DOA5U wanted Costumes


Well-Known Member
- Jacky looks awesome.
- Eliot looks appropriately baby faced.
- Jann Lee is ugly.
- Bayman looks fine.
- Leon is too old looking.
- Bass looks good, probably better than he did before.
- Busa is obviously ugly. (sorry folks)
- Akira... looks like Akira, he looks a bit better in VF actually imo.
- Brad is terribly ugly. (They really ruined his looks the most, went from David Beckham to a street hobo.)
- Gen Fu looks the same, some would even say a bit better (or younger).
- Zack is hideous. (And no, he wasn't before. He looks like he had failed plastic surgery in this game.)
- Rig looks bada** and appropriately villain-esque.
- Hayate is a pretty boy but looks fine.
- Ein looks fine but lacks the angry fire in his eyes that he had in DOA2 (And that Hayate has in 5 for that matter.)


Well-Known Member
how is he "obviously" ugly lol
He looks ugly in NG3, they clearly based his 5 look on that model. I'm sure there are people (like you) that think he doesn't but for me I clearly see that he looks the same just with the mask always on, hence the word.


Well-Known Member
My personal opinion is that his new hairstyle is what contribute to give to him majorly a bad impression to the people that dislike the new model. I have no problems with Hayabusa's new look, but in this picture where the hairs are covered, he give to me a better general look.



Well-Known Member

His cut-scene model looks a lot different than his actual in game model


Right, this is another thing to consider.

However personally what I really dislike in Ryu from Razor's Edge are the veins in his arms that seem on the point to explode (especially in the cutscenes). It was the only thing that really bother me, and I'm very glad that they returned normal in DoA5.


Well-Known Member

His cut-scene model looks a lot different than his actual in game model

This actually looks more like old skool Busa here if they used this face for the throwback it would look awesome.
Also, I just thought of another reason why they haven't unmasked him.
It would mean lip syncing all his intros/outros and everything maybe they don't feel like doing that?


Well-Known Member
Also, I just thought of another reason why they haven't unmasked him.
It would mean lip syncing all his intros/outros and everything maybe they don't feel like doing that?

They have already did it for his virtual suit outfit (and that costume make me think that unmasked Hayabusa is in their plans for at least a DLC).

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This actually looks more like old skool Busa here if they used this face for the throwback it would look awesome.
Also, I just thought of another reason why they haven't unmasked him.
It would mean lip syncing all his intros/outros and everything maybe they don't feel like doing that?

Ryu is already fully lip synced, all they gotta do is remove the mask layer off and we good!

common TN D:


Well-Known Member
Just had my girl rate all the dudes. here are her quotes below from your average black chick...

Bass-"he an ugly hulk hogan lookin muh fukka"
Akira- "aint he dat nigga from street fighta?"
Bayman-"ohh dat nigguh look foin"
Brad- "dude look like a crackhead"
Hayate-"dayum he fine"
Ein- "is dat duh other nigga's twin?, dey look da same"
Eliot-"man dat ain't no dude, stop lyin"
Genfu-"da fuck i look like, i ain't in to dem old ass granpa nigguhs"
Busa- "i can't see da nigga face, prolly hidin it cuz he an ugly muh fukka"
Jann- "he kinda cool lookin, i guess he aight"
Jacky-" He look aight, dat backtreet boy hair cut gots to go tho
Zack- haaail naww. is this flavor flave lookin nigguh the only brutha in this game? dats some bullshit!"
Rig- "yeah he look good, dem tattoos look sexy"
Leon-"he kinda old lookin but that body look damn fuck him"

and there you have it
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Well-Known Member
Just had my girl rate all the dudes. here are her quotes below from your average black chick...

Bass-"he an ugly hulk hogan lookin muh fukka"
Akira- "aint he dat nigga from street fighta?"
Bayman-"ohh dat nigguh look foin"
Brad- "dude look like a crackhead"
Hayate-"dayum he fine"
Ein- "is dat duh other nigga's twin?, dey look da same"
Eliot-"man dat ain't no dude, stop lyin"
Genfu-"da fuck i look like, i ain't in to dem old ass granpa nigguhs"
Busa- "i can't see da nigga face, prolly hidin it cuz he an ugly muh fukka"
Jann- "he kinda cool lookin, i guess he aight"
Jacky-" He look aight, dat backtreet boy hair cut gots to go tho
Zack- haaail naww. is this flavor flave lookin nigguh the only brutha in this game? dats some bullshit!"
Rig- "yeah he look good, dem tattoos look sexy"
Leon-"he kinda old lookin but that body look damn fuck him"

and there you have it
LOL. I can't read this shit xD


Well-Known Member
Just had my girl rate all the dudes. here are her quotes below from your average black chick...

Bass-"he an ugly hulk hogan lookin muh fukka"
Akira- "aint he dat nigga from street fighta?"
Bayman-"ohh dat nigguh look foin"
Brad- "dude look like a crackhead"
Hayate-"dayum he fine"
Ein- "is dat duh other nigga's twin?, dey look da same"
Eliot-"man dat ain't no dude, stop lyin"
Genfu-"da fuck i look like, i ain't in to dem old ass granpa nigguhs"
Busa- "i can't see da nigga face, prolly hidin it cuz he an ugly muh fukka"
Jann- "he kinda cool lookin, i guess he aight"
Jacky-" He look aight, dat backtreet boy hair cut gots to go tho
Zack- haaail naww. is this flavor flave lookin nigguh the only brutha in this game? dats some bullshit!"
Rig- "yeah he look good, dem tattoos look sexy"
Leon-"he kinda old lookin but that body look damn fuck him"

and there you have it
My ribs, they hurt.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's not Ryu's new hair. His hair is fine. Here's the deal:

His chin/jaw is now absurdly round and protruding, making him look like a botox-addict. He used to have a thin jawline and narrow chin.
His nose used to be slim and "flat," ie: an average nose. Now, he has a protruding-sloped bridge and the tip of his nose points downward like a witch.
His eyes used to be narrow and serious, but youthful, given him an austere intrigue for his age. They are now just pissy looking with exaggerated mean-looking eyebrows and giant old-man bags under his eyes.
Finally, he used used to have a slim cheek/cheekbone structure that narrowed naturally into his old thinner jawline/chin. Now, he's gaunt as fuck because nothing can ease into that botox-nightmare he's got hanging below his mouth.

Literally the only thing they kept representative of his original look is his mouth shape. Otherwise, they took a 180 with every damn facial feature on his head. They deliberately went out of their way to make him look like the opposite of what he used to be, rather than just updating his old look for a more realistically-styled version of it. Really stupid fucking design. No idea why they did that.

And that, ladies and gents, is why Hayabusa is a ugly mother-fucker in NG3.


Well-Known Member
Would a transparent face veil like Mileena solve our problem to unmasking him?

His jaw was already visible in his training dummy suit.