The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Number 13

Well-Known Member
Yet again the harsh critiques are happening before we even see a gameplay trailer let alone a full portrait of the damn character. Stop jumping the gun with everything and maybe things wouldn't look so bleak. Positive energy.


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Standard Donor
We only got 3 though, why does gender matter so much all of a sudden? Just like the character if they appeal to you or something

gender matters greatly for someone like me. its illogical, but the mere fact Leo was confirmed as a girl for instance greatly put me off of the character. im just 90% more likely to use guys and so far i havent found anyone i like from these new characters


Well-Known Member
gender matters greatly for someone like me. its illogical, but the mere fact Leo was confirmed as a girl for instance greatly put me off of the character. im just 90% more likely to use guys and so far i havent found anyone i like from these new characters

Leo's weird because any female can slap anna back when she does her slaps and leo can't and also any male heihachi headbutts can headbutt him back and leo can do that, the odd thing with the slaps is that even panda can slap anna so i'm really confused about leo still


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Standard Donor
you can never be disappointed with something good happening
Yes, you can.


Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
gender matters greatly for someone like me. its illogical, but the mere fact Leo was confirmed as a girl for instance greatly put me off of the character. im just 90% more likely to use guys and so far i havent found anyone i like from these new characters

I find it ridiculous to not like a character for their gender, but I guess preference is preference.

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
The new characters so far...

• Jailbait
• Clonesumi
• Transgu

TN needs to release 2 guys as compensation.

Just like a fuckload of swimsuits and replicated fetish outfits, it is honestly tiring to see.

The game only has 4 more girls then guys though, gonna be annoyed by other fgs for having many more men?
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