Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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IGN are... well in the gameplay they showed they really didn't show much I wanted that interviewer guy to just shut up lol, I was hoping that It would be more like them just playing the game and picking characters and then fighting rather than just them talking about it like that. Oh well though there Is Monday where we should see more. We did see some recolor versions of their outfits though.

@UpSideDownGRUNT pretty sure those outfits were just like how in doa5 Leifang for example had like her red dress and then had it in green etc, There main outfit has a recolor but then they also have their other outfits which are different outfits.


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10 minutes of DOA6, 5 hours of EA. *sighs*. C'est le vie.

Oh well, I'm liking what I saw though! Game looks fantastic so far. Still think "Fatal Rush", or whatever it is is unnecessary. Kasumi already has a PPPPP string haha.


Well-Known Member
IGN are... well in the gameplay they showed they really didn't show much I wanted that interviewer guy to just shut up lol, I was hoping that It would be more like them just playing the game and picking characters and then fighting rather than just them talking about it like that. Oh well though there Is Monday where we should see more. We did see some recolor versions of their outfits though.

@UpSideDownGRUNT pretty sure those outfits were just like how in doa5 Leifang for example had like her red dress and then had it in green etc, There main outfit has a recolor but then they also have their other outfits which are different outfits.
they never recoloured LBF and Zack and Hayate had recolours as well this is definitely something different.


Premium Donor
Your opinion on the hair physics ?
They are much better, they look like they have weight to them now, in DOA5 Kasumi's ponytail for example was great and rendered like goddess tier but it didnt have weight... Hair doesnt move like that, especially with that thickness and length Kasumi has, but in DOA6 they seem to be going for more natural movement which I like, it now moves like a long thick ponytail is supposed to, not some peacock feather. Helena is a hoe so I don't pay attention to her even if she was Eliot in drag....

The hair can be better tho, it still looks like they ripped the ps3 model hair and called it a day, they need to work on that since I plan on taking alot of comparison pics of the hair in DOA5 and DOA6. The bangs also dont seem to move which FUCKS ME UP. I love hair and I know how it's supposed to move, and bangs and fringe are supposed to move, period.

Lili in T7 has bad hair physics but HER bangs move, ahshahshdhshshhdh....biihhh...I mean bish, if Tekken can do it DOA can too >.>

But I'm sure they'll improve things as the release date approaches, I'm not impressed by the actual models in general besides the male ones since you see a difference, the girls still look the same and only the solid look and lighting seem to make it a bit different. I'm more impressed with DOA6's announcement more or so than the actual visuals atm, like I don't want a rehash...


Active Member
Hayate looks like he has the exact same moves - meh, Jann Lee - ok I guess, Kasumi and Helena are highlights. I suspect there will be colour customization and stuff sort of like Tekken...tutorial looked new though!


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But I'm sure they'll improve things as the release date approaches, I'm not impressed by the actual models in general besides the male ones since you see a difference, the girls still look the same and only the solid look and lighting seem to make it a bit different. I'm more impressed with DOA6's announcement more or so than the actual visuals atm, like I don't want a rehash...

Thanks for reminding me how crappy Tekken 7 looks compared to DOA. J/k's :p I still play and enjoy Tekken 7, but the visuals are a bit disappointing and lacklustre for a game released last year June.

banana56 said:
I think there will be 2-4 more reveals for E3. Assuming early 2019 = Q1 2019, they don’t have much time to do slow reveals

Well for Tekken 7 "early 2017" was June, so DOA6 could release in April, May, etc. (Though I'm banking on a March 2019 release).


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Yeah, that looked like DOA, like a more polished and shinier DOA5. :)

Those recolors though. D: Especially green Hayabusa...



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So a few things stuck out to me, though it was hard to tell what was a natural flow and what was random cuts on the film.

So here it looks like you can use your meter to extend the juggle in some way. Its hard to tell whats going on cuz it doesn't transition smoothly, but I guess it goes into the new power blow mechanic?

The new stuns we saw in the trailer are clearly part of the fatal rush mechanic. Looks like its just a flashy animation and doesn't put you in a very deep stun. It will be interesting to see how its incorporated in higher level play. The meter builds VERY fast. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Something that gives a 4 way hold and the attack version also seems to act as a counter makes me really worried about how fast that meter builds.

