DOA5U wanted Costumes


Well-Known Member
Leon has that liam neeson rugged bad ass grandpa look going on that a lot women(and men) like, not everyone likes their men looking like pretty boy male models. Even my mom said how hot he was when she watched me playing and wished she could fine a man like him in real life


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Bayman has picked up a surprising amount admirers with his face lift. Leon's face fits with his style out habits and genes can heavily affect our appearance. I once knew a guy bout same age as my dad could have passed for a great grandparent.


Well-Known Member
Battle scars had made Bayman deviate from his previous appearance and I think it played well on his character model in 5/5U.

As for Leon, I think his face got way too aged for just a 2-year time-skip and it feels illogical somehow.


Well-Known Member
I like that he's more rugged now because of the stubble (the wrinkles and the eye bags somewhat ruined it for me) but it feels so far from being recognizable when his eyes aren't blue like he had back then.


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Apart from Hayate/Ein, Eliot and Jacky all the guys are actually objectively not good looking. (Me saying that as a designer/artist). Not only are their facial proportions off, but they all look old, tired and ill.
You guys just call them attractive, because you like their personalities or because they're your mains. ;)

Basically all the girls look like super models and all the guys, except a few, look like the average guy on the street. The average guy, that hasn't slept in days, that is...
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DoA5's boy band material XD :





One isn't even a DoA - character and two are the same person...


Well-Known Member
Perfectly fine with Leons look,hes a battle-worn merc who spends all his time in harsh deserts while agonizing over the loss of the one person he cared about which takes a toll on ones look and complexion. just like people can look younger than they actually are, same goes for people looking older than they are. glad TN gave him a more aged and ruff look like someone whos been through some shit while not looking like some GQ model.

Plus its not like bitches don't want his D. just look at how thirsty Rachel is for it...



Well-Known Member
I call Bayman and Leon attractive because they are my preference.

Sure, the baby faced guys are decent and that they would most likely be the expected choice of most ladies (and some gay men) to go crazy over but I prefer those who are screaming testosterones.


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No I'm talking on behalf of people I've heard. at first it was just a friend on Facebook who I doubt has ever even played as him, but then I started seeing more post about Bayman being attractive and moving up in site polls for that type of thing.


Well-Known Member
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Apart from Hayate/Ein, Eliot and Jacky all the guys are actually objectively not good looking. (Me saying that as a designer/artist). Not only are their facial proportions off, but they all look old, tired and ill.
You guys just call them attractive, because you like their personalities or because they're your mains.
Or maybe "good-looking" uses an un-objective word (good), and as such is always interpretive and opinion-based. Thus, what you consider good-looking, other don't. For example, I think Jacky looks like plastic. Furthermore, I know several people who actually think Rachel is attractive, which I find preposterous.

Subjectivity is interesting but confusing.


Well-Known Member
I've played and have been watched playing DOA by both women and girls. This includes both my family and 5-6 others. About 9 in total. Here's what I've heard:

Eliot - most opinions were that he looks like a girl/gay, one person said he was cute
Jann-Lee - general consensus is that he's ugly, also most think his hair looks stupid
Bayman - most think he's sexy, one person said he reminds her of a snake (this same person thought Leon was sexy)
Leon - mixed opinion, some think he's hot, others think he's not
Gen Fu - everybody thinks he's adorable
Brad Wong - unanimously called ugly
Jacky - most think he's handsome
Zack - one person said he's disgusting, otherwise no data
Bass/Hayate/Akira/Hayabusa/Rig - either I've never heard anyone say anything about them or I forgot


Well-Known Member
Well, I mean alot of people think Hayabusa is hot even WITH his new flat NG3 face.

And even the ones that only play DOA and only seen him masked.