes for DOA6, that I will say. I am fine with the sad Russian videogame streamer look, and if they make it look better I will be one happy camper filling her sketchbook with Ryu Hayabiznizzez.


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Wow, one can't stress enough how big of an improvement the new lighting engine is. DOA5's was already at its time outdated, everything looked faked and undynamic, which it was of course, lol.
Also finally a proper real time shadow! No shadows without hair or other weird stuff anymore. ;)

I hope they do some texture work and change up the hair and faces because recycling isn't cute.

It's not purely recycled. While it looks almost the exact same, one can upon closer inspection see that Kasumi's hair for example is of a much higher polygon built. Her fringe strands don't have any visible polygon edges anymore, as does her hair ribbon, and as does her ponytail.


(Don't be put of by the weird blurriness on parts of the picture, that's typical for Koei Tecmo bullshots. That won't be visible in the final game.)

The latter also moves a lot smoother, flowier because it is comprised of much more links than in DOA5.
I can get behind them staying true to a character's look, when they still actually improve the models to modern standards, even if in a very subtle way.
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