Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Deleted member 473

'Bout time someone said this.

Seriously, the attitude is always "Not like other 3D fighters = Random and uncompetitive"

The fans/community don't even know the system their own game is based on. They just ask for it to be just like other fighters (instead of just going and playing those) rather than appreciating that it plays totally different from those intentionally, and that doesn't mean it's "random guessing." There is still strategy, thinking, high guaranteed damage, etc. Sure, it could use some work, but all games (esp. fighting games) can.

I question this a lot...
dont feel like going thought 30+ pages to see if someone already posted this
but did anyone noticed her

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I feel Virtuapai is very right in the aspect that DOA5 is a severe improvement over DOA4. Actually, I think Helena's gameplay, while I used to hate it with a passion, has grown over me. She's now the Pseudo-Forced Tech master and people fear her and only her for this. My friends panic about Tina's insane throw damage to the point where they try not to hold her at all. Bass' pick up game is very unique and many other character have stuff that seem to be exclusive to them or a max of 2-3 other guys. This is why I think the only gameplay changes we REALLY need can be done via frame data.


Well-Known Member
According to the Official site, it doesn't look like anymore stages will be included from the ones we've seen so far..
Same for Characters, they've only made enough room for 5 and it doesn't say "next" anymore. Tis' a shame.

Game has a few more months to release, doubt they've shown everything just yet.

dont feel like going thought 30+ pages to see if someone already posted this View attachment 1687 but did anyone noticed her

It's Tengu.

It's Pai.

Aircraft carrier stage and the snapbacks? It looks like the game's stealing from Marvel. What's next, 3 on 3 battles and X-Factor?

The aircraft carrier is just reused assets from NG3. As is the desert stage and temple stage.


Well-Known Member
Aircraft carrier stage and the snapbacks? It looks like the game's stealing from Marvel. What's next, 3 on 3 battles and X-Factor?


Well-Known Member
According to the Official site, it doesn't look like anymore stages will be included from the ones we've seen so far..
Same for Characters, they've only made enough room for 5 and it doesn't say "next" anymore. Tis' a shame.

I'm getting this disappointing feeling again that I got back when the original got released

I mean.. Just look at all these TERRIBLE stage designs.
stage031 (1).jpg

^The tag version of this stage is also bad^


I would have added the desert stage, but I don't know the full layout yet, The Ninja Gaiden statue is just the same as all the other boxed stages with gimmick of the boss statue. If it has another tier, i'll remove it from the list. Doubt that though since it was a tag stage.

That's a total of 11 Stages, out of the now 20 (so far) Not getting my hopes up for more. But yeah 11 shitty ass stages. How did DOA fall to such terrible design. The stages are what make the game shine, something to look different from all the other fighters out there, this is a colossal disapointment


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I was gonna "like" your post until I saw you put Ends of the Earth on the "bad stages" list.
It's a bitch with the ice settings, but visually it kicks ass.

I'm also a huge fan of Sky City Tokyo (ah, Ninja Gaiden 2...) sans that abhorrent statue. That damn thing can go straight to hell.


Active Member
Really hope they're gonna add more intro and winning quotes/poses.
Yeah ok they mean nothing in terms of gameplay but in DoA5 I always seem to get the same couple of poses with the char I use and it's annoying.
From the videos I seem I have seen a couple of new ones.

I haven't over-analyzed trailers and live feeds like some of you have, so I'm not really aware of the changes. Hope they won't destroy the game and hope they smoothed out the gameplay of the VF characters, so that they at least feel a bit less out of place then they do in DoA5 vanilla.

Bet they have nerfed my beloved Helena, altough I guess I won't have rights to complain since in DoA5 she is undoubtely very strong.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting this disappointing feeling again that I got back when the original got released

I mean.. Just look at all these TERRIBLE stage designs.
3/4ths of those stages are fine in my opinion. The other 1/4 I don't even care either way. To use something so strong as TERRIBLE is just kind of overreacting.

Though, I wouldn't mind some of the older stages, looking at some of those DOA2 pictures just reminds me of how bright and cartoony the game was in the past. If they brought them back, I doubt they'd be EXACTLY the same as people remember.

