Which "(o)(o)" physics will you prefer in DOA5U

Which boob physics will you prefer in DOA5U

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What's the difference? <_<

This website was created for the purposes of actual gameplay discussion and not fluff. Doaworld was actually created for similar reasons, but the owner threw in the towel on trying to make it a website for serious discussion when he realized that people just didn't give a damn.

Discussions like these are not banned here persay, but as they are not the primary focus of this site we prefer to keep them consolidated to as small an area as possible. And there will be people who frown upon them.

Not me though. I'm too wonderful.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure that when 5U comes out these topics will dwindle significantly, there just isn't anything to really talk about right now.


Well-Known Member
Even if I'm not well-versed with discussions regarding about frame data and tier lists, I prefer the atmosphere here better.

The DOA5/5U forums on Gamefaqs are always filled with numerous random repetitive topics about boobs, butts, bikinis and feet that I don't want to go back that much anymore.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care about this option honestly. "Default" will be my choice.
It's a little sad that they made this an option. At least in previous iterations it was under the age option, and it was less in your face that that's what it was.


Active Member
awww...looks like I voted wrong. I thought opff was the sound you make when stifling a laugh (i.e. for ridiculously, hilariously bouncy). I picked all 4, though. I like it all: from natural to age 99.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
This is getting awkward...

Welcome to FSD. This is the direction 99.9999...% of the threads go. lol



Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I preffer boobs physics being configurable. Players would choose among those 4 options. Naturals should be default option.

I'd say at this point, the "stigma" of DOA isn't the problem anymore (as FAAAAAAAAAAR worse stuff is now prevalent in mainstream entertainment). The problem now for people not flocking to DOA is simply put THE SYSTEM remains too flawed for serious players to give it a serious look.

It's cool that the community has increased somewhat, and made some strides, but until the game itself gets built with the competitive player in mind, then complaining about the "stigma" is like complaining about a bad paint job on a car with no engine. IMO.
Now that I'm going to my very first big tournament of a fighting game after learning and practicing in the most serious way I've done in my life, I hope to understand what's are those flaws which prevent serious player to give DOA a serious look...

After Tom, this is the best cat I've seen in all my life.