Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Well-Known Member
I'm not trolling you or flaming you, but... perhaps you could expand your horizons and play people who specifically play non-ninja characters here?

Can't, but would love to. Right now i'm stuck using a friends xbox live account, and part of the deal is not to add people he doesn't know, or give it out, so they don't bug him when its not me, lol.

And right now i'm jobless so i can't afford gas to travel to offline stuff.

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Argentus said:
And "Slow escape" is the standard "Mash to break out of stun", isn't it? Someone told me it was, just checking.

Please watch my turorial (vol. 8) entitled "dealing with stuns" .. it should explain alot and hopefully answer ur questions.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully, you don't have to. You just find one and go to it and they'll let you play games for a bit of change.

I know how it works.. ^^.
I was curious to know what would be the price for a collector to buy his own arcade.

Also, funny to see that TN had to confirm the girl with the short hair in the bikini pack was Pai, and not a new character...


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Premium Donor
With the xbone and the piss4 coming .. I dont wamt to just play this game for a short while.

I dont plan on going next gen straight away but... I'm really annoyed at the lack of backwards compatibility.

I wonder how much an arcade would cost... I think having one would be awesome... Depending on the game quality ofcourse..

GGXrd and DOA5U on the same board is quite epic and tempting ;)


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^^^ Good luck making a RingEdge working outside of Japan.

I know how it works.. ^^.
I was curious to know what would be the price for a collector to buy his own arcade.

Do you mean an arcade cabinet or an entire arcade, because I hope you're a millionaire or something.

Otherwise, please don't go out and just buy a Japanese cab just so you can turn it into a Mame cab with shit colors, because I will come to your house and crowbar the shit out of it.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean an arcade cabinet or an entire arcade, because I hope you're a millionaire or something.

Otherwise, please don't go out and just buy a Japanese cab just so you can turn it into a Mame cab with shit colors, because I will come to your house and crowbar the shit out of it.

The mental image of someone doing that has improved my morning.

I do think having an arcade cabinet would be sweet though.

With the xbone and the piss4 coming .. I dont wamt to just play this game for a short while.

I dont plan on going next gen straight away but... I'm really annoyed at the lack of backwards compatibility.

I'm the same. I don't really have much incentive to get them instantly. Ultimate is the only game i'm waiting for at the moment, and apart from KI there aren't really any games I'm itching to have on the xbone, so I can hold out for a bit. With a bit of luck they may even make 5U a DL title, after they've put out every Call of Duty, Halo, and Gears of War title they can squeeze out of the public.


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum!

I have a question and hopefully someone here knows about this:
I'll probably get DOA5U when it comes out. I was wondering if anyone knows about settings that let you choose the outfits the CPU wears (e.g. in Arcade mode). Do they always wear the default costumes? Or are they chosen randomly? Maybe it's already a feature in DOA5 or DOA5+? (I wouldn't know about it since I don't have either game)

The thing is, I was gonna play some Tag battles with my younger brothers and I'd be MUCH more comfortable if I could tone the sexiness down a little and have Tina wear more than a bra and hopefully some pants :)



Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum!

I have a question and hopefully someone here knows about this:
I'll probably get DOA5U when it comes out. I was wondering if anyone knows about settings that let you choose the outfits the CPU wears (e.g. in Arcade mode). Do they always wear the default costumes? Or are they chosen randomly? Maybe it's already a feature in DOA5 or DOA5+? (I wouldn't know about it since I don't have either game)

The thing is, I was gonna play some Tag battles with my younger brothers and I'd be MUCH more comfortable if I could tone the sexiness down a little and have Tina wear more than a bra and hopefully some pants :)

Unfortunately, the costumes are chosen randomly. As far as I've seen, there is no way to choose what costumes for the cpu to use (in arcade mode at least). If you go with versus mode you can choose what the cpu wears though.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum!

I have a question and hopefully someone here knows about this:
I'll probably get DOA5U when it comes out. I was wondering if anyone knows about settings that let you choose the outfits the CPU wears (e.g. in Arcade mode). Do they always wear the default costumes? Or are they chosen randomly? Maybe it's already a feature in DOA5 or DOA5+? (I wouldn't know about it since I don't have either game)

The thing is, I was gonna play some Tag battles with my younger brothers and I'd be MUCH more comfortable if I could tone the sexiness down a little and have Tina wear more than a bra and hopefully some pants :)

Welcome to the forums!

Costumes are chosen randomly when playing against the cpu on arcade. If you play against them in versus or in tag versus, then you can select the outfit when you select the character. I don't think they have that feature, sorry.

In DOA5+, though, you can change the breast physics. Not sure if that's returning, but it was normal, DOA, and maybe none? I can't remember correctly but I hope this helps. :)

EDIT: Ninja'd by Jacnob. Dang it lol


New Member
Unfortunately, the costumes are chosen randomly. As far as I've seen, there is no way to choose what costumes for the cpu to use (in arcade mode at least). If you go with versus mode you can choose what the cpu wears though.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Hm that's a shame.... oh well, I'm still gonna get the game :) Brothers will have to deal with it or play something else


New Member
Welcome to the forums!

Costumes are chosen randomly when playing against the cpu on arcade. If you play against them in versus or in tag versus, then you can select the outfit when you select the character. I don't think they have that feature, sorry.

In DOA5+, though, you can change the breast physics. Not sure if that's returning, but it was normal, DOA, and maybe none? I can't remember correctly but u hope this helps. :)

EDIT: Ninja'd by Jacnob. Dang it lol

Thanks! Oh wow.. in that case bye bye jiggly boobies! At least when I play with underage folks :)
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