Wall of Shame


Well-Known Member
does everyone love using that word "try hard"? It annoying lol. It like they only call you that when they can't beat you. In other words, it another way of someone just saying you are cheap or whatever lol.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't know about you guys, but in general, I cannot be proud of any hate-mail I recieve. Like yesterday:

View attachment 4057

What in the hell? The guy seemed like a walking contradiction. He starts off by calling you a try hard then says gg then goes to insult you again. What a retard. So many terrible sports out there. I never understood why people think of ranks so much. Rank doesn't mean much since I've seen plenty of Rank F's beat rank U's.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if i should envy you or not? Receiving your first hate-mail is like receiving a trophy. The last trophy of DOA which could be "you are now recognized as a too good player to be acceptable by the I'm-the-best-of-the-world community".
This is a step that shows you have improved your game.

But too much of them is a waste of time. If i find rude or rough people i just leave or kick them or put them in my ignore list. I do like tease or to be teased when i know it's friendly but when it's hate or anger, i end the discussion.

By the way great thread. It teaches how to stay humble.

I never understood why people would be happy to get hatemail.

"I was just accused of being an asshole! Yay!"


like you said, teasing or just straight hatred is something else, but actually being proud that you just got hatemail? What?

does everyone love using that word "try hard"? It annoying lol. It like they only call you that when they can't beat you. In other words, it another way of someone just saying you are cheap or whatever lol.

No, it means you (speaking generally here) are Trying too Hard for what is supposed to be just a game. Like the people who just spend all day studying frame data to try to minmax their juggles, etc. And then apply that to casual matches online (the hell?)

Not saying for or against here, just saying what it means.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
No, it means you (speaking generally here) are Trying too Hard for what is supposed to be just a game. Like the people who just spend all day studying frame data to try to minmax their juggles, etc. And then apply that to casual matches online (the hell?)

Not saying for or against here, just saying what it means.

I can tell you, I do not know any frame data of any fighter in the game. I'm only free for playing DOA5 about one or two hours a day, sometimes I can only play on weekends. If that's not supposed to be called casual, I don't know. I know, you've just explained the term, so I'm just saying this.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you, I do not know any frame data of any fighter in the game. I'm only free for playing DOA5 about one or two hours a day, sometimes I can only play on weekends. If that's not supposed to be called casual, I don't know. I know, you've just explained the term, so I'm just saying this.

same. Though while i've never been called a try hard, I have been called "Cheap" for overpowering the opponent a lot (Hitting them out of their attacks).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I study frame data because 1) I find it interesting and 2) It is instrumental to offline tournaments, which I do like to attend when I can.

I try to apply that knowledge to online casual matches because that is the type of play I find most fun and relaxing. Nothing is more infuriating than being beaten by some shit you don't understand (ie: try to punish an unsafe move and get hit out of it). When you understand frames, and they're working properly, things become more engaging. However, that can only happen on occasion during online play, because of lag/whatever.

That said, I do still try to play "honest" online. I don't mash out of disadvantage, as the game is more about yomi (mind games) than execution (to me). I like to trick my opponent by testing their knowledge of frame data. If I know things they do not, of course I'll abuse those things until they learn to fight against it.

The "try-hard" insult is hilarious because I have never been called a try-hard by an opponent that I actually try hard to defeat. It is always used by unimpressive idiots who try to justify their loss by implying "I have a life, and that means I'm too cool to learn this game as well as you have. So really, you're the loser here." And what kind of fucked-up logic is that? Really? Putting aside the ever-prominent subjectivity argument and how pitifully sad their evaluation of what a life may be to another, maybe the "try-hards" do live a life that the accuser would consider as fruitful as their own, and that they just also happen to be good/decent at the game? Obviously the fact they they play the game can't mean they have no life, as the accuser plays it also. Maybe they aren't trying hard at all? Maybe you can study the game and have a life!

When I get called a "try-hard," I have (ironically) never tried hard at all. I can abuse one or two set-ups, spam Izuna loops, etc. and that's not hard. That's as easy as it gets. I don't even have to study frames or "try-hard" to win flawlessly with an opponent of such low skill. It just comes naturally.

So if you're one of those butt-munches who is part of or defends the "try-hard" brigade, just know that when you call your opponent a try-hard, you are both 1) wrong, & 2) giving your opponent the ultimate satisfaction of laughing their ass off by virtue of the fact that they made you salty without even trying at-all.



Well-Known Member
I can tell you, I do not know any frame data of any fighter in the game. I'm only free for playing DOA5 about one or two hours a day, sometimes I can only play on weekends. If that's not supposed to be called casual, I don't know. I know, you've just explained the term, so I'm just saying this.