And, I think that people would do well to keep in mind that we have no idea what resources and money TN have at their disposal for this or how much it is relative to when the vanilla version was in development. IF we say that perhaps they got started IMMEDIATELY (I don't even know if they did) after 5+ went gold, then that's only what, 4-5 months so far for development? I know as consumers we should hold devs to the flames sometimes, but being completely unreasonable about wants isn't going to get anyone anywhere. The devs talked about how they ran out of time before? Imagine how corporate is gonna treat an expansion in terms of how much leeway the devs have. Nothing is as simple as copy-paste (if you want to make if work and look right). Especially since DOA2/3/4/D were all in the "old" style. And keep in mind that gold time is probably only about 2 months away from now.

So, the question is (if you dislike DLC), what do you reasonably think they can put into the game in these next 2 months? With testing, QA, having to go back and fix problems, etc.? If you don't mind possibly paying for more DLC on release, then sure, blow up TN's Twitter with 12 more stages and 5 more characters you think should be added to the game. I actually don't think stages actually work very well as paid DLC for a fighting game, but maybe they'll have the revenue to pay for it from other things regarding the game. But, who knows if they'll be ALLOWED to keep going on that stuff for so long after release...

Anyhoo, some of those past argumentative posts ARE pretty damn terrible. We need to class it up around here, I say.

Speaking of "classy", those pictures of Rachel and Momiji defeated on the site are definitely ridiculous in terms of pandering...


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Come on guys !! we got 80+ ... we need at least 17 more to hit the target !!!

They said they are still listening to feedback ..
and if history proves anything they managed to make, render and cram in Pai and Mila like .. Last minute ...
Atleast Tengu is very much possible.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I happened to like Hotzone,though I really felt like once you got over the partition you should have been able to knock them into the building to the right and continue from there.

Santuary to me was anouther potentially good one but its just to dam dark and lacks the dynamic stage features to actually change the stage

the street stage was yeah just no if someone like me is complaining abouy the graphics then you fucked up,along with everything else wrong with it.

Flow IMO is awesom,needs to be brightened up more and to become eitheir an infinite loop or remove the ability to transition stages because Primal sucks.

I miss stairs...oh well there is always doa6.


Active Member
Though, I wouldn't mind some of the older stages, looking at some of those DOA2 pictures just reminds me of how bright and cartoony the game was in the past. If they brought them back, I doubt they'd be EXACTLY the same as people remember.
I agree, and aside from the low quality of most stages textures, I think the issue here is in the colour palette they adopted for stages.

They aimed for shifting the game from the japanese-anime look of past titles* to the more realistic look of DoA5.
While doing so they were probably worried that using too many bright colours would have damaged the impact of the "difference effect" they were aiming for. That: "ooooh it looks so different from the past!".
Now that it's settled that the game is different and they don't need to be afraid anymore, I hope that for the next episode they will aim for brighter/more coloured palette.

Personally I was super fine with the old look of the series, and I never really agreed with all of those people whining about it not looking realistic enough.
Only thing I felt they had to be adding was facial expressions, and they could do that even with the Anime style.
Oh well, doesn't matter anymore, they won't go back to the old style and honestly I'm satisfied with the new one as well, I wouldn't go back either probably.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna "like" your post until I saw you put Ends of the Earth on the "bad stages" list. It's a bitch with the ice settings, but visually it kicks ass.

It's not the ice that bothers me. Whys is the stage so plain and empty? where the hell is the snow? Just seems like lazyness, if they wanted to go for an ice design they could have put snow and ice together.

3/4ths of those stages are fine in my opinion. The other 1/4 I don't even care either way. To use something so strong as TERRIBLE is just kind of overreacting.

Though, I wouldn't mind some of the older stages, looking at some of those DOA2 pictures just reminds me of how bright and cartoony the game was in the past. If they brought them back, I doubt they'd be EXACTLY the same as people remember.

