DOA5LR Dead Or Alive and Senran Kagura discussion


Well-Known Member
How do such collaborations happen ?

Was it Team Ninja who approach the SK team to have the designs because they like the girls ?
Was it the SK team who wanted to promote their game through DOA because they like the serie ?
Who paid who ? Who wins what ?

I'd love to see the behind the scenes of such a project from a marketing point of view.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
How do such collaborations happen ?

Was it Team Ninja who approach the SK team to have the designs because they like the girls ?
Was it the SK team who wanted to promote their game through DOA because they like the serie ?
Who paid who ? Who wins what ?

I'd love to see the behind the scenes of such a project from a marketing point of view.

Those are good questions. I'm curious to know as well. It wasn't a coincidence though that this DLC pack was released the same week as Estival Versus's release in Japan. ;)

If EV doesn't get a DOA DLC pack for it's girls then I'm going to guess the answer was TN approached Marvelous.


Well-Known Member
@KwonJigglypuff @David Gregg

With the exclusion of the Virtua Fighter series (currently inactive and where the same Team NINJA admitted to have been the one to ask for their involvement with DoA5) usually all the crossovers between different series end to be reciprocal, less when both the games are released from the same publisher.

This is the reason because for example crossovers between DoA and Tecmo/KT games as Fatal Frame, Deception, Tecmo Bowl, Pangya/Super Swing Golf or Winning Post are always been univocal or almost (the only real exception of a very collaboration seem to be with Dinasty Warriors), while instead we saw an immediate "exchange" with Ragnarok Odissey Ace (the outfits of Kasumi and Ryu were included in the game), that overall is published by Marvelous Soft, the same company behind the Senran Kagura series.

For this reason I'm expecting that Estival Versus will include at least some future DLC related to the outfits of the Doa girls.
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Well-Known Member
@KwonJigglypuff @David Gregg

As expected... ;)



After Fatal Frame, Ayanes invades another series: apparently she will be a paid DLC character for Estival Versus =)

Number 13

Well-Known Member
Ah so dlc then not base game. Explains this late reveal then. Surprised too they decided to go with Ayane over Kasumi. Unlike Fatal Frame, Kasumi could actually fit in quite well in a SK game.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Interesting there's 3 girls from Battle Vixen who will be DLC. Surprised they only included one DOA girl.

Well so much for importing EV I guess I'll need a JPN PSN account to get DLC characters. :/