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Premium Donor
I wouldn't even pay for that to be honest. TN has already conditioned players to think that all incoming new stages will be free, changing that up suddenly is like giving a kid free lollipops everyday for 2 years and then suddenly one day charging a nickel for it. It won't sit well with the fans, the costumes only should stay a premium thing, the stages are obligatory at best, and shouldn't cost nary a penny.


Well-Known Member
If they released several stages (like more than 4) and charged for them, I would buy that because that would be the equivalent of an expansion pack, otherwise, no buy from me. I still don't think its paid in the end though; it's a bad move in their part to slap us in the face like that. Next thing you know, they'll copy MK and start charging us for new moves and victory poses.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I just did. Hopefully I get a response.

Personally, the idea of paying for a new stage doesn't bother me by itself. However what does bother me is the fact that, since you have to pay for it, not everyone will have it, meaning that it'll only ever be included in the random filter if all present players also have it.

This isn't a problem if the stage is provided to everyone for free via a mandatory patch, as all others have been up to this point, and so it's for that reason that I don't want the new stage to be premium content.

Hopefully it puts all of this at rest. Be completely weird for them to start making you buy stages now, especially since Azuchi and the New Zack Island stages beforehand was free...


Well-Known Member
Gamblers Paradise plz

John P.

Active Member
I wish we could choose hair color. Would love to make Momiji or Rachels hair purple to look like Momoko


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Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
The cars would add a constant obstacle element that currently is only present in The Tiger Show once Showtime is activated, and even then it's only temprary and as long as you pay attention to the lights on the floor, you shouldn't have much issue.


Active Member
Meh, the newcomers catchup pack was lame. I got my hopes up for nothing. Honoka shouldve gotten open shirt bedtime like leifang, hula topless outfit and the topless overalls! :(


Premium Donor
Well, let's look on the bright side: If they do charge, we'll have better chances of getting more stuff as DLC, and even more modes or improvements. :-D
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