Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Well-Known Member
Wait really? It would’ve been weird seeing Marie Rose & Honoka get bunched in the face hard, but I didn’t think it would be exclusive to male characters


Well-Known Member
In this game I want Tina to be more serious. In all other games she's tried to be independent, but will we see her succeed in this iteration? She shouldn't have to prove anything anymore.
My dream would be to have her as an unlockable character and let Mila take over her place as the Wrestler in the story. Perhaps she takes interest in the whereabouts of Lisa. Or Bass goes missing?
She can just be a side character (like Zack was) and we just get updates of her political career.

I would love to see her pull of some dress suits like Christie and Helena.

Maybe they can give her a new hairstyle too.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
They didn't say it was for the men only. They specifically talked about how it was "taboo" it was for the girls to be anything but pretty and unscathed and they're changing that now.

I can still surprisingly not being as brutal with the females though. What I mean by that is in SFIV, whenever you Ultra someone and the opponent is male, they end up with some of the goofiest expression of "Oh Shit" possible and react to the move in extremely over the top manner(see Ryu's Metsu Shoryuken) but the females, while they will still react and show their faces getting distorted as well, isn't as over the top as the males.

Basically, I can see the females, while still reacting to the punch won't be as over the top super grimace face as the males.

EDIT: And as usual, @P2p1mbs is enjoying the prospect a little too much...
I can already see you having your main photo is Mila's fist doing that to Marie right?


Well-Known Member
In this game I want Tina to be more serious. In all other games she's tried to be independent, but will we see her succeed in this iteration? She shouldn't have to prove anything anymore.
My dream would be to have her as an unlockable character and let Mila take over her place as the Wrestler in the story. Perhaps she takes interest in the whereabouts of Lisa. Or Bass goes missing?
She can just be a side character (like Zack was) and we just get updates of her political career.

I would love to see her pull of some dress suits like Christie and Helena.

Maybe they can give her a new hairstyle too.

Like the two on the right, And yeah actually I hadn't thought of that but I wonder If Tina is wondering where Lisa is gone to? Unless Lisa did leave the laboratory after the ninja's and return to her life, I hope she's fine, I wonder what she'll be doing now since M.I.S.T seemed to be mostly destroyed at this point with the oil rig lab being destroyed.


Well-Known Member
In this game I want Tina to be more serious. In all other games she's tried to be independent, but will we see her succeed in this iteration? She shouldn't have to prove anything anymore.
My dream would be to have her as an unlockable character and let Mila take over her place as the Wrestler in the story. Perhaps she takes interest in the whereabouts of Lisa. Or Bass goes missing?
She can just be a side character (like Zack was) and we just get updates of her political career.

I would love to see her pull of some dress suits like Christie and Helena.

Maybe they can give her a new hairstyle too.
I said this a few hours ago so I am SOOOO happy already someone feels the exact same way. Hope there is more from IGN today, but Im just holding out til the 11th.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Unless I'm missing any context your comment was blatant.
It's not that you're missing context; it's that you added context that doesn't exist. If you re-read what I wrote, you'll find that there is nothing remotely homophobic.

The DOA community (not in-game character roster, but the player community) seems to have a rather high proportion of people who identify as gay relative to the general population. This means that from a statistical standpoint, they are an "over-represented" demographic. Note that my comment was in response to a speculation that TN will try to get "certain types of players [to become] interested in the game," not how many in-game characters identify as homosexual.

As for that concern, obviously "the entire spectrum of sexuality" isn't represented in DOA. It's not represented anywhere. That's a big fucking spectrum, and it would be impossible to include the entirety of it. They could make a token gay character, a token bi character, a token trans-character, etc. and you wouldn't even chip the tip of the iceberg. Is making some gay characters an inherently bad idea? No. Is it an inherently good idea either? No. Regardless, even if I stated that gay characters were over-represented in DOA's roster (which I didn't), that wouldn't make me "blatantly homophobic." It would make me wrong in a very literal way if I inaccurately assessed how many characters were identified as gay, but that wouldn't necessarily mean that I held a dislike or prejudice towards gay people.

As for my original comment, I wasn't even addressing that discussion. I was simply referring to what audience(s) TN's games have appealed to. In this case, they have clearly appealed to a notable volume of gay players, regardless how many in-game characters are identified as gay. Hence, from a marketing perspective (which was the subject in question, since Banana's comment suggested that they would add certain types of characters specifically to garner interest in the game among "certain types of players"), they already have interest among that demographic. Nobody had trouble understanding this but you, because it was written quite clearly. Hence, your illiteracy.

Learn to read before you accuse people of "blatant" bigotry.


Well-Known Member

wait they showed the 15 minutes...@tyaren lol I guess it wasn't at 11pm and actually was at 9pm okay oh well doesn't matter here it is now lol. :p

Oh and thanks @Blash watching it now! :)

Edit: Oh wait sorry no lol thats actually an article that IGN posted earlier so the gameplay they are showing later tonight must still be at 11pm my time tonight, I thought you meant that for a minute blash lol.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
wait they showed the 15 minutes...@tyaren lol I guess it wasn't at 11pm and actually was at 9pm okay oh well doesn't matter here it is now lol. :p

Oh and thanks @Blash watching it now! :)

Edit: Oh wait sorry no lol thats actually an article that IGN posted earlier so the gameplay they are showing later tonight must still be at 11pm my time tonight, I thought you meant that for a minute blash lol.




Well-Known Member
I don’t think we’ll ever know who’s a straight or gay character unless the makers hint to it. Like who’d guess Mortal Kombat Kung Jin was gay had it not been hinted towards & then later confirmed?


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"This is understandable for a game like Virtua Fighter, as it aims for realistic fighting"


You know the old adage: "Can't spell ignorant without IGN".

I still laugh at the people who think VF's fighting is anywhere close to "realistic". The UFC games come closest to "realistic" fighting, and the fighters can take, like, 40+ hard blows to the head and not get knocked out.


Well-Known Member
I think there will be 2-4 more reveals for E3. Assuming early 2019 = Q1 2019, they don’t have much time to do slow reveals


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think you'll get more stuff out of the bag from someone recording it from the community than E3, though I wouldn't be surprised if E3 provided some hidden reveals or an extended one from the recent one.
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