Overall the stun system seems to be relatively the same along with the standard guard breaks. Its hard to tell, but launch heights seem lower, but it seems the standard stun/juggles will remain familiar.


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Green Hayabusa is a reference to the Type 20 skin you get for completing Path of the Warrior in the original version of Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360.

Haybusa's moveset seems to be largely unchanged, for better or worse. His Shoho Izuna is back, 7K still techs the enemy 50 yards away, etc. However, I have still not seen ongyoin stance. Hoping they ditched it for some legit lows.

Kasumi seems to be Phase 4, at this point. Seems to teleport after basically every attack.


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An Injusrice Of Epic Proportions.

I know Right !!!

There must be something about it we're missing.

I don't really think we're missing anything. I think its exactly what Shimbori says its for. Its to look flashy for beginner players. Its one button and its got a unique stun that doesn't seem to be a very deep stun. Think of it like the auto combo's in fighterZ. They look great, but higher level players don't really use it.

The unique stuns of fatal rush will make it obvious on what to hold if you continue the string and based on what we've seen it appears if you cancel it the player will recover from the stun quickly. I don't think there will be much more to it, but I am curious to see how higher level players go about it if it gets used at all in high level play.


Well-Known Member
Also, is it me or did Hayabusa's Izuna animation look kinda bad? it was kinda choppy that should hopefully be fixed by the time of a demo/release


Well-Known Member
It's not that you're missing context; it's that you added context that doesn't exist. If you re-read what I wrote, you'll find that there is nothing remotely homophobic.

The DOA community (not in-game character roster, but the player community) seems to have a rather high proportion of people who identify as gay relative to the general population. This means that from a statistical standpoint, they are an "over-represented" demographic. Note that my comment was in response to a speculation that TN will try to get "certain types of players [to become] interested in the game," not how many in-game characters identify as homosexual.

As for that concern, obviously "the entire spectrum of sexuality" isn't represented in DOA. It's not represented anywhere. That's a big fucking spectrum, and it would be impossible to include the entirety of it. They could make a token gay character, a token bi character, a token trans-character, etc. and you wouldn't even chip the tip of the iceberg. Is making some gay characters an inherently bad idea? No. Is it an inherently good idea either? No. Regardless, even if I stated that gay characters were over-represented in DOA's roster (which I didn't), that wouldn't make me "blatantly homophobic." It would make me wrong in a very literal way if I inaccurately assessed how many characters were identified as gay, but that wouldn't necessarily mean that I held a dislike or prejudice towards gay people.

As for my original comment, I wasn't even addressing that discussion. I was simply referring to what audience(s) TN's games have appealed to. In this case, they have clearly appealed to a notable volume of gay players, regardless how many in-game characters are identified as gay. Hence, from a marketing perspective (which was the subject in question, since Banana's comment suggested that they would add certain types of characters specifically to garner interest in the game among "certain types of players"), they already have interest among that demographic. Nobody had trouble understanding this but you, because it was written quite clearly. Hence, your illiteracy.

Learn to read before you accuse people of "blatant" bigotry.

Oh so your bigotry is actually with the community itself. That's a relief. Whew. Wouldn't want anymore gay representation there.

They've definitively appealed to the gays with their 0 LGBT characters. Much less with the male cast being half the number in polygons to their female counterparts. With a fraction of costumes, much less appealing ones too.

They couldn't possibly do anything else to add more representation to appeal to that demographic.

You couldn't possibly be that naive.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think we're missing anything. I think its exactly what Shimbori says its for. Its to look flashy for beginner players. Its one button and its got a unique stun that doesn't seem to be a very deep stun. Think of it like the auto combo's in fighterZ. They look great, but higher level players don't really use it.

The unique stuns of fatal rush will make it obvious on what to hold if you continue the string and based on what we've seen it appears if you cancel it the player will recover from the stun quickly. I don't think there will be much more to it, but I am curious to see how higher level players go about it if it gets used at all in high level play.

Actually I just found out the first hit of the Fatal Rush triggers an unholdable Stun... althought it can be Break Held...

Seems like they're really leaning into this new system...


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