Weirdest Online Moments

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
And you wanna know why this player had such a petty beef with me? Because I was juggling a woman. Because I was juggling a woman! Of all the dumbass reasons to hate me, this takes the cake. If the player was mad at me because I was running the lobby he/she was in several times, that's different. But no, it.. was because... I was juggling... a woman. Really?

I didn't expect expect this from you, man. Seriously, you juggled a woman in a fighting game where juggling is one of the most useful and obvious things to do? And you did that? Awesmic, how did you sink so low? ;-;

Surprised he doesn't have a private profile. Most of those returds have their profile blocked from public.


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There are actually a lot of people who private up their profile for God knows what reason.
And yet I'm the one who should be keeping my profile private... the irony.

Then again, I've yet to really update my NC-17 rated content.


Not exactly an online moment, but weird nonetheless.

My old man left me a message saying he's going to Final Round as a spectator while I was playing DOA online. Not sure how to react to that, what with his condition as of recently... =/
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A few days ago, I go online in ranked and I run into a Kasumi player. So everything seems normal, as the character select screen comes up and I go to pick Eliot. So I wait for the game to load up, and keep in mind that I saw Eliot being chosen on the character screen. When the match actually loads up, the game must have thought I chose Kasumi instead, even though I CLEARLY chose Eliot. But even before the match starts, it disconnects. I don't know what was going on that night, because DOA5U that night was running very shitty.


Well-Known Member
A few days ago, I go online in ranked and I run into a Kasumi player. So everything seems normal, as the character select screen comes up and I go to pick Eliot. So I wait for the game to load up, and keep in mind that I saw Eliot being chosen on the character screen. When the match actually loads up, the game must have thought I chose Kasumi instead, even though I CLEARLY chose Eliot. But even before the match starts, it disconnects. I don't know what was going on that night, because DOA5U that night was running very shitty.

Either some kind of cheating/glitching or this game has the worst netcode of all time. Last night I tried to play online and my character was doing completely random moves. It was a 5 bar connection, controller's perfectly fine too

BTW this was against some Ryu scrub, but there was a Kasumi in the room and I think they were buddies


Well-Known Member
I was experiencing lag in pretty much every fight tonight which isn't normal for me. I go into a new room and still there's lag everywhere. I won one and then lost one and then in the chat box I go

Me: what's my connection? There's been lag everywhere tonight so I think it could be me
Host: please stop raging in my lobby
Me: wat? All I asked was for my connection
Host: stop raging everyone says I lost because lag
Me: I lost because I suck, I just want to know what my connection is
Host: no rage is okay

And after that point the host kept cheering on people to beat me. :/ Then I just had someone come in this lobby that sounded like a little kid on the mic and they yelled some stuff like "YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK!" And left.


Active Member
Either some kind of cheating/glitching or this game has the worst netcode of all time. Last night I tried to play online and my character was doing completely random moves. It was a 5 bar connection, controller's perfectly fine too

BTW this was against some Ryu scrub, but there was a Kasumi in the room and I think they were buddies

The connection detection feature in most games is completely off the mark. Name any game: Dead Or Alive 5, Tekken Tag 2, Resident Evil 6, Mass Effect 3, you name it. I've had 5 bar matches that lagged so bad the game almost went back in time, and I've had 1 bar connections where the game runs smoother than a baby's bottom. I don't trust the connection detection feature in modern video games at all. There's no way of telling how the connection is going to be until you start playing. (Heck, I've even had instances where the game is completely unable to detect the connection status at all and then shows no bars while the match still runs smooth.)

A lot of the time most games give false readings in their connection detection status. Tekken Tag 2 is the worst offender of this as far as I have seen. Though I have seen Resident Evil 6 give plenty of false readings as well.


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DOA5U's online either gives you a smooth match or a complete lag fest there is no in between.


