The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Ivan Osorio

Active Member
[fighter games comparison thought:
I used to be really into Tekken before getting into Dead Or Alive 5. It was by far an large my favorite fighter, but not that I had a lot of experience or knowledge to substantiate it; I just liked the flow of the game and I believe I knew how to play it fairly well for a casual, weekend, player.

Without having touched Tekken in a while, I recently bought a copy of TTT2 for dirty cheap, and today I decided to pop it open. I was floored by how incredibly bad I thought it turned out. Even graphically, the game is a mega step down from T6 in terms of character models. Most of the faces look REALLY weird.
But aesthetics aside, I was amazed at how incredibly slow the game feels. I know the attacks themselves are pretty fast, but it just didn't seem to translate into responsive fighting controls to me. I wonder if I would acclimate back to it with I stick with it (and also if the whole process would be worth it at all, being as I consider DOA better in pretty much every regard, apparently). During the whole first hour, it felt like I was stuck seeing the game render in slow motion.

For whatever reason, the game feels VERY boring as well. It's full of loads... The "Team Battle" thing they have going is a complete joke, with the fight "re-starting" for every character that goes down.. Specially annoying since they don't recover much health, so once I had a match end with a character of mine being killed, loading screen, introductions, bla bla bla, only for me to one hit the CPU starting character because it was hanging by a thread. More loading. More introductions. More time wasted. On a 8x8 match, I think I saw loading screens about 15 times. Absurd.
Interface and navigation also seem to have gotten really obtuse all of a sudden. I still haven't really touched the customization, looking forward to that aspect, if I can power through the actual game and get to grips with it.

At any rate.. Such a weird experience. Am I the only one? Was TTT2 really a step down from T6 or am I just seeing things because I haven't played the series in a massive while. Last time I check (which, granted, was a while ago, when the game first released) this had some stellar reviews going... I don't get it.

Popping 5U in after a few hours of TTT2 and it felt like DOA was moving in the speed of light for the first round... So weird.
/fighter games comparison thought]


I wonder for how long TN will keep pumping this game with DLC after MR becomes available. I'm guessing two months tops, or 2 DLC packs. I hope they still do the remaining volumes of Casual and Legacy collections...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Huh?! o.Ö Since when does T6 look better than TTT2?



T6 (left) vs TTT2(right)

Everything has been graphically reworked and optimized in TTT2, especially the character models. They look much more like the renders now and feature much more details. The women also don't look like men any more. Please use your eyes...


Well-Known Member
here to bring harmony and coherence to the "casual" forum of FSD:


let's just talk about how i could be each monkey in a vastly different situations. ponder that


Well-Known Member
Huh?! o.Ö Since when does T6 look better than TTT2?



T6 (left) vs TTT2(right)

Everything has been graphically reworked and optimized in TTT2, especially the character models. They look much more like the renders now and feature much more details. The women also don't look like men any more. Please use your eyes...

the sass at the end.. .#fightwords #pleaseuseyoureyes

Deleted member 473

Everything has been graphically reworked and optimized in TTT2, especially the character models. They look much more like the renders now and feature much more details. The women also don't look like men any more. Please use your eyes...
Man look at them shoulders an you tell me.



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
uhhhhhhhh, she looked her best in 5 and she looks kinda pretty in tekken rev. I can honestly say a group of people agree with me on nina's less feminine apperance

Tekken Revolution's "pretty" Nina does look closest to TTT2's Nina though. Yet you say she looked like a drag queen there.
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