And, I think that people would do well to keep in mind that we have no idea what resources and money TN have at their disposal for this or how much it is relative to when the vanilla version was in development. IF we say that perhaps they got started IMMEDIATELY (I don't even know if they did) after 5+ went gold, then that's only what, 4-5 months so far for development? I know as consumers we should hold devs to the flames sometimes, but being completely unreasonable about wants isn't going to get anyone anywhere. The devs talked about how they ran out of time before? Imagine how corporate is gonna treat an expansion in terms of how much leeway the devs have. Nothing is as simple as copy-paste (if you want to make if work and look right). Especially since DOA2/3/4/D were all in the "old" style. And keep in mind that gold time is probably only about 2 months away from now.

So, the question is (if you dislike DLC), what do you reasonably think they can put into the game in these next 2 months? With testing, QA, having to go back and fix problems, etc.? If you don't mind possibly paying for more DLC on release, then sure, blow up TN's Twitter with 12 more stages and 5 more characters you think should be added to the game. I actually don't think stages actually work very well as paid DLC for a fighting game, but maybe they'll have the revenue to pay for it from other things regarding the game. But, who knows if they'll be ALLOWED to keep going on that stuff for so long after release...

Anyhoo, some of those past argumentative posts ARE pretty damn terrible. We need to class it up around here, I say.

Speaking of "classy", those pictures of Rachel and Momiji defeated on the site are definitely ridiculous in terms of pandering...

Everyone can have there own opinion on how they see the stages, I respect what others like and dislike.

I wouldn't say I'm overreacting. The game has hardly any diversity, its either close quarters fighting, or open spaced boxed arenas. Why do we not have Diversity in stages? If the Dreamcast can do it, so can 360 and PS4, but 10x better. I'm trying to care for the series as a whole. I also wasn't the one who labeled DOA5 as "Fighting entertainment" - Team Ninja. During the alpha stages of DOA5 Hayashi sounded like he had a great view for stages with blockbuster action.

Should all stages be over the top? not really no. What did we actually end up with? Scramble and flow. The temple ruins was originally meant to be part of flow. I don't know if it was because of memory or whatever, but I remember someone saying, the stage was too "Big" so it got scrapped.
I you look in the temple ruins you will see the raft from flows stage. It seems like the team had BIG ideas for DOA5, but got fucked over. Yeah I heard about them not having time for the characters either, so the game just seemed rushed. Now they had another year to prepare for what they wanted to add. If this is all it is I'm a little disappointed.

Yeah I'm hype for the new shit coming, but from a another point I'm not.

Sam Sultan

Active Member
I don't know why people in here bitch about the stages. Stages are fine good looking and interactive so why so much hate. Im starting to think that people in here are to damn spoiled for comfort. Compare some of the DOA stages with that of other fighting games DOA stages are much more fun TN should ignore this community it's full of winy little 10 year old kids who always want something and nothing is good enough jeez.
VF stages are basically right angles and squares lol so asking for new stages is fine but don't act like these stages are TERRIBLE or whatever.


Well-Known Member
I mean, what exactly is wrong with the Hotzone? It's not a box. You can't say that stuff isn't going on. Helicopters, gunfire, and RPGs. Not over-the-top enough for you? Is it the "brown"? What color should it be?

You can get run over by tigers and shot out of a frickin' clown's nose at a circus. Why is that terrible? It's the complete opposite of "brown", isn't it? What are you looking for? You can get hit by a frickin' train. Not over-the-top? Still, how are Depth and the Lab not interesting visually? Yeah, they're circles. But, stages can only be so big without the extra space just going to waste because of the time frame you have to fight in. Do you mean diversity in the shape of stages? I suppose we don't really need anymore squares and could use something more organic. But, it's not like we don't have some pretty different locales. You have a beach. Ice world. Cherry blossoms. Kung-Fu movie house. Laser-show wrestling arena. I can maybe see how one would see the Streets, Fuel, and Scramble as "urban overload", though.

Just throw in a DOATEC palace stage where you can knock someone down the stairs and I'd be perfectly happy. But, the Lost World and Forest stages go a long way toward satisfying me in terms of scenery.

Thinking about it a little harder, I guess all the stages are pretty level. But, how much do people want the slopes and stuff to being a factor in the gameplay?
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