Same here. i just play for the fun and not to be insulted by hatemail.strangely enough i did not receive any love mail.should i return to play mylittleponey?


Well-Known Member
Recently I receive hate mails from people that beat me repeteadly losing just 1 or 2 matches, and again seem to complain about my way to play (not use of combos, taking distance with Ayane, ecc...). Yesterday someone said me that my way of play is shit because it's hard to fight against me: what kind of critique is this one? Would be like to ask to remain still because so it's more easy to win the match.

Sometimes I try to end the arguing sincerely admitting that if they won more often than me evidently they are better players or know better how to use their characters - and so what is the reason to be angry? - but sometimes this doesn't calm but make just the opposite effect raging them even more (when actually the person to be jittery should be me having lost more times in a row XD).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
That guy "PhilJayFalcon" seems to be angry permanently. One day, he joined my lobby and after losing one match, he started insulting the guy who had beaten him. Once I asked him to stay friendly to everyone, he instantly wrote "FU" to me and left the lobby.

Man ... it's just a game.
No, it isn't.

It's a lions' den full of scrubs and spectators who get their kicks by picking on any decent player who loses so they can feel better about themselves. Remove them from the equation, then it becomes a game. The irony is that you'll remove 75% of the online players.


Well-Known Member
You really think that had something do with spectators? I mean i joined his lobby yesterday he was alone, i won 3 to 0 he goes back to lobby and kicked me. Some people have just a really bad attitude and cant accept to lose.


Active Member
Standard Donor
Because when you lose, it's either lag, the person is using a lag switch, you would have won if your controller wasn't broken, your pet/sibling was fucking with you, the winner is a scrub and needs to learn how to play the game (dafuq?), spam, character is broken, the winner has no life, or the winner sucks. Anything other than you did not play hard enough or get enough practice.

My favorite is that because the other person won against you it means their are a scrub by default and they need to learn to play the game, projection FTW.


Well-Known Member
The speech any true fighting game enthusiast understands.

You sir never cease to amaze me. I agree with you completely because any fighting game can be played by just pressing buttons. I find that to be boring so I put time into looking into the mechanics of every fighting game I play a bit so I understand how they work and find much entertainment in that. Also the term casual should not be used as a derogatory term ever to those of you that use it that way and anybody that uses it as such is just as much a scrub as those who use the term "Try-hard." It is extremely pathetic to look down on somebody because they put more effort into doing something than you.
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FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Joined a full lobby last night. Everybody had mics except for myself. Watched matches go, one player in particular was doing better than the rest, hesitate to say that because all he did when hit was mash high hold and was the only person holding. I get up to fight him, pick Bass, and he starts talking about how he's got this, gonna wipe the floors clean with "this scrub" and show me what's up. Two Greats later and a damn near Greatest he is telling everybody that I got lucky despite the fact all I had to do to beat him was smack him once and F5 the crap out of him (no pickups needed).
He starts telling people to pick fast characters, Bass can't deal with them. Starts telling people how to fight Bass as Kasumi and Ayane (he and most of the rest were core fighters except he had bought La Mariposa) except I use my own twist on how Mr. Wah plays Bass so everything the guy points out I quickly shut down. Once I get to around 10 wins people start clearing out and eventually it's just me and that guy until he just flat out gives up and leaves because "Bass is just to scary to play against."

Something similar happened in a second lobby except around 15 wins I got kicked when only two people were left because nobody was able to cope with a Bass player that actually somewhat knows how to use him.

I take personal victories in being kicked, tells me that I know what I'm doing (for the most part). Them accidental 236Ts are fun to experience when you never use the throw and are in a panic trying to remember the appropriate followup.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Been meeting a RobSlide on PSN very frequently in Ranked Tag. He uses Ryu and Hayate/Kasumi teams constantly. His entire strategy is a couple strikes and throw. Couple strikes throw. Occasional combo (very rarely). Couple strikes throw. Couple strikes and when-not-Hayabusa-neutral-throw. Oh, and he always completes Hayabusa's 1P2K, ALWAYS (hinthint). If he senses he is starting to lose (or comes to his senses that he IS losing) he Ongyoin camps into 6P+K or Backflips into either Kasumi's 9K or I-don't-know-about-his-Hayate-he-never-lasts-that-long whenever you approach.

I've won fifteen or so encounters we have had and every time he loses he complains about how I keep away from him and always run away. 13 of said matches I have used a rushdown Ein/Bass (yes, rushdown Ein. I'm that confident about fighting this guy) and the other two I have used a rushdown Bass/Leon (first two I played against him with). I have only lost to him once and he was so happy I had to point out to him that I don't have easy mode avoidance like ninjas after he was so kind to rub his single victory in my face.