Well-Known Member
I mentioned this in a recent status update but allow me to be more in-depth here. As we all know, Marie Rose has confidently marched her way onto the PSN & XBL stores knowing only too well that most of us are going to drop some shillings just so we can have the smarmy Goth princess feature on our rotating discs. I'm in Australia, so i had to wait an extra day for her to show up, when she did though i rushed into that PSN store faster than a doped up pony. I was in, 12 digit code inputted knowing that little miss innocence would be in my game within a few clicks. Download is over "That was quick" says i, with a gleeful smile on my smug mug, beaming like a proud father cradling his newborn, ignoring the house phone as it rings "Let it ring out, it's probably telemarketing anyways" i ushered, eager to step into the overly large boots of the new maid.

Anyway, i fire up the game. "There she is" i said, nearly spilling my beer from excitement with my spindly finger following through the rows of faces before stopping at the milky-faced cheeky-smile of Miss Rose. I highlight her in versus mode & have a few bouts to cuss out her movelist. After a few duke-outs of seeing what the brat-in-black could do i was more than happy to have her on my character select screen. Hours later though with the Marie Rose excitement down a notch i decided to jump into a lobby.

If you never knew about Marie Rose you soon would, as i skimmed down the ladder of lobby lists i was confronted with these titles:

- Marie Roses Only

- Marie Rose Teahouse

- Loli's Den

- House of Loli's

I entered Loli's den & as expected had four sets of Marie Rose eyes staring at the sunglasses of my Zack face. Now this isn't all exactly word for word but the following chat went something similar like this:

"Um........Zack" replied one of them

Me: Problem champ?

"Marie Rose doesn't want Zack in her den lol"

Me: Oh........well Zack doesn't plan on staying long.

"Good, because this is Loli's den, not Zacks den."


Me: Simmer down tiger, just because Zackery is my avatar doesn't mean i am going to use him here

"Lol, ok can stay for now but we're watching you"

"Yeah, we're watching you! Tee hee" replied another

It was my turn to fight, the criteria of this lobby never fully indicated that i HAD to use Marie Rose, so i didn't & picked my main man Zack instead. Before the fight starts i am sent immediately back to the lobby screen

"Wow, no Zack! This is Loli's den!"

*You have been kicked*

In an attempt to shield myself from all the Marie Rose hype in the rooms i decided to create my own lobby instead, called: Zack's Crib

*waits in lobby*

* Marie Rose player joins*

"Hi i use Marie Rose, want to play?"



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I love joing MR only lobbies, proceeding to mutilate someone with Hayabusa, and then getting kicked.

So troll. Much win.

Especially since they're full of noobs, so I can just spam Izuna throws, holds and Shohos all day (my favorite pasttime). Also, if they're supernoobs and can't operate lobby functions, I get to stay in as long as I keep winning, or until I piss everyone off enough to make them all leave or return to lobby. So that's always good fun.

I'm good at inciting lobby-wide evacuations. Very good.


Well-Known Member
I love joing MR only lobbies, proceeding to mutilate someone with Hayabusa, and then getting kicked.

So troll. Much win.

Especially since they're full of noobs, so I can just spam Izuna throws, holds and Shohos all day (my favorite pasttime). Also, if they're supernoobs and can't operate lobby functions, I get to stay in as long as I keep winning, or until I piss everyone off enough to make them all leave or return to lobby. So that's always good fun.

I'm good at inciting lobby-wide evacuations. Very good.
Haha i would join your lobby just to spectate the massacre of many fallen maids as they drop like sprayed flies at the leather-clad plimsolls of Busa. Brute, you & I need to invade some lobbies.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Haha i would join your lobby just to spectate the massacre of many fallen maids as they drop like sprayed flies at the leather-clad plimsolls of Busa. Brute, you & I need to invade some lobbies.
We totally do.

Speaking of, I'm actually working on Hayabusa v Rose Compilation video, but I need some more matches first. So if any of you have a specific loli you'd like to see murdered on PSN, just point me in the right direction.