You're acting like they would take her grabs away lol no, and MORE to her mix up game? She has a new high stun kick and a 3rd knee and a fake out dive HOLY CRAP THEY BOOSTED HER MIX UP GAME THAT MUCH?!?! lol no chill. She's still the same predictable character that people say has harsh mix ups when most her stuff is mids so what I said originally, it's the players fault that they don't know how to fight her.
hi? I've been
like super chill this whole discussion? Um,
like, just because you're frustrated with some people on the forum for picking apart a character you're attached to? It,
like, doesn't mean you have to super rudely attack me
lol or
like, um, take a
super condescending tone
lol? Or
like tell me to chill? Because I wasn't yelling.
Thanks, hon.
For future reference, just because you put in "lol" and "chill" along with other textual filters doesn't make what you're saying less hostile or less condescending.
Now, if you'll kindly direct yourself to my post you will notice I said "at first glance." I wasn't acting like "they would take her grabs away lol no". I was simply saying "at first glance" she's pretty much the same as DOA5. However, again, I haven't had much time with 5U as I have schoolwork - I was gonna try to discuss what SPECIFIC changes they made to alpha (frames, damage, etc) but f**** this! Now I don't really wanna share. Read my post before you go ape-shit on someone who takes time to post in a forum with random crazy people ranting about a fictional character in a video game. You sincerely remind me of why I don't go to online forums very often. Take like 11 seconds before you post and think about what you're about to say so I don't have to read through a barrage of "lol" and all-caps. Thanks.