The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Not to shift the subject (Actually yes, screw bikinis) but I just noticed Sky City Tokyo reminds me of this stage from DOAO. It feels a lot like a bigger more expanded version of the stage.

Seems like the fireworks were just substituted with the Buddha. The Buddha is cool but I would actually prefer if the stage wasn't just a box and had a 2nd tier kind of like the DOA4 Ninja Hideout stage.


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I actually kinda hate the Buddha. Blocks the cityscape view and reminds me how uninspired the GOW-wannabe bosses in NGS2 were.


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I don't particularly care for the Buddha itself either. But I like that it adds something interesting to an otherwise boring stage. Even if it's the prettiest box stage in the game (Which it definitely is), it's still a box, and we have more than enough of those already (1st Tier Flow, DOA, Arrival, Fighting Entertainment, Sweat, Arguably 2nd tier Scramble).

As for making the stage interesting? I would have probably picked something other than the Buddha, but It's definitely better than nothing.


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I don't particularly care for the Buddha itself either. But I like that it adds something interesting to an otherwise boring stage. Even if it's the prettiest box stage in the game (Which it definitely is), it's still a box, and we have more than enough of those already (1st Tier Flow, DOA, Arrival, Fighting Entertainment, Sweat, Arguably 2nd tier Scramble).
I actually find all of those pretty ugly stages.

Primal is really the only pretty stage in DOA5, and is thus my favorite. I guess my second favorite would be Home, which I initially despised due to how dramatically it changes the balance of each fight, but grew to appreciate it for its uniqueness. After that, I guess I'd go with Sanctuary.


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Sactuary needs a skylight then it will be my favorite stage,its to dam dark right now.

Flow should just be a raft on a never ending river

Grape is mad lol,in other news the world is still round


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Lets be honest here, practically all stages but dojo are box stages, some just have danger zones
Zack Island, Ends of the Earth and Arguably Fuel don't particularly feel like boxes though.

I actually find all of those pretty ugly stages.

Primal is really the only pretty stage in DOA5, and is thus my favorite. I guess my second favorite would be Home, which I initially despised due to how dramatically it changes the balance of each fight, but grew to appreciate it for its uniqueness. After that, I guess I'd go with Sanctuary.

I actually find 1st tier Flow to be the prettiest stage in the game. The forest and trees backdrop looks amazing as does the water when the raft is flowing and finally the lighting is spectacular when the raft parks at the edge of the waterfall. The graphics really pop there in my opinion. Ends of The Earth also have pretty great visuals but no one pays attention because of the slippery lows mechanic which used to be a nightmare in 1.02.

Arrival isn't all that interesting but I think it's fine. I like the serious tone it gives matches as well. I'll usually always pick it before DOA. The ugliest stage in the game is most definitely 2nd tier Scramble which is just a clusterfu-... You get the point.


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I actually find 1st tier Flow to be the prettiest stage in the game. The forest and trees backdrop looks amazing as does the water when the raft is flowing and finally the lighting is spectacular when the raft parks at the edge of the waterfall. The graphics really pop there in my opinion.
That area feels a lot like Primal, and as such I also like it. But unfortunately I can't pick that area and thus when I think of Flow, I think of the "parked" initial position, which while not terrible, is not really that great, either.

Ends of The Earth also have pretty great visuals but no one pays attention because of the slippery lows mechanic which used to be a nightmare in 1.02.
It's alright, but the snow stage in DOA2U (sans snowstorm) had a very serene, beautiful backdrop with the mountains in the distance and the ice cave below. I can't help but feel that Ends of the Earth is a less impressive arctic stage. Floorplan is good though.

Arrival isn't all that interesting but I think it's fine. I like the serious tone it gives matches as well. I'll usually always pick it before DOA.
I think the only thing that gives it that tone is the music, though, and preferably I want character-music anyway. The stage itself is pretty bland to me.
The most "serious" stage to me is probably Sakura/Dragon Temple.

The ugliest stage in the game is most definitely 2nd tier Scramble which is just a clusterfu-... You get the point.
Yes, I do. It's probably my least favorite stage, though Tatami/Dojo comes close.

Upon release I really liked the Street, but lately it hasn't been doing it as much for me. Would help if I could Izuna people off the roof onto the floor below.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I agree that Sanctuary needs a little more light and you should be able to have access to more areas of the stage. That and Temple are my favorite in 5


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That area feels a lot like Primal, and as such I also like it. But unfortunately I can't pick that area and thus when I think of Flow, I think of the "parked" initial position, which while not terrible, is not really that great, either.
I still enjoy the parked version, but definitely the stage shines once you hit the tree and get that raft going. My favorite vanilla DOA5 stage for sure.

It's alright, but the snow stage in DOA2U (sans snowstorm) had a very serene, beautiful backdrop with the mountains in the distance and the ice cave below. I can't help but feel that Ends of the Earth is a less impressive arctic stage. Floorplan is good though.
...Can't argue with you there. It pales in comparison to DOA2U's snow stage which also pales in comparison to the original DOA2's snow stage honestly. Still a decent looking stage but I admit it could be a lot better, particularly if it was a snow stage rather than an ice/glacier stage.

I think the only thing that gives it that tone is the music, though, and preferably I want character-music anyway. The stage itself is pretty bland to me.
The most "serious" stage to me is probably Sakura/Dragon Temple.

You're probably right, Sakura definitely gives the most serious feel. Arrival comes in 2nd probably because of the music. The stage itself isn't particularly interesting but I feel that particular stage doesn't need to be.

Yes, I do. It's probably my least favorite stage, though Tatami/Dojo comes close.
I'm very controversial about Dojo and I pick that stage. It's absolutely the most boring stage in the game but it... centers me I'll say. I feel like I can focus more in that stage and land more combos, etc. Plus near the beginning of the game when I actually still listened to the lolstage music, it was probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite song to listen to.

Upon release I really liked the Street, but lately it hasn't been doing it as much for me. Would help if I could Izuna people off the roof onto the floor below.
Street lost it's novelty for me after a while. I liked it at the start but it started to just feel kind of boring to me. Rarely does that billboard ever get hit and even the train gets old after a while as well as the "after train" music being crazy repetitive. DOA2U's little city box stage beat it by a mile. Funny that.

Also... does anyone else think Flow kind of lost some of it's beauty when the game released? I mean maybe it was just lighting changes but the stage looked so full of life here even on the first tier:

Where as in the final release it's so much darker/grittier and less appealing to the eye.

I noticed rather than the whole backdrop being gorgeously lit up, only certain points of the stage had light peeking in as if the trees were blocking the light, which didn't work as well imo.


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I think they just jacked around with the Hue/Saturation when recording that trailer but yeah, in general things look less vibrant in the final build than they did in earlier versions.

Good ol' Ayane/Scramble controversy.

Dojo I don't like because of the disregard for spacing and position present in the other maps, and the turtling potential it enables. Then of course there's just the fact it's boring as hell.


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You can adjust those settings with your tv guys.(or in the brightness setting in game)

I hope they remove shit like tires and other objects that get in the way visually.


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Nah, Kasumi's hair can't even make up it's mind if she's a ginger or a brunette and Mila's likely using highlights.

That's why there's a need for Rio and it would be nice if we have a redheaded bloke too.

Rio has pink hair, just accept the fact that you will never have a "true" red head.


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Nah, Kasumi's hair can't even make up it's mind if she's a ginger or a brunette and Mila's likely using highlights.

That's why there's a need for Rio and it would be nice if we have a redheaded bloke too.
Rio's "red" hair is about as plausibly natural as Mila's dichotomous headmop.
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